Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1636: see also moral kidnapping

Chapter 1636 See also moral kidnapping

  When the witch Ruonan felt that she was blushing by mistake, the maids in the room couldn\'t bear it long ago. They were angry with this female thief who spoiled the scenery and ruined the warm moments of Miss and Uncle for a long time! What a joy to be in this moment!

   They have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

   "Heck, I don\'t even distinguish between \'smelly\' and \'smell\'. If you are a boy or girl, you should go back and watch "Children\'s Enlightenment" more, so as not to embarrass yourself later."

   "Hehe, my young lady has read thousands of books, and my uncle is the number one scholar. I really don\'t know where the girl Ruonan has the courage to ask for a big knife in front of Guan Gong and an ax in front of Lu Ban."

  "I often hear the old man say that it is important for this person to have self-knowledge. If he doesn\'t have self-knowledge, it would be ridiculous..."

  The girls covered their mouths and giggled, and you started to sneer at each other.

  However, the demon girl Ruonan is worthy of being a demon girl Ruonan, she only blushed for two seconds, then raised her face amidst the jeers of all the girls, and giggled under the unbelievable eyes of girls.

Laughed? Did she smile? She still has the face to smile?

   All the girls opened their mouths in disbelief. This female thief is too thick-skinned. She is so shameful that she can still laugh. How shameless, does she have no shame? !

   "Hehehe, the young lady is really knowledgeable and talented, and Ruonan is really educated." The witch Ruonan giggled and thanked Li Shu.

   "Ms. Ruonan, please be polite." Li Shu smiled lightly.

   "But." The witch Ruonan blinked her eyes, and paused deliberately when she said this.

   "If a boy or a girl has something to say, it\'s okay to say it."

  Li Shu could tell at a glance that the demon girl Ruo Nan\'s words must have ulterior motives, but she didn\'t care, and said with a smile.

"However, since the young lady is so knowledgeable and talented, and understands the poem \'The wine and meat of the Zhumen stinks, the road is frozen to death\', and understands the good intentions of the great poet Du, why don\'t you put it into action? Why enjoy it every day? If there are a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, if the family has a big business and a lot of money, you can do a lot of meaningful things, and there are still a lot of poor people who don’t have enough food and clothing waiting for relief. Ruonan believes that the young lady is not the kind of person who is rich and unkind..."

  The demon girl Ruonan blinked her eyes and made a suggestion. At the end, she emphasized her tone, deliberately emphasizing that I believe you are not the kind of person who is rich and unkind.

   "Huh? What did she say? If you have a big business and a lot of money, you can do a lot of meaningful things? Is she sick?"

  The maids and mothers in the house listened to the suggestion of Yaov Ruo Nan, and looked at Yaov Ruo Nan like a fool.

   Is this female thief out of her mind?!

   My young lady and uncle have money and should give it all to the poor? The family has a lot of money, so should it all be given to the poor?!

   Co-authored by my lady who gave money and property to the poor, is it just being rich and unkind?!

   All the girls and old ladies were all very annoyed.

   "Puff..." Li Shu couldn\'t help laughing out loud after hearing what the demon girl Ruonan said.

  You are a standard moral kidnapping, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but twitched his lips, it\'s no surprise in the modern Internet age, and there are even special words for "moral bitch" and "Mother bitch" on the Internet.

   "Young Madam think my words are ridiculous?" Ruonan, the witch, was a little excited when she heard Li Shu\'s laughter.

Then, the demon girl Ruonan took a special look at Zhu Pingan, wanting to see how Zhu Pingan felt at this time, and then found that Zhu Pingan also smiled, and immediately couldn\'t help but sneer, "Zhu Pingan, why are you laughing, you are also a poor family I didn\'t expect you to become rich and heartless now..."

   Before Zhu Ping\'an could speak, Li Shu spoke with a smile.

   "Hehehe, I thought that Ruonan girl is an old world, but I didn\'t expect Ruonan girl to be so innocent, like a little girl who doesn\'t know the world, doesn\'t go out and doesn\'t go out.”

  Li Shu covered her small mouth with her slender hands, and said with a giggle, slightly emphasizing her innocence.

Naivety? !

  A boudoir girl who is ignorant of worldly affairs and never leaves home? !

   Doesn\'t that mean I\'m naive? !

  The demon girl Ruo Nan immediately understood the meaning of Li Shu\'s words, and couldn\'t help raising Liu Mei, "What do you mean, Young Madam?"

   "Ruonan girl, do you know Confucius?" Li Shu asked with a smile.

   "Of course I know, Confucius." The witch Ruonan said without hesitation, feeling that she was afraid that Li Shu would underestimate her.

   "How was Confucius?" Li Shu asked.

   "Confucius is the sage of Confucius. He is a sage. Of course, there is nothing to say about his character." The witch Ruonan said emotionally.

   "If you don\'t mind if you are a boy or a girl, please listen to me tell a story about Confucius."

   Li Shu smiled.

  You let me speak freely, can I say disgust? !

  Witch girl Ruonan naturally nodded.

"Confucius had a proud disciple named Zi Gong, who is the originator of today\'s Confucian businessmen. Zi Gong was good at doing business. Those who have been reduced to slavery, if someone can redeem them, then the ransom can be reimbursed from the treasury."

  Li Shu spoke slowly.

"Zigong is so rich. He is the originator of Confucian businessmen." The witch Ruonan has not read books systematically and has never heard of this story. She just knows that Confucius did have a disciple named Zigong, but she doesn\'t know that Gong is so rich, even rich to the extent that the rich can rival the country.

"One day, Zigong met a Lu countryman who was a slave in a foreign country, and he redeemed him with money to restore his freedom. After Zigong returned to the Lu country, he refused to accept the reimbursement from the Lu country treasury, saying that If you have money, you can bear the ransom yourself, and the money in the treasury can be saved to save another Lu countryman who is a slave." Li Shu paused here, then looked at the witch Ruonan, and asked her softly , "Ruonan girl, what do you think of Zigong\'s approach?"

As soon as Li Shu finished speaking, the demon girl Ruonan praised Zi Gong without hesitation, "Zigong is worthy of being the favorite student of Confucius, and he is really a noble person who has received the true biography of Confucius. A moral person, a generous and selfless person, an upright gentleman, everyone should learn from Zigong, and learn from his noble spirit of being willing to help others without expecting anything in return.”

  After listening to the evaluation of the witch Ruonan, the corners of Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth twitched again

  Hi, Zhu Pingan, what do you mean? !

  The demon girl Ruonan saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s expression, and couldn\'t help but glared at Zhu Ping\'an. This man was really obsessed with sex, and his heart turned black. He forgot that he was from a poor family.

  (end of this chapter)