Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1715: Everything is silent, Japanese pirates attack at night

Chapter 1715 Everything is silent, Japanese pirates attack at night

  Eastern night puts flowers and thousands of trees, blows down, and stars are like rain. In the night sky at the head of the sandbar beach, countless colorful fireworks flew into the sky, some like phoenixes soaring in the sky, some like blooming fiery trees and silver flowers, and some like flying waterfalls, dyeing the night sky colorfully. Beautiful.

   What a fiery tree, silver flowers and night sky, the officers, soldiers and common people had fun together.

  After the fireworks show, there were no other activities for Niandan Jihai. Everyone fell asleep thinking about the fireworks show.

  Because it was already late at night after the fireworks show, it was not easy to walk at night, and breakfast would be provided in the funeral hall tomorrow morning, so except for the nearby villagers, basically the common people did not leave.

  The common people set up simple shacks in the sea sacrifice site, and they simply deal with it for one night. Zhao Wenhua also ordered the military camps to allocate as many tents as possible for the common people, and won the reputation of Zhao Qingtian one after another. The beautiful Zhao Wenhua had a drink with Hu Zongxian before going to bed.

  At midnight, the entire sea sacrifice site fell into extreme darkness and tranquility, only the sound of snoring.

"The sky has changed, the wind has blown, the stars and the moon have disappeared, hahahaha, the moon is dark and the wind is high, when killing people and setting fire, even God will help me wait, it seems that Daming dog officials and the others are useless to sacrifice to the sea Boys, it\'s time for us to play, we will call and deploy according to the plan, and we will kill tonight."

  Koji Nakamura was wearing night clothes, looking at the pitch-black night outside the tent and the howling north wind, he couldn\'t help but mockingly said with a smile, he pulled out the Japanese sword at his waist and swung it vigorously.


   Out of the tent behind Koji Nakamura, more than 20 Japanese pirates wearing the same nocturnal clothes swarmed out, including Abe Inuyang.

   Soon, these Japanese pirates seemed to proliferate. They arrived in front of a remote tent, knocked a few codes, and summoned the same group of black-clothed Japanese pirates. Then, these Japanese pirates planned to gather together.

   "Forty of you are responsible for going to the camp where the people of the Ming Dynasty are located to kill people and set fire to them, and spread them out. One person is in charge of one account, and the main purpose is to set fire to destroy the people, so that the people of Daming will cry for their fathers and mothers, and rush like headless flies."

   "Fifty of you are responsible for killing people and setting fire to He Qingjun\'s camp! Daming has a thousand soldiers in this army."

   "Fifty of you are responsible for killing people and setting fire to Shen Xiyi\'s camp! Daming\'s army also has a thousand people."

   "Forty of you are responsible for killing people and setting fire to Zhu Ping\'an\'s camp! The Ming army has the smallest number of troops, only 800!"

   "Seventy of you are responsible for going to Tang Kekuan\'s camp to kill people and set fire! There are 2,000 soldiers in Daming\'s army."

   "Eighty of you are responsible for killing people and setting fire to Yu Dayou\'s camp! There are 3,000 soldiers in this army."

   "Eighty of you are responsible for going to Li Tingzhu\'s camp to kill people and set fire! There are also 3,000 soldiers in this army."

   "The remaining 168 people followed me to Daming\'s Hu Zongxian army, that is, their central army camp, murdered and set fire to them. The target was their commander\'s tent, killing the Daming sea dog officer, and taking away their sea sacrifice decree."

   "Whether we are from King Hui\'s department or from Touling Xu\'s department, tonight we are all brothers in Paoze. Let us fight side by side and present a great gift to Emperor Daming Dog! Make Daming frightened!"

  Koji Nakamura looked at the more than 500 experienced Japanese pirates gathered under his command, nodded in satisfaction, arranged the tasks one by one, and finally made a general mobilization to win over and encourage the two troops.

