Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1639: Education Education

Chapter 1639 Education Education

   "Okay, as long as you talk nonsense, if men and women don\'t listen to them, they don\'t eat delicate and complicated dishes such as eggplant, stuffed bean sprouts, and boiled cabbage every now and then, just trying something new."

  Li Shu cast a reproachful glance at the girls with her beautiful eyes, then smiled at the witch Ruonan.

"Let\'s eat, Ruomen and girls, the food won\'t taste good when it\'s cold." Li Shu said enthusiastically, and then she couldn\'t help covering her mouth and laughing, "And, if you don\'t eat it, Brother Zhu will eat it up." "


  The demon girl Ruonan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, then turned her head and saw Zhu Ping\'an who was feasting, and the hibiscus prawns and sweet-scented osmanthus shark\'s fin that had been eaten for nearly half of the plate, her jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

  Zhu Ping\'an is completely immersed in eating food. He takes a bite, squints his eyes and enjoys it, and then takes another bite without stopping. It\'s like eating dragon liver and phoenix marrow. It\'s extremely enjoyable.

  That posture is like not eating for half a month.

   Hua\'er was still attentively grilling shrimp for Zhu Pingan, half of the plate was piled up with shrimp skins


   When did you start eating? !

  Looking at the two half-empty plates, and the half-plate of shrimp skins piled up by Hua\'er\'s hand, the witch Ruonan immediately understood.

   This **** Zhu Ping’an probably started to eat as soon as it was on the table, and the disputes between himself and Li Shu and the others about "Zhu Men\'s wine and meat stinks on the road have frozen bones" and "Being rich and unkind" did not affect his appetite at all!

   Eat, eat, eat! Just know how to eat! Really edible! People are like their surnames, and they are not afraid of supporting you to death!

  The demon girl Ruonan drew a circle in her heart, wrote Zhu Ping\'an\'s name on it, and exported it!

  There is a large table of dishes, so I just grab these two plates to eat.

  Wait, the two dishes he ate, hibiscus prawns and sweet-scented osmanthus shark\'s fin, seemed to be made by Li Shu.

  Damn it!

   Have a meal and show your affection! dog man and woman

  Haven\'t eaten the meal yet, he was stuffed with a handful of dog food first, no one would feel comfortable, the demon girl Ruo Nan\'s face turned even darker.

Hmph, you love these two dishes so much, and you want to show courteousness to Li Shu, but I won\'t let you do so, so the witch Ruo Nan stretched out her chopsticks to pick up a hibiscus prawn, put it in her mouth without pulling the skin, and then Go to pick up sweet-scented osmanthus shark\'s fin again.

  As soon as the hibiscus prawns were in the mouth, the enchantress Ruonan couldn\'t help being stunned, hey, the hibiscus prawns are really delicious.

  Damn it! Li Shu\'s culinary skills are indeed far superior to mine. Even if I teach Hua\'er cooking skills, it\'s useless. At most, I can teach Hua\'er to my level, but it\'s still not as good as Li Shu\'s cooking skills.

  Forget it, make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, let’s cross out the culinary art first.

  Witchy woman Ruo Nan took a bite of hibiscus prawns, and the drama in her heart could catch up with eating a table full of Chinese.

Because I was so obsessed with thinking, I felt delicious in my mouth, so I aimed at another prawn to pick it up. As a result, when the chopsticks were about to pick up the prawn, a pair of chopsticks grabbed the prawn first. When I looked up, I found that the instigator was It\'s Zhu Ping\'an.

  The witch Ruonan watched Zhu Pingan take away the prawns, then peeled off the prawns graciously, and gave the prawns to Li Shu who was sitting beside her.

   Meet the dog thieves who forget to love you!

  The demon girl Ruonan gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Sister Li\'s cooking skills are getting better and better. If I don\'t pay attention, I will almost eat them up. Try your own cooking skills while it\'s hot." Zhu Pingan took the peeled hibiscus prawns to Li Shu attentively, without any hesitation. He stingily praised Li Shu\'s cooking skills.

