Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1662: zhang or zhao

Chapter 1662 Zhang or Zhao

   "Zi Hou, don\'t rush to go back after the welcome banquet, and taste the tea I brought from the capital." Zhao Wenhua patted Zhu Ping\'an on the shoulder and confessed in front of everyone.


  Zhao Wenhua was invited by a large crowd, and he regarded himself as a teacher, so Zhu Pingan had no choice but to accept it.

  Next, Zhao Wenhua got to know other officials, and walked to the imperial envoy\'s office.

  The imperial yamen is a temporary yamen, which is usually sealed up. Only when the imperial envoy comes, it is cleaned and tidied up a few days in advance.

  However, the imperial envoy Zhao Wenhua is different. Zhao Wenhua’s sacrifice to the sea will only take a few days, but the supervision of military affairs is uncertain.

  The people in the Ministry of Rites actually arranged this way. The imperial envoy’s office was used as Zhao Wenhua’s office. As for the accommodation, a garden was hired as Zhao Wenhua’s daily living place, and some cooks and servants were hired.

  However, Zhang Jing rejected this proposal.

  Are you kidding me? For one person, you can rent a garden and hire a group of cooks and servants, and you can’t get more than a hundred taels of silver a month. Wouldn’t it be nice to have this money for military expenses and to reward soldiers?

  The front yard of the imperial envoy’s yamen works, the backyard stays, and there are a dozen servants around, which is enough. How could Zhang Jing want to split a copper coin into two halves to spend now, so how could he agree to hire a cook for Zhao Wenhua\'s garden.

  In Zhang Jing’s heart, offering sacrifices to the sea is out of the question, offering sacrifices to the **** of the sea, and seeking the blessing of the **** of the sea, will he be able to protect the southeast of Ming Dynasty?! If it is really useful, what do we need the soldiers of the three armies to do?!

  Sacrifice to the sea, spending so much money in vain, really out of tune!

  Of course, it is impossible to say what is in the heart even if Zhang Jing is killed. This involves His Majesty, His Majesty is always right, and His Majesty cannot criticize at all

  Zhang Jing is a tycoon in the officialdom. It is impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake. He just thinks about it in his heart.

"Welcome to the governor, welcome to the imperial envoy, welcome to all of you!" In front of the imperial envoy\'s yamen, the governor Zhang Jing led the way, followed by the imperial envoy Zhao Wenhua, and other officials filed in. The waist never straightened up.

  In the yamen, the incense table has long been set up, and the kitchen room has already prepared the food and wine to cleanse the dust, and they are waiting to be served.

   "Thank you again to Governor Zhang, and to He Zhenshou, Wei Guogong, and all colleagues for their warm welcome. Yu Si felt the warmth of spring in the snowy winter months. Thank you very much."

   Before announcing the decree, Zhao Wenhua cupped his hands and bowed to everyone, thanking everyone again with emotion.

   "Master Zhao is too polite."

  A group of officials got up and said after hearing the words, feeling a little more favorable towards Zhao Wenhua in their hearts.

  He is the godson of Master Yan, the backbone of the strict party, with a high position and authority, and he speaks nicely...

"Okay, it\'s getting late, let\'s get back to business. Now that the Japanese plague is becoming more and more serious, the top priority of all departments, offices and generals is to prepare for the Japanese. I also ask Mr. Zhao to issue the imperial decree as soon as possible, so that we can cooperate with Mr. Zhao as soon as possible." Complete the important task of the Holy One, so that you can devote your energy to fighting the Japanese."

   Zhang Jing interrupted the sublimation of feelings between Zhao Wenhua and a group of officials, and urged Zhao Gongwenhua to issue an order.

   "Yes, yes, what Governor Zhang said is very true."

  Zhang Jing is the governor and minister, the top leader in the south of the Yangtze River. When Zhang Jing speaks, all the officials naturally follow suit.

  One second, Zhao Wenhua, who was being hooted and flattered by a group of officials, became a loner the next second.

   Ice and Fire Two Heavens!

