Rise From the Humble

Chapter 400: send umbrella

Chapter 400 Send Umbrella

  It was drizzling in the early morning, and as soon as Zhu Pingan opened the door, he saw the raindrops were densely woven diagonally and gently falling down.

  A bunch of unknown wildflowers in the yard were tossed by children. I don’t know when it has quietly bloomed, and the branches are full of flowers. Small red and blue flowers bloom under the roots of the trees, like a cloud of rosy clouds surrounding the roots.

   "Uncle, go out after breakfast."

  The little maid of Baozi came to Zhu Ping\'an\'s small courtyard early with an oil-paper umbrella, carrying a food box, and a paper umbrella.

  Breakfast was as good as ever. After eating, the little maid of Baozi stuffed an extra paper umbrella into Zhu Pingan\'s hand before she was willing to leave with the food box.

  Zhu Ping\'an went out with an oiled paper umbrella, but didn\'t open it. The light rain was as fine as ox hair, so it didn\'t wet the clothes, so there was no need to open an umbrella. Zhu Pingan just took off his clothes and sleeves, and went out leisurely to the Imperial College. Today is the day when Zhu Ping\'an and his new officials will perform the dish release ceremony. The venue for the release ceremony is the Imperial College and the Confucian Temple.

  Explanation of dishes, this is the last procedure for the upstarts of imperial examinations to enter the officialdom.

  After the cooking ceremony, Zhu Ping\'an and the others can change into the official uniforms prepared by the Ministry of Officials. From then on, they officially leave the status of civilians, formally enter the officialdom, and become officials. From then on, they can enjoy the state\'s salary and the nourishment of power.

   Zhu Pingan met Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen when he was about to arrive at the Imperial College, and the three entered the Imperial College together.

  Guozijian at this time is the highest institution of learning in Ming Dynasty, and also the most advanced institution of higher education in the whole world. It is not one of them, and its influence is much greater than that of Harvard and West Point in modern times. In countries such as the Western Regions, the Korean Peninsula, and Southeast Asia, if someone can study in the Daming Imperial College, he can immediately become a high-ranking official when he returns home.

   Guozijian is located in Dongcheng District, Beijing. The street in front of Guozijian is called Guozijian Street. Next door to Guozijian is the Confucian Temple.

   This is Zhu Pingan\'s first visit to Guozijian.

  Not far from the Guozijian, there is a Dismounting Monument. All people, no matter what kind of official positions they take, must dismount here.

  There are two tall archways in front of Jixian Gate, which are exquisite and majestic. The main decoration is yellow colored glaze, which is very luxurious in Daming. The front of the archway is engraved with the words "Wuqiao Jiaoze", and the back is engraved with the words "Xuehai Festival View". The first word means that there are many teachers in the Guozijian, and the second word means that there are more people listening to the classes in the Guozijian. The inscription on the archway is the same as that of later generations. It can be seen that the inscription on the archway of the Guozijian in the Qing Dynasty was copied from the Ming Dynasty. According to history, it was written by Emperor Qianlong himself. Now it seems that the Qing Dynasty revised the history books and erased many things from the Ming Dynasty.

  The Guozijian is dominated by red tones. As soon as Zhu Pingan, Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen entered the Guozijian, the architectural style of the red bricks and red tiles of the Guozijian rushed to the face.

  After entering the Guozijian, many people came to greet Zhu Ping\'an and the others in the same year, and Zhu Ping\'an also returned the salute one by one. When Zhu Ping\'an and the others greeted each other together, many of the students studying in the Imperial College were far away, watching with envious eyes.

  The supervisors all knew that today the newly promoted Jinshi would come to hold the dish release ceremony, so they took up their seats early and watched from a distance, watching with envy and hatred.

   After Zhu Ping\'an and the others came for a while, Ouyang Zishi walked in surrounded by a group of newly promoted Jinshi. If there are people in the court who are good officials, this is most vividly reflected in Ouyang Zishi. Zhu Pingan and the others have been here for a long time and haven\'t seen the leaders of the Imperial College, and the leaders of the Imperial College have not shown up. Here, Ouyang Zishi just entered the Imperial College for a few minutes, and the Imperial College\'s Jijiu, Si Ye, Jiancheng, and several Xuezhengs appeared .

  The former Guozijian sacrificial wine was Xu Jie. After Xu Jie was promoted to Minister of Rites, the current Guozijian Jijiu went through Yan Song\'s back door, so he was able to serve as Guozijian Jijiu. Therefore, Guozijian Jijiu was very enthusiastic about Yan Song\'s nephew.

  In this vegetable release ceremony, the number one scholar Zhu Ping\'an should be the protagonist of course, but this time the vegetable release ceremony, Ouyang Zishi became the protagonist.

  Although Zhu Pingan stood in front of everyone every time, the protagonist was Ouyang Zishi who was taken care of by the Imperial Academy, and Ouyang Zishi also showed his sense of superiority in front of Zhu Pingan from time to time.

   On the way to Confucius Temple, the drizzle in the sky gradually became larger.

   Several officials from the Imperial College led the way, and the rest of the newly promoted Jinshi followed. The Jijiu of the Guozijian and the Cheng of the Siyejian walked behind, talking with Ouyang Zishi and others, taking care of Ouyang Zishi a lot.

  Zhu Ping\'an, Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen walked together. They haven\'t arrived at the Confucian Temple yet, so there is no need to sort them out.

   "Is the rain a bit heavy?" Ouyang Zishi said as he walked, and then looked at the umbrella under the armpit of Zhu Pingan who was walking in front intentionally or unintentionally.

Ouyang Zishi\'s eyes, Guozijian Jijiu all saw it in his eyes, Ouyang Zishi was Yan Ge\'s nephew, and Guozijian Jijiu also heard that Yan Ge wanted to marry his daughter to Ouyang Zishi, now he treats Ouyang Zishi To show goodwill, that is, to show goodwill to Elder Yan Ge, whether you can raise your grade in the future depends on Elder Yan Ge\'s attitude.

   "Ahem, is that safe?" Guozijian asked Zhu Ping\'an when he went to offer wine.

   "I have seen the sacrificial wine, and the student is Zhu Pingan." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands.

   "Well, okay, you don\'t need that umbrella?" Guozijian Jijiu asked again, "Ouyang Zishi is unwell and can\'t stand the rain."

  Zhu Pingan smiled when he heard Guozijian offering wine, and then sent the umbrella in his arms to Guozijian offering wine with both hands.

  It rains so much that you can\'t even wet your clothes, can\'t you bear it? Unwell? I see your complexion is very ruddy! Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen who were beside Zhu Ping\'an were unwilling, and they all looked at Ouyang Zishi behind him with strange eyes, faintly complaining for Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Ahem, how embarrassing is this, isn\'t that Zihou going to rain?" Ouyang Zishi took the umbrella from Guozijian Jijiu very artificially, looked at Zhu Pingan and said deliberately refusing.

  As if Zhu Pingan didn\'t nod his head, he wouldn\'t continue.

  Then, Guozijian Jijiu turned his gaze to Zhu Pingan, with a hint of pressure.

   "This little rain is fine with me, I will give you the umbrella." Zhu Pingan comforted Ouyang Zi Shidao very readily.

  Hearing this, Guozijian Jijiu stroked his beard in satisfaction, and Ouyang Zishi took the umbrella halfway, opened it and held it on his head, looking proud.

  Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen didn\'t understand why Zhu Pingan gave the umbrella to Ouyang Zishi so readily, but when Zhu Pingan said a word, they laughed.

  Because what Zhu Ping\'an said is: "If he doesn\'t lift it, it will be sunny."

  (end of this chapter)