Rise From the Humble

Chapter 207: Miss is so strange (Part 2)

Chapter 207 Miss is so strange (Part 2)

  Miss is really a little weird today.

  The quail-like little maid looked at her own lady who spared her with just one sentence, secretly thinking.

After educating the little girl, the black-bellied girl Li Shu was about to go back to the car, but the moment she turned around, she seemed to have just seen Mrs. Chen who was setting up the stall, so she turned around and walked to the front of the stall in two steps, and then another face appeared on her pretty face. It was a joyful and well-behaved smile, and called out very politely:

   "Auntie, it\'s really you, Shu\'er must have misread it."

   Seeing such a beautiful, sensible, filial and housekeeper girl standing in front of her and calling her aunt, Mrs. Chen didn\'t realize it for a while. This, is this calling me? Shu\'er, this name is somewhat familiar.

"Auntie, have you forgotten Shu\'er? When Shu\'er was a child, she used to go to her aunt\'s house to play with brother Ping An, and her aunt gave Shu\'er a basket of fruit snacks, which were delicious." At this moment, Li Shu was like Like a girl next door, she said in a coquettish voice.

   "Oh, you are Li Shu from Shanghe Village."

  Chen finally remembered, this is the sweet and obedient little girl who used to ride a little red horse to the old house to find Xi\'er when she was a child.

   She was unbelievably beautiful when she was young, but she is even more beautiful when she grows up.

   "Auntie, why do you seem to have something on your mind? Can you talk to Shuer?"

  Li Shu chatted with Chen Shi for a while, her mouth was very sweet, she praised and flattered Chen Shi very much. When the chat was in full swing, Li Shu looked at Chen\'s eyebrows and seemed worried, so she mentioned something casually.

Mrs. Chen was already in the mood for chatting, and when she heard Li Shu\'s question, she casually expressed her worries, "My family went to Yingtian to rush for the exam, and it\'s been more than half a month, I don\'t know if he can eat and live there well it is good?"

   "Auntie, just put your heart in your belly. Brother Pingan has been smart since he was a child. He will definitely take care of himself. Maybe he can give auntie a chance to come back from the examination this time."

   Li Shu\'s words made Chen\'s coaxing mouth shut. Every word of this sentence fell on the most comfortable position in Chen\'s heart.

   "He doesn\'t want to kill people, just come back whole for me." Chen said while shaking his hands, but his face was full of proud smiles.

   "Hey, maybe Big Brother Ping\'an will really give Auntie a chance to come back from the exam." Li Shu smiled sweetly, her watery eyes were so bright.

   Then Li Shu chatted with Chen Shi for a while, and saw from a distance that the little maid Huaer who bought candied haws had also returned, so Li Shu said goodbye to Chen Shi.

   "Auntie, my girl is back, I have to say goodbye. I have to burn incense to pray for my father and brother." Li Shu got up and said goodbye to Mrs. Chen.

When Mrs. Chen heard that Li Shu was going to burn incense and pray for her family, she didn\'t stop her, but she divided half of the homemade cakes she brought with her for lunch, and stuffed them in the hands of the little quail maid who followed Li Shu, letting Li Shu Shu road to eat.

   "Thank you, auntie. I loved eating auntie\'s cooking when I was young." Li Shu thanked Mrs. Chen sweetly, and asked the little girl to go to the carriage to get a pack of pastries as a gift before getting into the carriage.

  The skirt was fluttering, lithe and graceful, with a graceful figure, she swayed and disappeared on the carriage.

Mrs. Chen looked at Li Shu who got into the carriage, and felt that this girl was not only beautiful, but also generous in conversation, but also knowledgeable and reasonable, with a good and filial personality, and elegant and good-looking manners. Any girl in my life is better.

  After getting into the carriage, Li Shu seemed to be a different person, and the quail maid had the most say in this point.

  The quail little maid just followed her lady into the carriage, just lowered the door curtain, before she could react, her eyes went dark, and she was slapped by her lady.

  As soon as he looked up, he saw the young lady looking at him with her little hands shaking.

   "What are you doing in a daze, don\'t you see how dirty the old lady fell just now!" Li Shu shook her little hand and scolded coldly.

   "Oh oh, I\'m sorry miss." The quail-like little maid hurriedly put aside the half-pack of pastries from Mrs. Chen in her hand, then took out a handkerchief and handed it to the miss.

Li Shu accepted the handkerchief and wiped her hands in distaste, then asked the little girl to pour some water to wash her hands. After wiping her hands, she casually threw the handkerchief on the half bag of pastries aside, and said casually, "You\'ll be there later." eat it."

   "Ah? Oh." The little quail maid was a little surprised, but when she was stared at by her own lady, she hurriedly responded with an "Oh."

   "Do you know why I brought you here?" Li Shu played with the accessories on her waist with her slender hands, and said something casually to the little quail maid.

   The little quail maid was puzzled and raised her handprinted face.

   "Because you are a gourd." Li Shu glanced at the little quail maid, and said lightly.

After Li Shu got into the carriage for a while, Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi, walked over panting, got on the carriage and said with a pout, "That candied haws seller is so strange. He said he wanted to buy it, but he still walked forward." "

   After the little maid of Baozi got into the carriage, the driver raised his whip again, and the carriage slowly moved forward among the crowd.

  Li Shu’s carriage didn’t take long, when several aunts and mothers from other villages came to buy bamboo weaving at Chen’s bamboo weaving stall, gossiping with each other while buying bamboo weaving.

"Ah, the one who just got into the carriage is the lady from the old Li\'s family in Shanghe Village. She looks really good-looking. I heard that the old Li\'s family is not ordinary. A little maid can earn more in one year than we can earn by digging in the fields for three years." How many."

   "Also, I heard that this girl has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. Just now I saw her helping Grandma Li in Bianjia Village."

   "You are so knowledgeable, I heard that there is no mention of my husband\'s family. If I can marry and be my daughter-in-law, I can wake up from my dreams with laughter."

   "Pull it down, how can your second dog be worthy of others."

   A few aunts and mothers spent a lot of time picking bamboo weaves in front of the booth, and talked a lot on the phone, then paid the money, bought one or two bamboo weaves each, talked and left with a smile.

  The speaker had no intention, but the listener had a heart, and some thoughts suddenly took root in Chen\'s heart, and then thrived.

  In an alley not far away, an old woman walked out, with traces of dust on her clothes, leaning on a cane, holding a piece of meat in her hand, and passed by several aunts and mothers carrying bamboo weaving.

   Not long after, a few aunts and mothers carrying bamboo weaving came out of the alley with happy faces and clutched their purses, and then parted ways and went back to their respective houses. No one knew anyone

  In a temple in the town of Guashan, a lady from a certain family offered incense and gave a few taels of silver. Unable to bear the enthusiasm of the temple, she asked for a lottery.

  Sign on the top

  Fate, one person holds half;

  Line, tie my finger.

  (end of this chapter)