Rise From the Humble

Chapter 224: Tsundere Li Shu

Chapter 224 Tsundere Li Shu

  The girl in front of her was as lazy as a demon, with black hair entwined between her snow-white fingers, and a pair of watery eyes rolled her eyes hard.

   What an arrogant and rude brat!

  Zhu Ping\'an was defamed.

   "Hey, Zhu Pingan, are you a log?"

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s silence made the girl frowned in dissatisfaction, and let out a coquettish moan, her rosy lips were very attractive.

   "Then are you a sparrow, so bluffing." Zhu Pingan glanced at the lazy girl, and replied lightly.

"You are the flat-haired sparrow!" The black-bellied girl who was lying lazily, like a Persian cat whose tail was stepped on, exploded all of a sudden, stood up and rushed to Zhu Pingan, and glared at Zhu Pingan vigorously. With a glance at Ping An, he pursed his lips.

too close

  Zhu Ping\'an could clearly see the fluff on the petite and flawless face of the dark-bellied girl, smell the orchid fragrance on the girl\'s body, and hear her teeth clucking under her ruddy lips...

   Then, Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand...


Zhu Ping\'an\'s sudden action startled the aggressive black-bellied girl, she couldn\'t help but took a few steps back, and glared at Zhu Ping\'an for a few times. It stopped abruptly.

Because in her eyes, the corner of Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth curled up with a slight smile, and he naturally reached into his schoolbag on his shoulders, and took out a thick book from the schoolbag, which was rice paper sewn with needles and threads. On the top page is also written "The Story of Yitian Tulu".

  The delicate face of the dark-bellied girl flushed slightly, but she waved her slender hand arrogantly, and ordered Hua\'er, the little girl with a bun face, to take over the thick book that Zhu Pingan took out.

   Except for the black-bellied girl. Other people in the study, including the old lady and several maids, all looked at Zhu Ping\'an with admiration and admiration, in their minds. Juren is an official, a master. It is the existence they look up to.

  After the black-bellied girl got "The Story of Yitian Tuxun", it was rare for her to read a book quietly while eating fruit.

Zhu Pingan walked to the bookshelf in the study on his own, and flipped through the books he needed. He didn\'t see him for a while. The collection of books in Mr. Li\'s house was nearly double that of the last time. The bookshelf increased by three rows, and most of the books were imperial examinations. Zhu Ping\'an can find the books he needs from time to time when flipping through the books.

   "I\'m going to change clothes, don\'t follow me."

  The dark-bellied girl read the book for a while. He got up and went to the door, waved away Baozi, the little maid, Hua\'er and other maids who were going to follow, and left the study by himself.

  Zhu Ping\'an was flipping through the books behind the bookshelf, while carefully selecting the books to be borrowed this time, and the time passed unknowingly. After choosing the three books, when Zhu Pingan walked out from the bookshelf, he happened to face to face with the black-bellied girl who had returned to the study from the outside.

   "You?" Zhu Pingan was slightly taken aback when he saw the dark-bellied girl.

  The black-bellied girl\'s jet-black hair was **** with a lavender ribbon, and a few strands of hair fell mischievously down her shoulders. Make the fragile skin more white. There is no makeup applied to the face, but it is fresh and moving.

  But I always feel that there is something weird about a black-bellied girl?

  Zhu Pingan took another look, only to realize that there was something strange, there seemed to be a black spot on the tip of the black-bellied girl\'s nose. I don\'t know if I accidentally dropped the eyebrow pencil on the tip of my nose when I was putting on makeup.

   "What are you?"

  The black-bellied girl seemed to have noticed something in Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes. With a wave of her slender hand, she accurately wiped off the black spot on the tip of her nose, and instantly became white and flawless. With the slender hands between the sleeves, he rubbed the handkerchief left and right twice.

   This action happened very quickly, seeing the lady come back. Pidianpidian came to serve Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, and the others didn\'t find anything wrong with their young lady.

  Zhu Ping\'an came to the desk and registered the names of the books he borrowed in the book. Then put the books in the schoolbag, prepare to leave home, and find a secluded place to sit and read. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people coming to visit at home. I don’t know when the welcome will come. The exam is coming soon. The people who gather in the capital are all talents from all over the country. They are all talented people. To compete with these talented people, you have to prepare well .

   "Hua\'er, you go to the back kitchen to get some, we don\'t understand etiquette."

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an put the borrowed books into his schoolbag, he heard the casual voice of a black-bellied girl, and there was a sense of yin and yang in the words.

   This girl took the wrong medicine? Zhu Ping raised his head and looked at the dark-bellied girl.

   "Don\'t think too much about what you\'re looking at, just take it as your reward." The black-bellied girl said, waving the "Yitian Tulu Ji" in her hand.

Soon, Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, came with a food box, opened the food box and took out three stacks of snacks. The maid and the old lady were snacks, and the rest of the dish was given to Zhu Ping\'an.

The snacks brought to Zhu Ping\'an by the bun girl were a stack of sweet and sour pork ribs and a cup of clear tea. The sweet and sour pork ribs were delicious in color and flavor. You can eat and drink here, and it should be good to eat while watching.

   "Thank you very much." Zhu Pingan slightly arched his hands to the black-bellied girl.

   "It\'s good to know."

  The black-bellied girl grumbled arrogantly, glanced at Zhu Pingan casually, then lowered her head and stuck a piece of candied fruit with a toothpick, put it in her small mouth and chewed it with relish.

  This stinky girl, I really don\'t know which unlucky guy will marry her! Zhu Pingan slandered in his heart, but his face was as indifferent as jade, and he sat at the table and picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in his mouth.

   The meat is fresh and tender, the color is ruddy, and the taste is crispy and sweet. The taste is really good, it seems to be even better than what I ate at Li\'s in the past.

   "Did your family change chefs?"

   Zhu Pingan thought about it for a moment, and asked curiously.

"What\'s the meaning?"

  The black-bellied **** the opposite side seemed to be a little nervous and asked back, staring at Zhu Pingan with a pair of big watery eyes.

   "The ribs?" Zhu Ping\'an pursed his lower lip.

   "Not delicious?" The black-bellied girl seemed a little annoyed.

"The taste is delicious." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said sincerely, although this stinky girl\'s temper and character are messy in all aspects, she is very lucky. She was born into a rich family and has such an excellent cook at home. Let this stinky girl take all the good things.


  A gleam of joy flashed in the watery eyes of the dark-bellied girl, and there was a sweet smile between her red lips, and her excited little face was a little flushed.

   By the way, I praise your cook, why are you so excited~~

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help complaining in his heart.

  "The back kitchen has improved the taste? I didn\'t know. Hua\'er, tell the accountant to reward each of the back kitchen with a penny, um, make me a new one tonight."

  The black-bellied girl just jumped for a while before returning to her usual arrogant appearance. After lightly instructing Baozi\'s little maid Huaer, she lowered her head to read her book, as if the jumping appearance just now was just Zhu Pingan\'s eyes dazzled.

  Give me a try at night...

   It turns out that this girl is also a foodie! Zhu Pingan was relieved.

  (end of this chapter)