Rise From the Humble

Chapter 398: world hero

Chapter 398 Heroes of the World

  There is no impenetrable wall in the world. When Zhu Ping\'an led the big and small beauties and bear children shopping, the mystery of Shen Lian\'s fate was also solved by many interested people.

   "I heard that before this person wrote the letter, he bought a coffin and put it at home."

  Because of this sentence, Shen Lian\'s fate changed from death to exile. Zhu Pingan who said this sentence also left a deep impression on many people.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an\'s merciless comment that Shen Lian\'s letter was ostentatious was also found out by interested people.

  For a while, Zhu Ping\'an\'s position made many people confused.

Some people in Qingliu and Yandang appreciate it, but there are also people in Qingliu and Yandang who despise it; some people in Qingliu classify Zhu Pingan as a strict party, and secretly cast aside; some people in Yandang also classify Zhu Pingan as Qingliu In the middle, want to get rid of it and then quickly.

This can be clearly seen at the banquet in the Yan Mansion. After everyone knew about the conversation between Zhu Ping\'an and Jiajing Xiyuan, some people were quite satisfied with Zhu Ping\'an\'s merciless criticism of Shen Lian\'s letter for being superficial. It is also worth wooing, he is the youngest champion of Ming Dynasty, and his future is limitless;

  However, more voices at the banquet in the Yan Mansion believed that Zhu Pingan was a thief. The previous words were just for the last sentence. The minister heard that this person bought a coffin as a bedding before he wrote the letter, so he advocated teaching Zhu Pingan a lesson.

"This boy is as simple as a pig, and his mind is like a monster. He is not a kind person. I\'m sure his actions today are to save that lunatic Shen. This boy will become a serious disaster in the future, so don\'t stay." Luo Longwen looked at the banquet. Those who felt that Zhu Pingan was aware of current affairs sneered and said with certainty.

"Hehe, it\'s still possible if you say that he happened to save Madman Shen. As for saying that his mind is like a demon, and that he will become a serious problem in the future, it\'s too much to think highly of him. So what about the champion? It\'s been thousands of years, every three years. There are so many champions, so what can they do? All of them are worthless for their appearances, and if they do well in bureaucratic articles, how many real talents do they have? Write a poem or make a painting. several?"

Yan Maoqing, who was next to Luo Longwen, shook his head with a disdainful smile. On the one hand, he felt that Luo Longwen was making a big fuss, but he didn\'t realize how much Zhu Pingan, a kid who didn\'t even understand the world, could achieve much; He is Zhu Ping\'an\'s teacher. Although he dislikes Zhu Ping\'an in various ways, when Luo Longwen said that he could not stay, he subconsciously wanted to defend him. If a student is disobedient, just beat him up and scold him, don\'t leave him alone!

   "Jing Qing, don\'t underestimate this kid. How can a person who can change His Majesty\'s mind with a single sentence be so good-looking." Yan Song closed his eyes and enjoyed the massage of the maid behind him, and said lightly.

   "The elder Ge is right, Maoqing underestimated the heroes of the world." Yan Song spoke, but Yan Maoqing dared not take it seriously.

   "Hero? He is not considered a talent, he is barely a talent. If you want me to say that there are only three heroes in the world today, there are only three of them."

  Yan Shifan leaned back on the chair with his stomach full, and while picking his teeth in satisfaction, he spat out a fishbone calmly, then stretched out his fat, oily hand and pointed out three fingers, and confidently elongated his voice.

   "Oh..." Everyone\'s interest was attracted by Yan Shifan\'s words.

"The so-called hero, Yang Bo, the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, is the first one." Yan Shifan moved his buttocks on the chair, changed to a more comfortable belly posture, and pointed out a finger and said: "Yang Bo, the censor, has the talent of never forgetting. He is as brave as iron and steel. He can walk in the courtyard when floods are raging. He allows Wen and Wu, Wen can stabilize the country, and Wu can set the country. This man is not a hero. Who would dare say?"

   Speaking of Yang Bo, everyone present nodded their heads, and they knew Yang Bo well. Yang Bo\'s performance in the imperial examination was not good back then, and he got the top three in the imperial examination. He was directly assigned to a small remote place called Aofei as a small county magistrate. He was almost judged as a political insulator. It will be the best to become a five-rank Tongzhi in a place. However, it was such a person who was judged as a political insulator who made everyone understand what a carp jumping over the dragon\'s gate is. He showed his extraordinary ability when he arrived at Aofei. He not only managed Aofei in an orderly manner, but also demonstrated his His talent against the heavens in martial arts was quickly appreciated by his superiors. All the way, he jumped twice and triple, and soon he was promoted to Youqian Capital Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   "The commander of Jinyiwei, Lu Bing, is the second who can be called a hero in this world." Yan Shifan immediately extended his second finger.

  No one has any objection to Yan Shifan counting Lu Bing as the second person. After all, Lu Bing has been the commander of Jinyiwei for more than ten years. There are people above, who grew up on the same type of milk as Emperor Jiajing; there are not many people who have the courage to rush into the fire to rescue him; there are no ones who are capable, but Lu Bing has no connections, and he is a real champion in martial arts; Unfathomable. With so many factors concentrated in one person, it would be strange not to be a hero.

  Speaking of the second person, Yan Shifan paused, stretched out his fat hand to pick up the flagon pot and poured three gulps into his mouth, then hiccupped.

   "Where is the third person? It should be our old man." Someone flattered Yan Song.

Yan Shifan shook his head, and apologized to his father Yan Song, "If my father is ten years younger, no, even five years younger, this hero can only be regarded as my father, and everyone else has to stand aside .But heroes have to accept old age, my father is old after all."

   "The third person?"

  People present put forward candidates in a hurry, but Yan Shifan all shook their heads with a smile.

   It was not until the end that Yan Shifan solved the answer.

   "The third person is me, Yan Shifan!" Yan Shifan confidently pointed at himself.

  Yan Shifan\'s self-confidence is not arrogance, but self-knowledge, and everyone is convinced. Although Yan Shifan didn\'t look very good, he was fat and blind, but he was an extremely smart person. Yan Song\'s ability to be the chief assistant of the cabinet is due to Yan Shifan\'s contribution. People here often call Yan Shifan the elder of Xiaoge, not because of Yan Song\'s face, but because they really believe in Yan Shifan. Many times, when people are at a loss for the code words or orders sent by Emperor Jiajing, all they have to do is ask Yan Shifan, and he can give 100% correct answers.

After everyone\'s hot discussion about the heroes of the world, the treatment of Zhu Ping\'an is over. Anyway, if Zhu Ping\'an can say that Shen Lian\'s letter is fake, he will not be cruel, and he can give it a chance .

  Young people inevitably have edges and corners, just play smart and just spank your ass.

  (end of this chapter)