Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1793: Fantasy version of the Battle of Maple Bridge

Chapter 1793 Fantasy Version of the Battle of Maple Bridge

  The sun came out, and the tense atmosphere in Suzhou City was about to evaporate with the rising sun.

  Suzhou City began to be lively again, although not as lively as before, but not much less.

  The morning market started.

  The fire in front of the bakery is red, the cries of hawking come and go, the sound of kneading and throwing noodles at the table is heard from far and near, and one batch after another is baked. In particular, the Wuda Cooking Cake Shop in Xiliu Lane in front of the South Gate has the busiest business. There is a long line of people buying cakes outside the store, and a batch of cooking cakes is sold out as soon as it comes out of the oven.

  Many people who fled to Suzhou city lined up to buy this kind of cheap, long-lasting and hungry cooking cakes. They bought more than a dozen of them. A meal of cooking cakes with a bowl of hot water and some salt was a delicious meal.

At the entrance of the store, there are two simple but clean children selling cooked bones, cooked lungs and cooked liver. Their small mouths are very sweet and their eyes are aura. The business is quite prosperous. They brought two big bamboo baskets with big bones, cooked lungs and cooked liver. Almost sold out.

The slaughter workshop is also busy, and a man in charge opens the way ahead, urging, "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, butcher quickly, we have to rush out of the city to reward the army", Followed by more than a dozen cars, each with a big fat pig on it, pushed into the slaughterhouse, and after a while, there was a sound of slaughtering pigs.

All kinds of snacks are also appearing one after another, such as wontons, fried rice, haggis soup, sheep\'s head, belly lung, and fried juniper. Some wash water is sold in front of the bathhouse, and some fastidious people who go out all night will buy it for washing. There are also tea stalls selling soup and medicine. .

  In short, stalls from all walks of life are everywhere in the city, filling the streets and congesting the market, and there is an endless stream of people coming out to catch the morning market.

  Actually, today’s morning market is still a bit late.

As usual, the morning market has already started. In the past, before dawn and before five o\'clock, the shops of all walks of life have already opened their doors with candles. The bakery has at least five ovens. At this point in time, the morning market It\'s almost the end.

  Today, I blame the Japanese pirates who came to attack Suzhou City before dawn.

  After receiving the news, the people were so frightened that they lost their minds and cried, fearing that the city would be destroyed and they would be driven out by Japanese pirates. You know, after the Japanese pirates broke through the city, they burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes.

  Life is almost at risk, who is in the mood to open the morning market.

   I worked so hard to open the morning market and made some money. I haven’t warmed up my pockets yet. The Japanese pirates broke the city. What are you trying to do!

Just when people listened to the Japanese pirates shouting to kill them, they were uneasy, and hurriedly stacked a few gold ingots, preparing to burn them for themselves in advance. The provincial city was destroyed and killed by the Japanese pirates. .

   Unexpectedly, there was a great victory. If there were relatives working on the city wall who saw it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it.

The Zhejiang army with only 2,000 soldiers and horses outside the city, and the Zhejiang army stationed at the Fengqiao camp, actually blocked the Japanese pirates and killed more than 10,000 Japanese pirates. Zhuangyuan Lang of the court, Zhu Pingan, deputy envoy of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, and Zhu Ping, when the Japanese pirates were about to break through the army, at this critical moment, he reached out and summoned nine heavenly thunders, and summoned more than 30 heavenly thunders in a row. Seven or eight thousand Japanese pirates died, and the 50,000 Japanese pirate army was frightened and fled for more than ten miles in a panic.

   It’s all thanks to Mr. Zhu and the Zhejiang Army. It’s because they repelled the Japanese pirates that we are in the mood to open the morning market.

  There is a very prosperous refreshment stall in the morning market, occupying dozens of square meters of space facing the street, not only selling morning tea, but also setting up two large oil pans to fry fried cypress, and also selling meat buns, tofu nao, soy milk and spicy soup.

   There are more than a dozen tables in the stall, and there are no empty seats, and some people are standing and eating.

  In addition to being delicious early, there is another important factor, that is, there is a storyteller at this stall.

The owner of the refreshment stand is very business-minded. He gave the storyteller a table for him to have breakfast for free, and he also promised the storyteller that all the rewards the storyteller gets for the story will belong to the storyteller; if the reward the storyteller gets is less than one hundred Wen, the refreshment stall gave him a reward of one hundred Wen.

  The reason for this is to attract customers.

  For example, today, Mr. Storyteller is telling the story of Zhu Pingan and Master Zhu leading the Zhejiang Army to defeat the Japanese pirates in the morning.

