Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1702: burden on shoulders

Chapter 1702 Heavy Responsibility

   "Master Shang is absurd, and Ping An is ashamed. Some achievements are supported by the people, and the soldiers obey their lives."

  Zhu Ping\'an was modest for a moment, and then firmly stated, "However, the Zhejiang Army and I will do our best to fight to the death, to protect the safety of Suzhou, and to live up to the prefect\'s support and trust in us."

"Lord Zhu, you don\'t need to be humble. Everyone can see your performance. From what I have seen today, your army has strict military discipline, high morale, and orders and prohibitions. It is beyond the comparison of ordinary troops. It can be seen that Zhu Ping\'an knows his soldiers well and is right." He is the handsome talent that my Suzhou government lacks." Shang Zhifu said with a smile.

   "Uh, how dare Pingan be called a handsome talent? Your Excellency is taking too seriously." Zhu Pingan said with a wry smile.

"I\'ve always been outspoken, and I\'m not afraid of your jokes. The local military preparation department and the subordinate counties\' soldiers, alas... can\'t compare with your army at all. The military preparation department and the subordinate counties\' commanders deceive me. , One by one, the corpses kiss each other, deal with military affairs, indulge in pleasure, indulge in wine and beautiful women, soldiers follow suit, military discipline is lax, and the atmosphere is smoky. During this period, Japanese pirates often harassed Southern Jiangsu, even if it was just a small group of Japanese pirates, With more than 8,000 soldiers and horses, they were helpless, fearing the enemy and fighting cowardly, and allowed the people in our territory to be ravaged and humiliated by the Japanese pirates. After the Japanese pirates left the country, they pretended to send troops, brazenly proclaiming that they had expelled the Japanese pirates, and falsely reported their military exploits to win Reward bonus."

"In the beginning, I was deceived by them. Later, after I received a report from the gentry and the people, I found out the truth after some investigation. I was very indignant. In a fit of anger, I dismissed several officers and sent them to prison for severe punishment. As a result Hey, a mutiny was almost triggered. There are Japanese pirates outside, and if there is another mutiny inside, it will be a disaster. In desperation, I had to compromise, release them from prison, restore their original posts, and let them perform crimes and meritorious deeds... As a result, huh, it is difficult to change the nature of the country. In other words, dogs can’t change eating shit, they still have the same virtues, they haven’t improved at all!”

"Master Zhu, your Zhejiang Army had less than a thousand soldiers before expanding your army. You also bravely rushed to support Yingtian. You not only expelled the Japanese pirates, but also completely wiped out the Japanese pirates. You are brave and resourceful, and you can train troops. How can Master Zhu not be called handsome?"

The Shangzhifu really did what he himself said, bluntly speaking, and turned out the shameful veterans of the military preparation department of the Suzhou government and the commanders of the subordinate counties. It can be seen that he is extremely disappointed with the local officers and soldiers; It can be seen that Shang Zhifu appreciates Zhu Ping\'an very much, and is also very satisfied with the Zhejiang Army led by Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Okay, Master Zhu doesn\'t need to be modest anymore. In the future, Suzhou City, I will ask Master Zhu more."

  Shang Zhifu said, got up and bowed to Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Please, Master Zhu."

  The subordinate officials of Shangzhifu also stood up and bowed to Zhu Ping\'an.

"Master Shang, please get up quickly." Zhu Pingan quickly got up to help Shang Zhifu and others, and assured them, "Thank you for your trust, Lord Shang and everyone. , Suzhou City must be safe. If the Japanese pirates want to get involved in Suzhou City, they must pass through our Zhejiang Army first. As long as there is one soldier left, no Japanese pirates will be allowed to threaten Suzhou City."

   "Okay! With Master Zhu\'s words, I can rest assured." Shang Zhifu gave a high-five and said hello.

"10,000 taels of grain and grass have been stored in the camp\'s grain depot. In the future, each soldier will be supplied with two shi, and will be delivered to the camp on time at the beginning of each month for the food of your army. The other 20,000 taels of silver will be used by your army. In the future, I will Please do not refuse the monthly subsidy from the Suzhou government of three thousand taels of silver for the military supplies of your army."

