Rise From the Humble

Chapter 202: There are twists and turns

Chapter 202 Another Twist

   It should be the solution element!

  Jieyuan is the title of the first place in the provincial examination in ancient China. In the Tang Dynasty of China, those who were promoted in the imperial examination were all sent to the examination by the local Jie, so the name of the first place in the rural examination is: Jieyuan.

Our Song Tongkao is grading the papers with all his heart and soul. Every cell in his body is paying attention to the test papers in his hands. No one has noticed that the examiner opened the door and entered the room, let alone the test papers that he threw on the ground in disgust. Picked up by the examiner, naturally he would not notice that the examiner was shaking when he looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s test paper and didn\'t stop.

So when the examiner pressed the test paper he threw on the ground onto his desk, and said the words "Xie Yuan", our Tongkao Song was taken aback and didn\'t realize what the examiner was doing, etc. When he realized it, our Song Tongkao was dumbfounded.


  Song Tongkao once again confirmed the test paper that the chief examiner pressed in front of him. That\'s right, it was the test paper that made him feel like he had swallowed Rexiang!

  So, Song Tongkao, who was full of justice for the country, completely ignored the grade of the examiner at this moment. He got up from the chair, and the sense of justice for the country filled his chest.

   "Master Zhang, have you read this test paper?" Song Tongkao stood up and pressed the table, and asked righteously.

   Chief examiner Zhang nodded.

   Seeing this, Song Tongkao\'s chest was like a bellows, and asked again, "Then can you still say what you just said?"

  At this time, the examiner next to Song Tongkao, who was grading the papers together, couldn\'t help pulling Song Tongkao\'s sleeve, and whispered something, but we, Song Tongkao, shook our heads firmly. Song Tongkao is known for being serious and responsible in the local area. He dares to fight, has the courage to fight, and is good at fighting. No matter who the opponent is or what his status is, as long as he thinks something is wrong, he must bravely rush forward and open the door to the war! This time, it will be no exception.

   "This article doesn\'t explain Yuan, I am ashamed of the Sages!"

   Regarding Song Tongkao\'s reaction, the chief examiner Zhang didn\'t think it was impolite, on the contrary, he appreciated it a little bit, but appreciation is appreciation. You Song Tongkao has your own principles, so I, Zhang, don\'t have my own principles? Therefore, the examiner Zhang nodded again.

   "Please forgive me for being rude!"

  Song Tongkao left the table and chair and bent over to Chief Examiner Zhang and said something, then picked up the test paper that Chief Examiner Zhang had pressed on the table, opened it, pointed to one of them, and asked righteously:

   "Master Zhang, this article "A Gentleman\'s Disease Is Dead and Not Named" is titled "No name for future generations is the worry of a sage". Is this appropriate?"

   "There is also this article, \'The sky does not speak, the earth does not speak, and people set up the rules and regulations in the middle\', madly born! The husband\'s guide is the same as the sage\'s establishment!"

   "Your madness, please think again, my lord."

  Song Tongkao held the test paper and argued hard.

"That\'s right, that\'s not the case!" Chief Zhang shook his head, "A sage is also a human being. This article "A Gentleman Is Dying and His Name Is Not Named" is very clever. The name of future generations is indispensable\', and the title is even more indescribable. The other is even more indescribable. This person is not a madman, but a child."

  One insists on failing the rankings, while the other insists on getting rid of it. It can be said that one has 18 floors underground and the other has nine heavens. The gap is too great.

   Moreover, the two examiners insisted on their own opinions, and neither of them convinced the other.

   Although Song Tongkao was a small official, he insisted on his own opinion; Zhang was a high-ranking examiner, but he did not rely on power to overwhelm others.

  So, the dispute can\'t stop.

  At this time, the door was pushed open again, and another chief examiner, Mr. Wang, also came in. Mr. Wang was alarmed by the movement in this room, and everyone next door could hear the movement in this room.

   "Everyone, what\'s the matter?" Mr. Wang entered the room, rubbed his hands, and walked over to ask.

   Then someone told examiner Wang the reason.