  All the Japanese pirates were inspired to surge up their blood, and they couldn\'t wait to kill and set fire to have a good time.

   "Shut up, let\'s go!" Inuyang Abe, as the second person of this Japanese bandit, waved his hand.

  The standard equipment for night raids is silence, because an important condition for a successful night raid is to sneak into the enemy camp quietly and launch a surprise attack. Once the enemy finds the trace, the night raid will fail halfway.

  Inuyang Abe, as a wandering samurai, participated in many village battles in the country of Wa, and after coming to Daming, he has experienced hundreds of battles and knows night raids like the back of his hand, so he added an order with great experience.

"No! There is no need to silence this battle! On the contrary, I want you to shout. These are a hundred whistles that I made with my own hands during the day. You share them, and when you kill and set fire, blow them hard for me. Ring it!"

  Koji Nakamura reached out to stop Inuyang Abe, and took out a bag and threw it to Inuyang Abe, asking him to distribute the whistle.

"Ah?" Inuyang Abe was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the bag in his hand. Shouldn\'t the night attack be silent? Why did Nakamura-kun do the opposite, let us scream and blow the whistle? ? !

  However, he still remembered what happened in the evening. He swore to be loyal to Koji Nakamura to the death, and would no longer question any decisions of Koji Nakamura.

  So, he just froze for a moment, and distributed the 100 whistles in the bag to the night attack teams according to Koji Nakamura\'s instructions.

   "Very good, Inuyang-kun, you will know the reason later. Without further ado, now, the stage is ours, and the killing begins!"

  Koji Nakamura is very satisfied with Inuyang Abe’s performance, it’s very good, what he wants is your unswerving execution, so he smiled and nodded and patted Inuyang Abe on the shoulder, then waved his Japanese sword and ordered action.

  Following Nakamura Koji\'s order, more than five hundred Japanese pirates ran away with the Japanese sword in their hands.

  In an instant, the entire place for offering sacrifices to the sea was filled with the cries of Japanese pirates, as well as the piercing sound of whistles.

  The common people\'s tent area was robbed first, the flames shot up into the sky, and the screams and begging for mercy resounded through the night sky.

Then there were He Qingjun and Shen Xiyi\'s camps on the outskirts. He Qingjun and Shen Xiyi also received a warning from Zhu Ping\'an in the evening, but they sneered at Zhu Ping\'s warning. The governor didn\'t say anything, even a brat like you dare to point fingers at us

  The two large camps are not much different from the private camps. There are no fences, no antlers, and no trenches, not even patrolling soldiers. A few sentinels on duty at night drank wine in the evening and were soundly asleep at the moment.

  The Japanese pirates rushed into the two camps screaming and killing as if they were in no man\'s land. The sentry at the gate didn\'t even open their eyes, but they were stabbed in the heart by the Japanese pirates and fell into eternal darkness and deep sleep.

   After the Japanese pirates rushed into the camp, they dispersed and threw torches soaked in grease one by one on the military tents.

  In an instant, the military tents caught fire.

  A soldier woke up and ran out with bare buttocks, not to mention armor, not even a weapon, and was chopped to the ground by the pirates outside like melons and vegetables.

   "What\'s going on? Why is it so lively outside, with such a big fire, have you started setting off fireworks again?"

   Some camps that hadn’t suffered yet, the soldiers woke up in a start to the sound of killing, opened their eyes in a daze and muttered to themselves.

   "What fireworks, those are the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates are here!" The soldier in the same tent woke up startled, and was almost scared out of hearing the piss.

   "What, the Japanese pirates are here?!" The soldiers panicked.

Listen again, there are screams of killing in Japanese language one after another outside, and there are harsh whistles in all directions. How many Japanese pirates must this be? All the soldiers in the camp were frightened. body ran out,

   Soon, the entire barracks was in chaos. Soldiers ran out in panic one by one, scrambling for their lives, throwing away their armor and trampling each other

  (end of this chapter)