Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1734: Ingenuity

Chapter 1734 Ingenuity

  Suzhou Street, decorated with lanterns and festoons, gongs and drums blaring, countless ordinary people happily chased the two cars ahead and threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves.

  The corpses of the Japanese pirates were piled up on the carriage, dressed in black, short in stature, with the head of the moon, and vicious.

   This is a standard real Japanese, and you can tell that you can\'t make a mistake just by looking at it.

  Being fierce while alive, how dare you be so fierce when dead? !

  The common people have suffered from the Japanese pirates for a long time. The Japanese pirates have been raging in the south of the Yangtze River for so many years. Almost every commoner has seven aunts, eight aunts or relatives who have been killed and ruined by the Japanese pirates. Now is the time to take revenge.

  So, rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown onto the carts like rain, and the common people had no practice and lack of accuracy.

   "Men and young men, aunts and ladies, please be careful and throw them carefully. I am my own person, not a little Japanese pirate." The soldier driving the car couldn\'t help complaining to the people who were throwing things around.

   "Hahaha, sorry brother, we are so excited." People laughed.

"Brother, your parade is over today. Come to our \'Xilaibu\' cloth shop. Our cloth shop will give each of you a bolt of high-quality cotton cloth for free, which is enough for you to make four sets of clothes. Don\'t worry, don\'t worry about me breaking my promise and getting fat. What matters in business is honesty, besides, the neighbors are all around, so I keep my word."

   A man who looked like a shopkeeper threw a rotten vegetable onto the cart, and then promised to the soldiers driving the carriage.

  The common people around all booed and said to testify for them. If the shopkeeper Wang broke his promise, they would prevent him from doing business.

   "Thank you, shopkeeper Wang, thank you everyone."

  The soldiers driving the chariot heard that they could receive a piece of cloth after the end, and they clasped their fists happily to thank them, and there was no longer any complaints.

"You know, at least more than a thousand Japanese pirates died this time, more than 500 Japanese pirates died on the land mountain, and more than 500 Japanese pirates died on the bottom of the sea to feed the fish. In addition to pulling two cars to our Suzhou parade, there are also several cities. They are parading the corpses of Japanese pirates through the streets."

"What is more than one thousand, it is more than two thousand. Also, do you know that the Zhejiang army stationed in our Suzhou is the hero this time? More than half of the Japanese pirates who died on land were killed by the Zhejiang army." Yes, I heard that everyone in the Zhejiang army can make a palm shot."

"What kind of thunder in the palm of your hand? It\'s a firecracker. Haven\'t you seen the Wei-style general artillery at the gate of our city? The firecracker is a miniature version of the artillery. It is said that everyone in the Zhejiang army has a firecracker, and they are all gods." Shooter, shoot wherever you want, especially Master Zhu, the commander of the Zhejiang Army, I heard that one gun can kill two birds flying in the sky."

   "It\'s so powerful, no wonder it can kill so many Japanese pirates. Now that the Japanese pirates are raging, there is such a capable army stationed outside our Suzhou city. I can finally feel more at ease in my heart."

"In the past, the Zhejun camp was crackling, and I still thought they were noisy. My mother-in-law once went to the gate of others to make a fuss. Now I really regret it. I won\'t talk about it. I will teach my wife a lesson when I go home, and then give it to the Zhejun camp. Sheep express their feelings."

   "And me, I\'ll go together too, I\'ll buy half a piece of pork and send it with you."

"I\'ll go too. Although my family\'s conditions are poor, the meat buns made by my mother-in-law are excellent. I will buy ten catties of pork and ask my mother-in-law to make a few large pots of meat buns. After they are cooked, they will be sent to the Zhejiang army. Try my mother-in-law\'s handicraft."

  The onlookers threw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs at the corpses of the Japanese pirates in the car, and at the same time they talked one after another.

   As we talked, many ordinary people spontaneously and unanimously went to the Zhejiang Army camp to give condolences and rewards.

  For a while, there was an endless stream of ordinary people who came to reward the army at the gate of the Zhejiang Army camp. Even the soldiers on the riverside defense wall outside the gate and the soldiers stationed on the bridge were surrounded by fruits, pastries and cooked food.

When the common people spontaneously went to the military camp to reward the army, three beggars in ragged clothes and disheveled hair came to the outside of Suzhou city with sticks. Looking at the prosperous ten-mile Suzhou outer city, they tremblingly raised their hands and pointed. He said, laughing and crying at the same time, the whole person was extremely emotional.

"Here we are, we have finally arrived in Suzhou. This journey is really difficult. However, once we arrive in Suzhou, we will have everything. This Suzhou city is so prosperous, much more prosperous than Yingtian. My nephew is in charge of this city. , it shows how much you have the trust of the Holy Majesty and the Governor, this is a lucrative job."

Among the three, there was a beggar in the middle, about forty or fifty years old. He stretched out his hand to brush his oily hair, straightened his dirty robe, raised his head, straightened his waist, and tried his best to pose as a literati. Mo Ke\'s demeanor, with an excited expression on his face.

  However, for a beggar to make such an action, not only does he not have the style of a scribe, but it looks ridiculous.

  An old dog bared its teeth, and the beggar waved a stick and scolded him, and then drove him away. He used the stick skillfully.

   "Hey, Brother Zhu, if we went to visit Nephew Ling directly when we arrived in Yingtian instead of going to Liuxianglou to rest, why would we be here?"

  The beggar on the left heard the emotion of the beggar in the middle, couldn\'t help frowning, sighed, and complained.

   "Yeah, otherwise there wouldn\'t be more troubles for no reason, so that I\'m in such a mess today."

  The beggar on the right couldn\'t help complaining along with him. Thinking of what happened to Ying Tian, ​​he couldn\'t help covering his face and sighing.

"Ahem, didn\'t I feel that the road was full of dust and the appearance was not dignified enough, so I went to visit directly, afraid that people would look down on us, and even my nephew\'s face would be dull, so I thought about going to Liuxiang Building to take a bath and change clothes, and take a rest On this day, go to visit your nephew in good spirits."

  The beggar in the middle couldn\'t help but blushed, but fortunately, he couldn\'t see the dirt on his face, so he coughed and forced his respect.

   "You don\'t need to go to Liuxiang Building after taking a shower and changing clothes." The beggar on the left still frowned and complained.

   "That\'s right, what is Liuxianglou, Yingyingyanyan\'s ecstasy cave, you can take a bath and change clothes in ordinary restaurants."

  The beggar on the right also complained.

   "Ahem, didn\'t I think that our elders are clumsy, and the girls in Liuxianglou are ingenious, bathing and changing clothes in Liuxianglou, and let the girl give us a haircut or something by the way."

  Although the beggar in the center was red-faced, the excuse to hold the honor was easy and effortless.

   "The hairstyle is all done on the bed. Is it the top hairstyle or the bottom hairstyle?!"

  The beggar on the left mercilessly exposed the lie of the beggar in the middle, and he couldn\'t bear it long ago.

   "That\'s fine with the girl from Liuxianglou, why are you still looking for a married woman, so that we have fallen into such a situation."

  The beggar on the right is also a question.

   "Cough cough cough cough."

  The old beggar in the center flushed with embarrassment, coughing to cover up.

  (end of this chapter)