Rise From the Humble

Chapter 210: Lu Ming Banquet

Chapter 210 Luming Banquet

  Today is the Luming Banquet, a feast for talents in Ming Dynasty.

  After ten years of hard work, no one asked, and became famous all over the world in one fell swoop. Having won the exam, being famous and exhaling, the bright future has come to your feet, and the newcomers are full of ambition and elation.

The banquet is extremely high-end, and the ingredients are extravagant and exquisite. It is said that there is a dish called "Honey Stained Chicken", which took hundreds of days; The essence of meat is only half a catty; there are as many as fifty-eight dishes of hot and cold dishes, desserts and soups

  Drums, zithers and sheng, singing "Deer Ming".

Looking at the table full of extravagant delicacies and listening to the festive deer music, Zhu Pingan has no appetite at all. The scenes in the alley yesterday afternoon were played back in front of him: the dying, begging, helpless eyes

  Other people were in high spirits, drinking and composing poems at the same time, eating delicious food and communicating well, only Zhu Pingan hardly ate a bite while holding chopsticks.

Zhu Pingan had the title of "rice bucket" when he took the test. In front of such a sumptuous food and wine, he didn\'t even move a chopstick. I was too ashamed to eat. For example, Guo Ziyu, who is full of envy and hatred for Zhu Ping\'an, thinks so.

  The Luming Banquet this time allocated seats according to their rankings. Zhu Pingan and the last ten candidates sat at the table on the edge.

Guo Ziyu was at the table in front of Zhu Pingan. Although they were adjacent, they entered a higher level. Seeing that Zhu Pingan, who had a good appetite in the past, didn\'t even move his chopsticks, he couldn\'t help but feel a little superior: Your hospital exam So what about the head of the case, what about the favor of the third-rank officials. It\'s not behind me yet! child prodigy? It was just Fang Zhongyong who had better luck.

   "Xiao Zhu Xiandi, even though you are at the bottom of the list, why should you care about it? You won the Juren at the age of thirteen, and no one can compare to you except the famous Mr. Yang Ge."

   "That\'s right. You are different from us. We are the cicadas of late autumn. You are so young, and you will definitely have a lot to do in the future."

   "That is, now the entire Yingtian City knows that our Daming has produced a thirteen-year-old Juren."

  The people at the bottom of the list who were at the same table with Zhu Pingan saw that Zhu Pingan didn’t move their chopsticks in front of the delicious food and wine.

  Hearing the relief of several people at the same table, Zhu Pingan was a little dumbfounded.

"Thank you dear friends for your concern. I am very satisfied to be able to pass the exam. Maybe I caught a cold last night and I feel a little unwell. My dear friends take it slowly, don\'t let down today\'s event." Discomfort, let everyone enjoy slowly.

  After listening to Zhu Ping\'an\'s explanation, everyone was relieved. Thinking about it, it was the same. He won the exam at the age of thirteen. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

  So, at the table, everyone was toasting and chatting freely, with the feeling of passionate words and dung like thousands of households in those days.

  Lu Ming Banquet is a literary feast. Naturally, the words and chorus are indispensable.

  Everyone here also played some word games to add to the fun during the banquet, such as couplets and so on, and those who could write stereotyped essays well. These are just minor problems. Although Zhu Pingan has no appetite, he will not spoil everyone\'s interest at this time. When it was my turn, I followed suit in an even and stable manner. Flowing clouds and flowing water, but there is no place to deliberately shine.

  Everyone is enjoying themselves.

  When the banquet was in full swing, there was a sound of drinking, it turned out that Cao Jieyuan at the top table had written a poem, which was praised by all the examiners present and the prefect of Yingtian Prefecture.

  The top table is filled with the big names of the banquet, the prefect of Yingtianfu and other bureaucrats, Mr. Zhao, the academic officer of Nanzhili, the two chief examiners, and then the top three in this Nanzhili provincial examination.

   This table is the center of gravity of this banquet and has a great influence. Soon, this poem spread to the hands of several nearby tables. After reading it, they couldn\'t help but let out bursts of applause.


   Bamboo grows in the empty field, and the clouds tower over the sky.

  No one appreciates the high festival, but only holds the heart of chastity.

  Ashamed to dye Concubine Xiang\'s tears, ashamed to play the Shanggong Qin.

  Whoever makes the flute, it should be Tulong Yin.

  Someone copied several copies, and one copy was handed down to Zhu Ping\'an\'s table, and a man next to him read it in a cadenced manner, which attracted everyone\'s praise.

It’s just that after Zhu Ping’an listened to it, he didn’t take it seriously. Of course, the poems are excellent, and they use allusions and emotions. Ashamed to bow to the rich and powerful bureaucrats, unwilling to be contaminated by the prevailing wind, has a very high aspirations and high compulsion.

  But the king is twenty-five years old, and he accepted Zhao Tongzhi\'s arrest of his son-in-law. Where will he put his wife and children at home? ! How dare you say that you would rather bend than bend!

   "What does Zhu Xiandi think? There seems to be disdain on his face?"

  A hostile inquiry came from a table next to him, Zhu Pingan looked up and saw Guo Ziyu looking at him teasingly.

   This question attracted the attention of everyone around. Everyone thinks that Cao Jieyuan\'s poems are well written, but at this time, some people disdain them. Can they not pay attention? After paying attention, they find that he is the person at the bottom of the list at the last table, and he is also the youngest Juren present. I can\'t help but become more interested.

   "Xie Yuan is a great talent, his poems are excellent, and he is just ashamed of himself." Zhu Pingan smiled at himself, and lightly resolved the unfavorable situation brought by Guo Ziyu.

   Once the words were spoken, everyone was relieved and smiled understandingly. Guo Ziyu was unwilling, but he did not continue to attack, waiting for a better opportunity.

  Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Sure enough, Guo Ziyu soon found an opportunity.

Because Cao Jieyuan\'s "Bamboo" is very well written, so the big names at the top table have a good mood, let all the newcomers present here take the three friends of Suihan as the theme, choose one of them to write a poem, and have fun together .

   This kind of opportunity is a good time to make a name for yourself. If you make a name for yourself here, it will soon spread throughout Southern Zhili. The benefits are self-evident, so all the new recruits tried their best to show off.

  Guo Ziyu quickly wrote a song "Ode to Bamboo", and then turned his attention to Zhu Ping\'an, and then became a little excited, because Zhu Ping\'an hadn\'t started writing for a long time, and his face was full of melancholy. Poetry is easy to write, but good poetry is hard to find. Looking at his sad face, even if he could write it, it would definitely not be much better!

  That\'s right, Zhu Ping\'an has no intention of writing at all.

  Looking at the future helmsmen of the Ming Dynasty around here, thinking about holding back poems, and painstakingly choosing words and making sentences, I feel very ironic.


  What does Taibai do when he is alive!

   What more people in this world need is not poetry and writing, nor is it a high-spirited morality that would rather bend than bend rather than the powerful. What they are dying need is food, what they need is clothing, and what they need is a shelter from wind and rain. In fact, what they need is very little, only two words, food and clothing, but such a simple request is extremely difficult.

  (end of this chapter)