   "Grandpa, Miss can\'t eat greasy food, she\'ll get morning sickness," Qin\'er said nervously.

"It\'s okay, I see that brother Zhu\'s food is delicious, so I want to try it too." Li Shu smiled, and under the surprised and nervous eyes of Qin\'er and other close girls, picked up the shrimps that Zhu Ping\'an put into the bowl, and put them in the bowl. into the mouth.

   "Well, it\'s delicious, it seems that my cooking skills have not yet fallen." Li Shu\'s eyes were bent into crescents.

  This shrimp is a bit sweet

  However, in the next second, Li Shu couldn\'t help covering her small mouth with a handkerchief, turned sideways to avoid it, and retched twice.

   "Okay, these two little guys have an opinion." Li Shu smiled wryly.

   "These two little **** won\'t let mom eat properly. I\'ll see how I deal with them later."

  Zhu Ping\'an saw Li Shu\'s morning sickness, gritted his teeth and said.

   "Hehehe, they didn\'t do it on purpose." Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a look, dumbfounded.

  Dog male and female.

  Witch girl Ruomen turned her anger into appetite, she kept attacking with a pair of chopsticks, her mouth never stopped, her stomach was like a bottomless pit.

   Probably because of martial arts training, she eats much more than ordinary people.

   Moreover, she came from behind in the end, and among those present, including Zhu Ping\'an, she was the one who ate the most.

   "It\'s a waste of words, but Ruomen and girls are very honest."

   "That\'s right, Ruonan girl eats the most on the table, even my uncle doesn\'t eat as much as you."

   "If you\'re a boy or a girl, why don\'t you say that Lao Shizi is rich and unkind, and the food tastes better than anyone else."

  When the enchantress Ruo Nan turned her anger into appetite, the girls in the room couldn\'t help being sarcastic again.

   "Hey, I\'m afraid of waste, so I eat more. It\'s a pity to waste these precious good things."

  The demon girl Ruonan shrugged her shoulders.

   "It\'s all an excuse, if you can\'t eat it, you can give it to us." All the girls said in a hurry.

   "It\'s embarrassing to let you eat leftovers." The witch Ruonan shrugged her shoulders again, and said with a look of consideration for them.

   All the girls rolled their eyes.

  After they were full of wine and food, the maids brought mouthwash tea in small tea trays, and some people brought gargling bowls to facilitate mouthwashing.

Although this is not the first time, the witch Ruonan still forgot that this is tea for mouthwash and not tea for drinking, and she drank it in one gulp like the first time. I was a little embarrassed, and my face was a little red.

   It made the girls snigger, and the shoulders of each of them swayed while holding back their laughter.

  The night is getting dark, the moon and stars are thin, birds and magpies are resting in their nests, and people who have been busy all day are washing up and going to bed one after another.

   "Aren\'t you going back to the barracks tonight?" Li Shu just finished washing and brushing her hair, seeing that Zhu Ping\'an had also washed, she couldn\'t help but blinked and asked.

   "Ahem, I won\'t be back tonight. I have made arrangements when I come, and it won\'t be too late to go back tomorrow morning."

   Zhu Pingan coughed.

   "Hey, my uncle saw Miss and couldn\'t walk anymore." Qin\'er and Hua\'er covered her small mouth and laughed.

   "Ahem, I don\'t see the two little guys being misbehaving, and I want to educate them at night to make them obedient."

  Zhu Pingan coughed, and said without blushing or panting.

   "They are so young, how do you educate them?" Li Shu gave a coquettish voice.

   "Ahem, have you ever heard of a filial son born under a stick?" Zhu Pingan leaned over to Li Shu and coughed.

"What kind of filial son is born under the stick?" Li Shu was stunned for a moment, but after seeing Zhu Pingan\'s hey smile, she thought about it, then blushed instantly, stretched out her powder fist and beat Zhu Pingan heavily in anger and annoyance. With a slap on Ping\'an\'s shoulder, two small canine teeth were exposed and he said coquettishly, "Bad guys, there is no one in shape."

  (end of this chapter)