Zhao Wenhua felt the deepest, with a flash of gloom between his brows, he said with a smile on his face, "Now the Japanese plague is not waiting for us. Governor Zhang\'s words are reasonable, so let\'s get down to business. This time I went out of Beijing and came to Guibao. I have two important tasks, one is to sacrifice to the sea, and the other is to inspect and inspect the military affairs in the southeast, and I need the cooperation of Governor Zhang, your lords, and your generals."

   "This is natural." Zhang Jing and other officials would naturally not refuse the important task assigned by Emperor Jiajing.

"The most important task is to offer sacrifices to the sea. This is also the first important task entrusted to me by the Holy One. When Japanese pirates come across the ocean, there must be sea monsters secretly helping the Japanese pirates. Offer sacrifices to the sea and pray to gods, kill sea monsters, and help me The Great Ming eradicated the Japanese pirates."

  Zhao Wenhua first bowed in the direction of the northern capital to pay homage to Emperor Jiajing, and then said to everyone.

  After Zhang Jing heard this, his expression didn\'t change, but he really didn\'t take it seriously in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

  Return to sea monsters!

  What a party of eunuchs—nonsense!

  However, if you sacrifice to the sea, let’s sacrifice to the sea. Who would let the Holy One practice Taoism?

  In the past few days, choose a good day and auspicious day, and find a safe seaside, burn the talisman paper, read the green words, seal the sea god, worship the sacrifice, and then pour the sacrifice into the sea and it\'s over.

  Zhang Jing thought of it truthfully, and there was no great disturbance in his heart, and his resistance to Jihai was not very great.

"As for inspecting the military affairs in the southeast, it is a long-term and important task. However, please rest assured Governor Zhang, my lords and generals. I am not here to find trouble, let alone find fault, but to solve the problem. For problems, if you have any difficulties and troubles in military affairs, you can appeal to this official. I will try my best to solve your difficulties and troubles. If I can\'t solve them, I will report them to the cabinet and the holy majesty. I ask the cabinet and the holy majesty to make decisions for you. The ultimate goal of inspecting the military affairs in the southeast is to wipe out the Japanese pirates, to restore peace to the people in the southeast, and to restore the stability of the country to the Holy One.”

   Zhao Wenhua said so.

  Hearing that Zhao Wenhua was so knowledgeable, Zhang Jing nodded slightly, saying that it is good that you have this awareness.

Inspecting and inspecting military affairs, heh, what do you know about military affairs? Do you know how to arrange troops? Do you know how much food and grass a battalion needs? Do you know how to set up a siege?! You know How many horses do Japanese pirates have?! You don’t know anything!

  However, at last you still have self-knowledge, knowing not to make trouble or find fault, this awareness is very good.

  You just watch quietly from the side.

  Although you are a strict party, but for the sake of your sense of humor, when the Japanese pirates are wiped out in the future, it is okay for you to share a little credit.

  Zhang Jing thought truthfully in his heart, and nodded slightly on his face.

  All the officials present were relieved after hearing Zhao Wenhua\'s statement and seeing Governor Zhang Jing\'s expression. They were all worried that Zhang Jing and Zhang Wenhua would fight **** for tat.

  Zhang Jing is the governor and minister of Jiangnan, the governor of Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Huguang and other provinces.

  As for Zhao Wenhua, Zhao Wenhua is an imperial envoy, sent by the Holy One to worship the sea, inspect and inspect military affairs, and backed by the huge Yan Party, they can\'t be too careful in serving them, and they can\'t afford to offend them. If these two masters fight, they don\'t know how to follow and what to do.

   Fortunately, the two got along fairly well, which made the hearts of all the officials go back to their stomachs.

  However, Zhu Ping\'an is not as optimistic as everyone else. He didn\'t believe a word of Zhao Wenhua\'s words, including punctuation marks.

  There was another person present who also did not believe what Zhao Wenhua said, and he was Hu Zongxian.

  At this moment, his heart was ups and downs, worried and excited, and his eyes were patrolling Zhao Wenhua and Zhang Jing back and forth. He knew that these two people would definitely oppose each other, it was destined.

   Zhang, or Zhao, this is a question.

  Hu Zongxian touched his chin, thinking deeply.

  (end of this chapter)