  The refreshment stalls were full of seats, and many people even stood and ate breakfast, listening to stories told by Mr. Shu.

"It is said that the Japanese pirates are vicious and evil spirits. There are many soldiers and horses. The boats of the Japanese pirates stretch for three miles. The Japanese pirates have 50,000 soldiers and horses. Each of them has a few lives in their hands. Everyone uses Zhanger Japanese swords to cut iron. Mud, hairs are broken when blown, waved like a whirlwind sweeping fallen leaves, soldiers come to kill soldiers, and in the future to kill generals, it is the killing stars that come to the world."

"The four chiefs of the Japanese pirates are not Yi Yi\'s generation. The boss Xu Hai is an evil man in ten generations. In this life, he is an evil head Tuo. Ghosts help him fight."

"The second child, Chen Dong, and the third child, Ma Ye, are old thieves who grew up by the sea. They were the reincarnation of sea monsters. They grew up eating human flesh. They are invulnerable to all poisons. men."

"The fourth son is the second son of the great lord of the Japanese country. His name is Hojo Dosan. He has three thousand warriors given by the great lord as his direct descendant. The Hojo Dosan Japanese also sacrifices to wild gods. They can pass on evil skills and practice kung fu by devouring hearts and livers." , especially the hearts and livers of boys and girls, every time you eat a liver, you can gain a catty of strength, and it is said that it can swallow the hearts and livers of thousands of people, and its strength is more than ten thousand.

"At midnight last night, the four Japanese chieftains of the Japanese pirates raised 50,000 Japanese pirates, and the warships covered the sky. Xu Hai, the great chieftain, controlled the black wind and black clouds to hide the pirates\' whereabouts, and summoned evil spirits to cover up people\'s eyes and ears. The second and third chieftains ordered Hai Yacha Pulling the Japanese warships in the sea, cutting through the waves, like flying to the mouth of Taicang, passing through the inland river to send troops to Suzhou City, to the inland river, every time it encounters tidal flats and shallow water, it drags the Japanese boat without red face or panting."

   "The four Japanese chieftains led an army to attack Suzhou City, determined to win. However, God\'s calculation is not as good as man\'s calculation, and man\'s calculation is not as good as God\'s will."

   "God bless, Zhu Pingan, the number one scholar from the sky, led the Zhejiang army to protect my Suzhou city."

   "Speaking of which, Master Zhu doesn\'t need a human being. Master Zhu is a Wenqu star descending from the sky. Before he was a weak crown, he was the number one scholar in high school. There are ten talents in the world, and Master Zhu has eight of them to himself. If you spit out casually, it is a splendid article."

"Master Zhu has piercing eyes, and nothing false can cover Master Zhu\'s eyes. Master Zhu knew that the Japanese pirates were coming, and he ordered dozens of beacon towers to be built within a radius of 50 miles of Suzhou City in advance. Zhu My lord wrote the word \'can break\' and posted it on every beacon tower."

"With Master Zhu\'s blessing, the soldiers on the beacon tower all have clairvoyant eyes and ears, and they can see through the black wind and dark clouds that cover the Japanese ships summoned by the great Japanese chieftain Xu Hai, and hear the voices of the Japanese pirates. The whereabouts of the Japanese pirates were discovered, and the beacon fire was lit to warn us, so we were prepared."


   "The 50,000 Japanese pirates came to the front of the Zhejiang army. Master Zhu commanded it well, and the soldiers of the Zhejiang army marched forward bravely, blocking the wave after wave of Japanese pirates\' attacks. The corpses of the Japanese pirates killed in front of the formation were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers."

   "The Japanese pirates were not reconciled to failure. The Great Japanese Chieftain summoned evil spirits to help out. The four major Japanese Chieftains dispatched 20,000 elite Japanese pirates to attack again."

"There are only two thousand generals of the Zhejiang Army. Facing 20,000 Japanese pirates, they fought to the death. However, after all, the Japanese pirates were numerous, and with the help of evil spirits, they finally reached the front of the Zhejiang Army. The Zhejiang Army could not be supported. At this moment, Master Zhu Reach out and wave."

"Guess what\'s going on, Mr. Zhu is a Wenqu star who came down to earth. He wrote couplets to Lei Gong in the sky. It\'s a friendship. Master Zhu stretched out his hand and greeted Lei Gong. Lei, you all heard it too, our city of Suzhou was shaken, and more than 20,000 Japanese pirates and countless evil spirits were blown into scum by thirty thunderbolts."

  (end of this chapter)