Rise From the Humble

Chapter 205: uh, caught

Chapter 205 Uh, I got arrested

Since the beginning of winter, the north wind has been bitter and cold, and the Qinhuai River has been frozen. The cold wind howled from the north to the south. Such a human species, even the long-haired ones feel cold, why are the non-haired ones still so lively?

   "You\'re lucky. Although it\'s at the bottom of the list, you\'re still on the top, right? When you go back, you will offer a few more sticks of incense to the ancestors of your Zhu family."

  Guo Ziyu walked over with a sneer on his face, even looking at Zhu Pingan from top to bottom.

   "What\'s the matter, won\'t you offer incense to your ancestors when you go back? It\'s a bad idea to forget your ancestors after counting all the classics."

  Zhu Ping\'an is fine, the fat man beside him can\'t help it anymore, he has long been displeased with these guys who look at people with their nostrils. You act like you are noble, and you look like a beggar!

   "Who are you? Oh, I remembered, your chrysanthemum poem was pretty good." Guo Ziyu glanced up and down at the fat man, sneered, and lashed out at the fat man\'s most embarrassing college entrance examination embarrassment.


  Hearing the chrysanthemum poem, the fat man\'s fat face turned red, and there was still room for retaliation.

   "Your luck this time is really enviable." After finishing the fat man, Guo Ziyu stood beside Zhu Pingan and said with a look in his eyes.

I finally waited for this day. I was crushed by this boy in the hospital exam, which made me feel depressed for a long time. I couldn\'t figure out how I could be crushed by such a naive boy when I was full of poetry and books. I was bound to win. The case was taken away by this kid. Now, finally. Back on the right track, feel proud!

   But the only pity is. This kid was so lucky that he was so lucky that he was hit on the head by the last place.

  Guo Ziyu looked at Zhu Ping\'an. The breath still hasn\'t completely calmed down.

   "Yeah, I think so too." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, arched his hands, and replied lightly.

  Guo Ziyu stared at Zhu Ping\'an\'s calm smile, and was taken aback.

  He punched the cotton, and seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s light smile, for some reason, Guo Ziyu felt a fishy sweetness in his mouth, and he was very depressed. It should not be argued. Tell me how good your answer is! I can also take out my seventy-nine articles and slap the one hundred and thirty-five boys in the face! But, why do you have to smile calmly, what about your shame! How does this allow myself to continue down!

"Brother Zhu\'s luck is indeed enviable to me, but Brother Guo and Brother Liu\'s strength is even more enviable to Feng Mou. Sixty-three, seventy-nine, the talents of others are worthy of the name." Feng Shanshui in the winter also waved Wearing a folding fan. Ruya is very flattering.

  Feng Shanshui\'s words made Guo Ziyu\'s complexion suddenly change for the better. Looking at Zhu Ping\'an, a sense of superiority in terms of ranking and strength emerged spontaneously.

at this time

   Only an untimely strike up conversation broke the atmosphere violently.

   "Dare to ask. Who is Mr. Zhu Ping\'an?"

  Everyone followed the sound and saw a man with a ram beard who was dressed luxuriously and led more than a dozen servants who were uniformly dressed, and asked the crowd a little arrogantly.

   "I am Zhu Ping\'an. Dare I ask what you can do." Zhu Pingan replied with some doubts.

  The man with the goat beard walked up to Zhu Ping\'an and looked him up and down, his attitude became somewhat respectful on the surface. But the arrogance still didn\'t go down very much, and he clasped his fists upwards. The eyeballs almost saw the sky, and said superiorly:

   "I am the General Secretary of the General Administration and the right servant of the Ministry of Industry. Well, I am also serving as the housekeeper of Zhao Wenhua, the academic officer of Nanzhili, for the time being."

   As soon as this sentence came out, there was a sound of breathing around.

  Just now I thought it would be a big deal for the fifth-rank master Tongzhi to come, but I didn’t expect that this representative turned out to be a third-rank official, and he was also the head of all the students who directly supervised the promotion officer and was in charge of everyone’s fate.

  General Administration Secretary, commonly known as Yintai. The head of the Tongzheng Department worships the Tongzheng Envoy. This is a senior member of the third rank. He has officials such as the left and right Tongzheng and the Senate to help him manage the Tongzheng Department. The Department of General Administration is very important. This department is the hub between the local government and the central government. The emperor\'s orders are transmitted to the local government through this department. All local affairs, including civil cases and frontier military affairs, are sent to the central government through this department.