   "Oh, what do I mean, let me take a look." Mr. Wang shook his head slightly, walked to the focus of the dispute, took the test paper and read it.

   Master Wang nodded as he read it. After reading this test paper for about ten minutes, he had his own choice. However, Mr. Wang is a seasoned veteran in the officialdom, so he didn\'t express his opinion directly, but called the scribe who was waiting for him, and ordered:

   "Ru, get this person\'s second or third test paper."

   "Of order." The scribe bowed down and stepped back, and after a while, he took the two test papers together and handed them to Mr. Wang.

  After receiving the test paper, Mr. Wang waved his hand to let the scribe back down, and then gave one of the two test papers to chief examiner Zhang and the other to Song Tongkao.

   What the chief examiner Zhang is holding is the second test paper, and the application essays such as imperial examination and judgment do not require literary talent, as long as the format of the official application essay is correct. Zhang\'s main exam originally belonged to Zhu Ping\'an. After reading Zhu Ping\'s second test paper, the format conforms to the text, and he is naturally more satisfied.

  Song Tongkao had the third test paper in his hand, the paper of Ce, and the question of Ce theory required not only literary talents but also a good stomach. Song Tongkao read it very seriously, the first policy paper was good, but it didn’t explain anything

  When Song Tongkao saw the second policy essay "Confucian Seventy-two Sages, What Can the Sages Do", Song Tongkao looked at it for a long time and couldn\'t help but nodded.

   Then go down, yes, yes, when he saw Zhiwo Ce again, Song Tongkao couldn\'t help but nodded again and again, and it took a long time before he raised his head and looked at the two chief examiners.

   "The next official almost destroyed a building." Song Tongkao bowed to Chief Examiner Zhang and cupped his hands, sighing.

  The chief examiner Zhang helped Song Tongkao up, and exhorted, "Song Tongkao is also responsible for the Holy One, so why not worry about it."

  Examiner Wang stroked his beard and watched this scene, then put Zhu Ping\'an\'s three-point test paper aside, took a writing pen, and wrote a big "中" character on it.

  Afterwards, the marking scene resumed its busyness, marking, recommending, marking, all the examiners are busy in an orderly manner.

   A few days later, after the examination papers were completed, and when they were filling out the draft list, the two chief examiners discovered that the examination paper that was the center of the debate that day and which they liked was actually written by a thirteen-year-old boy.

   "If I had known that this son was thirteen years old, I wouldn\'t have recorded it." Chief examiner Zhang sighed, quite remorseful.

   "Why? Is this son a genius?" asked the king\'s examiner curiously.

"This kid is indeed a great talent. We have no problem in selecting him this time. However, I think it is best to let him postpone the election for a few years. He is young and vigorous, and his vigor is too strong. It may backfire. Delaying it a few years The mid-year examination will make him more experienced, which is also good for his development." Chief examiner Zhang stroked his beard and sighed.

   Although the chief examiner Zhang admired Zhu Ping\'an\'s literary talent very much, he was worried that a boy who had just turned thirteen would be promoted in high school.

   Wang\'s chief examiner looked at Zhang\'s chief examiner, shook his head, "It has been approved, and it cannot be changed."

   "Brother Zhang, do you know that more than 60 years ago, there was also a thirteen-year-old boy who applied for the exam and won the first place?" Examiner Wang looked at the chief examiner and asked.

   Zhang the chief examiner pondered for a moment and fell silent.

   "That\'s Yang Ting and Master Yang who have been in trouble for three dynasties and have power over the world." Examiner Wang said with a complicated face, and then said in a warning tone, "Brother Zhang, how does he know how far this son will grow in the future?"

"That\'s why I have to be more responsible to him, so that he can understand the truth that there is no limit to learning, let him know that it is not so easy to become an official, and let him not forget the truth of studying hard." The main examiner Zhang looked serious Said.

   "But we\'ve already approved it, so we can\'t change it." Examiner Wang shook his head and said.

   "I know, that\'s why I sigh!" The examiner Zhang sighed.

  (end of this chapter)