Rise From the Humble

Chapter 234: Opera Shu

Chapter 234 Xi Shu


  A steed neighing accompanied by crisp hoofbeats entered my ears.

Zhu Pingan looked up and saw a heroic young girl riding a horse, rolling across the grass like a gust of wind, precisely controlling the steed to circle around Zhu Ping\'an and Shamat\'s black horse, and then pulling the rein with her slender hands, the steed Raising the horseshoe, it stopped in front of Zhu Ping\'an.

   Roaring steeds stand opposite the bridle, ready to gallop.

   "Giggle. Zhu Ping\'an, are you going to ride a horse?"

  The girl\'s big eyes are smiling, charming and seductive, watery and seductive, turning cleverly, her small lips are slightly raised, and her red lips are slightly parted and tender.

The two strands of hair around the fragrant cheeks are blowing in the wind to add a bit of seductive style. The slim long skirt worn for the convenience of riding a horse looks like a willow waist, and a purple cloak with white plush is draped over it. Layers of red winter plums are embroidered, and the skin is even fairer, so flawless.

  This stinky girl really has a jealous face for nothing, and she is still as uncute as ever!

   "Thank you." Zhu Pingan glanced at the black-bellied girl, and replied faintly with the corners of his lips curled up.


  The black-bellied girl Li Shu pursed her mouth in surprise, her brain couldn\'t keep up with the rhythm, she laughed at him like a stupid toad, why did he thank you? The brain is riding a horse and stupid.

   "Toad, the scientific name is toad. It is said that there are toads and osmanthus trees on the moon. You say that I look like a toad. Don\'t you just want me to win the toad palace and get the imperial examination?"

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at the black-bellied girl, smiled, and said with a curled lip.

   "Nonsense, who wants you to win the toad palace." The black-bellied girl Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, and puffed out her mouth to refute.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes seemed to be looking at a brazen kid, with a smile on his lips. After Li Shu finished speaking, Zhu Ping\'an seemed to suddenly think of something again. Looking at the black-bellied girl, he said in surprise:

"Oh, I remembered, it seems that a certain girl has been ashamed to marry the champion since she was a child, and you always say that I am like a toad, urging me to win the champion in the toad palace, you don\'t want to be my little daughter-in-law "

   "Bah, Deng Tuzi, who wants to be your little daughter-in-law, shameless, the toad still wants to eat swan meat."

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, the black-bellied girl roared in shame and annoyance, and angrily flicked the whip at Zhu Ping\'an, but the aim was really bad enough, and she missed it by a long way.

  Seeing the appearance of the black-bellied girl jumping, Zhu Pingan raised the corners of his lips and asked the black-bellied girl:

   "Have you ever heard a sentence?"

  The black-bellied girl clenched her fists and shouted at Zhu Pingan: "I haven\'t heard of it, and I don\'t want to hear it from you, a disciple!"

   But it\'s obviously not that you don\'t want to hear it, so Zhu Pingan didn\'t say it.

   "There is a saying that a soldier who doesn\'t want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a toad who doesn\'t want to eat swan meat is not an excellent toad." Zhu Pingan looked at the black-bellied girl and smiled slightly.

  Soldiers who don’t want to be generals are not good soldiers. Why does it sound so domineering? Also, what does this villain mean when he said that a toad that doesn\'t want to eat swan meat is not an excellent toad? If he wants to eat swan meat, doesn\'t that mean he wants to marry me?

"you dare?!"

   Li Shujue\'s face was hot, and he waved his whip at Zhu Ping\'an, pouted.

   "I dare." Zhu Pingan looked at the black-bellied girl and smiled.

  Li Shu\'s eyes widened, and her small mouth opened into an O shape.

   Then I heard Zhu Pingan smile again, and then said, "But I don\'t want to, you are not my cup of tea."

  I dare, but I don\'t want to.

  This sentence is like a butterfly flapping its wings in the Pacific Ocean, causing an earth-shattering tsunami in an instant.

   "Go to hell, stupid toad, toad, stinky toad!"

Li Shu, a black-bellied girl, seemed to have been greatly insulted. She waved her whip at the dark horse of Shamat, who was standing under Zhu Pingan with her horse\'s face stretched out to watch the excitement, and then the black horse of Shamat let out a long hiss. , and started running wildly as soon as he raised his hoof.

  The dark horse of Shamate lay on the gun for nothing, feeling very depressed, not to mention the two-hoofed female creature behind him was still waving a whip to chase, so the black horse of Shamate ran fast and irregularly.



Zhu Pingan, who was sitting on the back of Sha Matt\'s black horse, felt that he might roll off the horse at any time, especially when the black-bellied girl behind him chased the horse and made Sha Matt\'s black horse run wild. Pingan was even more nervous, holding the iron ring on the saddle tightly with both hands, both hands were sweating.

   "Toad Zhu Ping\'an, why didn\'t you say anything?"

The black-bellied girl looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s embarrassing appearance on the horse\'s back, and couldn\'t help but sneered at the corner of her mouth. She deliberately made a sharp turn to stop Zhu Ping\'an\'s horse, held the rein with one hand, and waved crisply in the air. riding whip.

  The Shamat dark horse turned sharply in fright, and Zhu Pingan on the horse\'s back was also retched. If he didn\'t want to make a fool of himself in front of the black-bellied girl, he must have vomited it out.

  However, this retching was also heard by the black-bellied girl, and Li Shu\'s ridicule became even more cheerful.

   Just like that, the black-bellied girl waved her whip frequently, then giggled as she watched Zhu Pingan bumping on the horse\'s back in embarrassment.

   "Miss, wait for me." Baozi\'s little maid ran up from the hillside panting and hugging the cushion. My lady rode over from home too fast, and she didn\'t catch up.

   Then, he stared dumbfounded at his young lady abusing the toad.

After about ten minutes, Zhu Pingan gradually got used to the swaying and jolting of the horse, and gradually maintained a balance with the movement of Sha Matt\'s black horse. His thighs and knee joints naturally relaxed against the saddle, and his feet stepped on the stirrups. , also slowly imitating the action of a black-bellied girl riding a horse, holding the rein with both hands, clamping the horse with force on her calf knees and inner thighs, leaning forward, undulating with the horse\'s running rhythm.

   Then, I felt more and more smooth and natural.

  The black-bellied girl rode the horse and laughed at Zhu Pingan\'s toad-like riding style from time to time, and then sneered and sneered, feeling something was wrong, uh, how did this bad guy master the essentials of riding a horse so quickly, I thought he could still laugh at it.

   Gradually, Zhu Ping\'an was able to grasp the direction and speed of Sha Matt\'s black horse running immediately.

It didn\'t take long for the hillside to become a field for two horses to compete, one in front and one behind, left and right, chasing each other, accompanied by the sound of bickering between the two from time to time, like lingering butterflies .

   "Miss, come on."

   "Ah, surpassed him, miss is so amazing."

   There is also a cheerleading **** the hillside, waving her fists, as if she is also on a horse.

The dark horse that kills Matt is far inferior to the red horse ridden by a black-bellied girl, but because the speed of the horse is difficult to maximize on the hillside, the two of them chasing horses can be regarded as going back and forth. It is worse than Zhu Ping\'an, but since Zhu Ping\'an just learned how to ride a horse, the difference is nothing.

  For a moment, the two galloping horses were like golden boys and jade girls.

  (end of this chapter)