  Third-rank official, and he is also the General Secretary of the General Administration, who is in charge of the official documents sent to the capital from all over the country. This is an important official around the emperor!

   What is this for?

  Everyone looked at Steward Gong Yanghu and Zhu Ping\'an without blinking their eyes, and they couldn\'t breathe.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan glanced at the butler with the goatee who was standing opposite him, feeling a little weird, did he have a run-in with Zhao Wenhua who was so **** up in history? The driver bumped into him, and Zhao Wenhua deliberately made things difficult for him during the scientific examination, and now another housekeeper came.

   But I didn\'t expect Zhao Wenhua to be the General Secretary of the General Administration and the Right Minister of the Ministry of Industry at this time. In modern times, this is a senior official at the deputy ministerial level.

In the eyes of everyone, the butler with the goatee beard looked at Zhu Pingan and continued, "My lord has read the son\'s township examination ink roll and appreciates it very much. It just so happens that my third lady is waiting in the boudoir, and my lord is willing to betroth the third lady to the son." As a wife, I wonder if it is possible?"

  After the Gongyanghu steward finished speaking, with a glance, more than a dozen servants behind him dispersed to Zhu Ping\'an and surrounded him.

   Is this a third-rank official here to catch his son-in-law? ! This behavior directly blinded everyone\'s eyes, oh my god, what did I see, a third-rank official was in the township test to find his son-in-law! Aren\'t the officials of this level all picking up the sons-in-law of Jinshi after the palace examination? Why are you joining in the excitement of this kind of country test!

  It is rare enough for a senior member of the third rank to catch a son-in-law in the rural examination for the first time, and, what is most incredible to everyone is that the person who caught the son-in-law turned out to be the last one on the list!

  Last place, did you make a mistake!

  How can I get it wrong! A third-rank member, who has been with you like a tiger for so many years, how could you make a mistake!

   But it is precisely this way that I can\'t figure it out!

  Guo Ziyu and the others, who were originally arrogant and full of superiority, looked at this scene in disbelief at this moment, and their eyeballs almost fell to the ground!

  It\'s so strange, the cheeks are so hot!

  The girl with the ponytail who was silently watching from a distance lowered her head silently at this moment, clasping the corners of her clothes with her slender hands, feeling sad.

   "You see, this kind of young man is not what we can expect." Another girl who was a few years older said softly while pressing the shoulder of the girl with a ponytail.

  Everyone is envious and jealous of Zhu Pingan to the extreme. They are a hundred times more jealous than that Xie Yuan, uh, who is Jie Yuan, who only knows this Zhu Pingan now. This is a third-rank official, this is the highest official of the Secretary of General Administration, a big celebrity around the emperor, and the most important thing is that he has an unusual relationship with the chief assistant of the early dynasty, Yan Songyan! As a son-in-law in this dynasty, in the future, he will have an examination, palace examination, and being an official. It\'s still not easy, and I have long heard that the third lady of Mr. Zhao\'s family is as beautiful as a fairy.

  The eyes of everyone on Zhu Ping\'an could almost burn Zhu Ping\'an in the severe cold. Envious, jealous, and hated, everyone wished that he was the young man in the center right now!


  The boy moved!

  Among the envious and jealous eyes of the crowd, Zhu Pingan looked at the butler with a happy face and bowed deeply.

   Butler Gong Yanghu smiled, everything is under the master\'s control, and no one will refuse.

  At this moment, everyone was extremely envious and jealous.

  Zhu Pingan bowed deeply, stood up, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said happily:

   "I came from a humble background, it would be great if I could climb high, but how about you wait until I go home and discuss it with my wife?"

  When the audience heard this, they were stunned for more than ten seconds, then they were surprised, and then laughed.

   But amidst the laughter, there was a whistling of deep grass and mud horses!

  It is rare enough for a senior member of the third rank to catch a son-in-law in the rural examination for the first time, and, what is most incredible to everyone is that the person who caught the son-in-law turned out to be the last one on the list! However, the most unbelievable thing is that the last person on the list of candidates who didn\'t know whether his head was caught by the door or sat on the donkey refused!

  (end of this chapter)