Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1725: Conspiracy

Chapter 1725 Conspiracy

  You are too shameless, listening to Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian in front of him, discussing how to put the blame on Zhang Jing\'s head, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but burst into blood.

  If they are allowed to blame Zhang Jing as discussed, then Zhang Jing will be in great trouble.

After Zhang Jing took office as the governor, in view of the fact that the local guards were old, weak, sick, disabled, and unable to fight, he selected generals for training every day, and prepared to wait for the dispatched Guangxi wolf soldiers and other guest soldiers to gather and wipe out all the troops in Zhejiang. Japanese pirates in Tuolinchuan Sandcastle.

  Then bring Sheng to suppress Wang Zhi and his group of Japanese pirates. After assessing these two groups of Japanese pirates, they will send troops to wipe out the Japanese pirates entrenched on the coastal islands.

   And then eliminate Japanese troubles.

  After Zhang Jing took office as the governor, according to the situation that there were many and powerful Japanese pirates spreading all over the southeast coast, and the actual situation of weak guards in the southeast, he implemented the idea of ​​suppressing Japanese pirates gradually and massively.

   While selecting generals to train troops, he mobilized Guangxi wolf soldiers, Shandong spearmen and other combatable guest soldiers to listen to orders.

  The reason why he watched the pirates in Tuolin, Zhejiang Province gather more and more, and watched the medium and small groups of pirates along the coast of the south of the Yangtze River join this group of pirates, and watched this group of pirates become the second largest group of pirates after Wang Zhi.

   After the Guangxi wolf soldiers and others gathered together, they led an army to surround the second largest Japanese pirate in Tuolin, Zhejiang, and annihilated him in one fell swoop.

  Zhang Jing has dispatched soldiers and horses to the surrounding areas of Tuolin, Zhejiang, where the Japanese pirates are entrenched, and quietly set up pocket formations, such as sending his Zhejiang army to Suzhou, which is one of his actions.

   When the Guangxi wolf soldiers gather and the time is right, Zhang Jing will slam into his pockets and wipe out the second largest group of Japanese pirates in one fell swoop.

   If you don\'t move, you\'re done, and if you move, the second largest Japanese pirate will be destroyed.

  Then, Zhang Jing will take advantage of the victory and take advantage of the high morale to send troops to suppress the largest group of Japanese pirates—Wang Zhi.

  After the two major Japanese pirates were wiped out, the remaining Japanese pirates would be in shambles, and the army would go out everywhere to wipe out the Japanese pirates.

  Through these three steps, the Japanese problem in the south of the Yangtze River will be solved. This is Zhang Jing\'s idea of ​​​​suppressing the Japanese.

   Zhang Jing’s idea of ​​plagiarizing Japanese is feasible, but there are great hidden dangers, which also led to his tragedy.

  Just as Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian poured dirty water on Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing is implementing the first step of his three steps to suppress the Japanese.

  This is also the reason why people in many places in Zhejiang, especially those who have suffered from Japanese infestation, have cursed Zhang Jing recently.

   Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian took advantage of this.

  Of course, the most important point is that Zhang Jing’s idea of ​​gradually suppressing the Japanese and the idea of ​​​​suppressing the Japanese have serious differences with the thinking of Emperor Jiajing and the cabinet.

  Jiajing Yi, Yan Song, Xu Jie and other cabinet ministers have the idea of ​​suppressing Japanese pirates urgently!

  The sooner the better!

Jiangnan is an important taxation area for the imperial court, which bears most of the wealth and income of the imperial court. Many years of Japanese infestation in Jiangnan has led to a sharp reduction in taxes in Jiangnan, which has seriously affected the imperial court\'s financial income, resulting in fiscal austerity and inability to make ends meet. Many major military affairs are difficult due to funding problems display.

  Emperor Jiajing and the cabinet urgently hoped that Zhang Jing would rush to suppress the Japanese pirates, restore the southeast wealth income as soon as possible, and enrich the national treasury.

  Emperor Jiajing and the cabinet have repeatedly urged Zhang Jing to send troops to suppress the Japanese, but Zhang Jing has been suppressed.

   Therefore, Emperor Jiajing now has a lot of opinions on Zhang Jing.

  According to the current situation, if Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian pinned the **** pot on Zhang Jing\'s head, that scripture would be in danger. Maybe Zhang Jing\'s historical tragedy would be staged in advance.

  When Zhu Pingan was angry about Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian\'s shamelessness, and worried about Zhang Jing, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back.

  Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian blatantly discussed how to blame Zhang Jing in front of their faces, why should they serve them?

  How dare they be so bold?!

  I didn\'t stand on their side, and even stood in Zhang Jing\'s camp.

   Aren’t they afraid of snitching themselves?!

  They want to drag themselves into the water, and they will definitely ask themselves to sign the memorial to falsely accuse Zhang Jing!

  They are killing two birds with one stone, detaining Zhang Sutra as a scapegoat, and dragging themselves into the water!


  Thinking of this, Zhu Ping\'an\'s back instantly had a layer of cold sweat. These two old Yin coins are too cloudy!

   "Zi Hou, what do you think?" Sure enough, Zhao Wenhua\'s voice came over quickly.

   Zhu Pingan looked up and saw Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian staring at him intently.

  See you in the picture!

   This is about to start pulling yourself into the water!

  Whether it is framing Zhang Jing or going into the water with them, this is unacceptable to me.

Framing Zhang Jing not only framed Zhongliang, but also cast a shadow over the great cause of the Jiangnan suppression of Japanese pirates. In the end, it was the common people who were unlucky; Disastrous to the country and the people, even if they are doomed to perish, they cannot go into the water with them.

  Once they go into the water, they will inevitably bring disaster to the country and the people, and when the strict party falls, they are destined to be liquidated!

  Yan Dang is a big ship that looks tall and gorgeous on the outside, but is actually rotten on the inside, destined to perish.

   Once you get on this ship, you won’t be able to get off. You can only capsize in the tide of history together!

  So, Zhu Pingan will not go into the water with them even if he dies!

   "Zi Hou, what are you thinking about? You are so preoccupied." Hu Zongxian smiled and looked at Zhu Ping\'an, urging.

   "That\'s right, Zihou, what are you thinking?" Zhao Wenhua also looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, and asked curiously.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked up at the two of them, his brain was spinning rapidly, and then a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

  So, Zhu Pingan looked at Zhao Wenhua, then at Hu Zongxian, and then opened his mouth.

   While the two were waiting for what Zhu Pingan would say, Zhu Pingan laughed out loud.

  Hu Zongxian was stunned. He thought about Zhu Ping\'an\'s reaction and made many plans, but he didn\'t expect Zhu Pingan to laugh at them, so that Hu Zongxian couldn\'t react for a while and was stunned.

   "The words between me and Meilin are funny, aren\'t you Zihou?" Zhao Wenhua frowned slightly, and asked slowly.

  Are you laughing at us? Laughing at us for framing Zhang Jing?! Laughing at us for shirking responsibility?

  Zihou, I am very optimistic about you. You are capable, talented, courageous and resourceful, and you saved our lives this time.

  I really want to pull you, the east building, and the adoptive father, let me speak for you. What happened in the past can be ignored.

  In the future, with the help of our strict party, you can give full play to your talents and abilities, and you will become prosperous.

  What\'s wrong with that?!

  Do you have to reject my offer?! Zihou?!

   Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

  Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Ping\'an, his eyes seemed to be able to speak.

  (end of this chapter)