  Speaking, Shang Zhifu took out a stack of thick bank notes from his sleeve, all in denominations of one hundred taels, and handed them to Zhu Pingan.

   Sure enough, it is indeed worthy of being the most wealthy and romantic place in the world, and it is indeed worthy of being the place of the richest man in Ming Dynasty. This is a big deal!

  Zhu Ping\'an was immediately overwhelmed by the banknote power of the Suzhou government.

   "Thank you for the strong support of Shang Zhifu. The current war is just the time to use the money, so I will not refuse." Zhu Pingan thanked him, but did not refuse, and took the money, "The Zhejiang Army will repay it with all its heart."

A soldier eats 2 shi of grain and grass a month, and the 10,000 shi of grain and grass supported by the Suzhou government is enough to feed 2,000 people of the Zhejiang army for two and a half months, saving a lot of money for the Zhejiang army. The money is enough for the Zhejiang army to build enough bayonets and small artillery, and now is the time to spend money, so Zhu Pingan did not refuse.

"Master Zhu, you\'re welcome. Compared with the heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, our support is nothing. Besides, you are here to protect our safety. It is our duty to provide some food, grass and silver." Shang Zhifu Said.

  Speaking of the important mission of the Zhejiang Army, Shang Zhifu explained it to Zhu Pingan in detail.

  Suhu is cooked, and the world is full.

  No wealth in the world flourishes in Suzhou, and Suzhou wealth does not flourish in Changmen, which is the most prosperous area in Suzhou.

Tang Yin, one of the "Four Talented Scholars in Wuzhong" who passed away thirty years ago, wrote in a poem titled "Changmen is Immediately" in which he wrote: "Wuzhong is the paradise in the world, and among them there is Changmen who is better at heroes. Cuixiu Up and down the three thousand floors, there are millions of gold and water from east to west. There has never been a cessation of sales in the Wugeng market, and the dialects in the four distant places are always different. If you ask a painter to draw a picture, the painter should say that it is difficult to do it."

  The prosperity of Changmen can be seen from this. As the prefect of Suzhou Prefecture, Shang Zhifu knows the data of Suzhou City like the palm of his hand.

  Shang Zhifu said that nine tenths of the wealth in Suzhou City is concentrated in the Changmen area, and other urban areas account for one tenth of the wealth in Suzhou City, and the prosperity outside Changmen is better than inside the city.

The ten-mile long street from outside Changmen City to Fengqiao, including Nanhao Street, Shangtang Street and Shantang Street, is backed by the river, the river transport is developed, and thousands of merchants gather here. There are tens of thousands of houses, and there are everything from all walks of life. It is more developed than the streets in Suzhou city.

  Woven pirates plundered, and those who did it were looking for money, and their target must be the most prosperous area outside Changmen in Suzhou City. During this period of time, many people also saw Japanese pirates inquiring about the situation in the Changmen area.

In addition, the Japanese pirates came across the sea, went up the river, and plundered along the Grand Canal and other water veins. The place where the Grand Canal and our Suzhou water vein meet is outside Changmen. If the Japanese pirates come from the waterway, they will arrive first. The place is also Changmen.

  Finally, Shang Zhifu concluded that if the Japanese pirates attack Suzhou City, the outside of Changmen will definitely bear the brunt.

  The Fengqiao stationed by the Zhe Army is connected to Shedu and Changdang in the north, and Yantang and Taihu Lake in the south. It guards the waterways leading to Changmen. Therefore, Shang Zhifu said that the Zhejiang Army shoulders a heavy responsibility.

   "Don\'t worry, Mr. Shang, there is responsibility and pressure to be motivated. With our Zhejiang army stationed here, we will not let a Japanese pirate pass through Fengqiao and keep the west gate of Suzhou safe." Zhu Pingan said firmly.

   "Very good. The west gate of Suzhou has been entrusted to your army." Shang Zhifu nodded vigorously.

  (end of this chapter)