Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1627: first confrontation

Chapter 1627 The First Confrontation

  When Aunt Wang told Li Shu that Hua\'er was still a virgin, the tip of the enchantress Ruonan\'s ears moved slightly. She, who was shocked by Li Shu\'s appearance and demeanor, suddenly regained her spirit.

   I have to say that Aunt Wang has been a doctor for many years. Some women and children have unspeakable ailments, and some diseases can only be told to the patients in a low voice. Over time, she has already had this experience. At this time, she whispered to Li Shu, but the other people present did not hear, and did not even notice that Aunt Wang was talking to Li Shu.

  However, Yaov Ruonan is an exception.

  Yao Nu Ruonan is a martial arts practitioner, and she is also a successful martial arts practitioner. Her hearing and eyesight are far better than ordinary people. Aunt Wang\'s whispers are as soft as mosquitoes, and she hears them clearly without losing a single word.

  Huaer is still a virgin?

  Zhu Ping’an has never touched Hua’er? Hua’er is cute and cute, and has a good figure. He often goes to warm the bed for nerds, and the nerds don’t even touch the meat delivered to their mouths. Isn’t he bad?


  How could it be! This idea just came up, and the witch Ruonan herself denied it. Last time Zhu Ping was drunk and tricked himself into carrying him.

   Also, Li Shu\'s stomach is so big! It can be seen that Zhu Ping\'an, a nerdy ruffian, is very capable.

   Forget it, no matter why Zhu Pingan doesn’t make animations! This is not the point.

The point now is why did Aunt Wang tell Li Shu that Hua\'er is still a virgin? If Li Shu hadn\'t told Aunt Wang before, Aunt Wang would definitely not have said more?! So, it must be Li Shu who explained in advance up.

  That\'s why Li Shu was concerned about Hua\'er\'s weight loss just now, it was an excuse for Aunt Wang to check Hua\'er\'s body...

  Hmph! This woman\'s scheming and means are no less than her appearance and bearing, both of which are top-notch.

In fact, when I first entered the mansion, I saw Hua\'er\'s detached status and the treatment she was about to be raised as a concubine, plus I saw Li Shu who was beautiful, extravagant and pregnant, and Li Shu\'s love for her. After Hua\'er took good care of her, she no longer had the idea of ​​coming here.

  However, after hearing Aunt Wang telling Li Shu that Hua\'er was still a virgin, she looked at Li Shu again, and she felt that Li Shu was as beautiful as a fairy, and her nobleness was overwhelming. Li Shu is definitely not as harmless as she appears.

In the eyes of the witch Ruonan, Li Shu\'s looks and noble spirit are more than enough to be a queen, but she is also a queen like Daji and Lu Zhi, she is extremely scheming and cunning, Hua\'er is not at the same level as her magnitude.

Moreover, through today\'s observation, the demon girl Ruonan can also see that in the eyes of the heartless Hua\'er, her young lady, Li Mei, is probably the first. As long as her sister gives an order, she will be crushed and willing ;Her uncle is the second, but also living under her young lady.

  If Li Shu had the heart, she could have chewed up the bones of Hua\'er, a stupid girl, in one bite, and she might not even spit out the bone scum.

  The demon girl Ruonan is really worried about Hua\'er, so she made up her mind at this moment to stay in Zhu\'s mansion, observe Li Shu closely, and protect this stupid girl, Dian Hua\'er, lest she be swallowed alive.

   "Ahem..." The witch Ruonan thought of this and couldn\'t help coughing, which attracted everyone\'s attention.

   Hearing the sound of coughing, everyone noticed the witch Ruonan. Hua\'er touched the back of her head in embarrassment. She was so happy to see the young lady that she forgot about Ruonan.

   "Meet Miss Li, I am..." After coughing, the demon girl Ruonan began to introduce herself.

   Hua\'er introduced the witch Ruonan\'s voice almost at the same time, "Miss, she is..."

   "Ruo Nan. I know." Li Shu smiled slightly, interrupting the self-introduction of the enchantress Ruo Nan.

   "Ah, Miss Li actually knows my name?"

  Witch girl Ruonan was surprised when Li Shu pronounced her name. She didn\'t expect Li Shu to know her name at all.

"Not only do I know your name, but I also know a lot about you." Li Shu looked at the enchantress Ruonan with her dark eyes, as if she could see through the enchantress Ruonan. He nodded the chair at the lower end, and said lightly, "The visitor is a guest, if you are a boy or a girl, please sit down."

   "Come here, serve tea to the guests." Li Shu ordered.

   "Thank you, Ms. Li." The demon girl Ruonan clasped her fists in thanks, and then said, "Miss Cai just said that she knows a lot about me?"

"It\'s been heard, and I don\'t know if it\'s true or not." Li Shu smiled and said slowly, "Ruo Nan, the former head of the Dayu Mountain Village, led the villagers to become refugees when the flood hit the south of the Yangtze River a few months ago. Husband presided over the establishment of the northern suburbs forced flood area. Later, Ruofeng pretended to be the father and daughter who sold themselves to save their mother. Huaer kindly gave you ten taels of silver to save their mother. Ruonan insisted on selling himself as a maid. Sudden abduction of husband, intending to seek wealth and kill, in fact, Ruomen and girls should have wanted to seek wealth at that time, and murder should not be enough."

   "Ah?! I didn\'t expect it to be a female bandit, or some kind of poor man?!"

   "What, she pretended to sell herself as a slave, coaxed Hua\'er into the backyard, hijacked my son-in-law, and wanted to murder her?!"

  Qin\'er and other girls and women heard this, they couldn\'t help exclaiming, and all of them looked sideways at the witch Ruoan.

   "Really, is it really Hua\'er?" Qin\'er and others asked Hua\'er for confirmation.

  Hua\'er nodded her head, and Qin\'er and other maidservants exclaimed louder, and looked at the witch Ruonan even more strangely, frightened and angry at the same time.

   "Miss Protection!"

  Qin\'er was afraid but still firmly stood in front of Li Shu, fearing that the witch Ruonan, the former young head of the cottage, would be unfavorable to the young lady.

"Hehe, it\'s okay, Qin\'er, don\'t make a fuss, it\'s all over. Ruonan and the others have now turned their backs on the dark side and turned to the light." Li Shu smiled slightly, signaling Qin\'er not to be nervous, and then said, "At that time, there was no danger, my husband not only Turned the danger into a bargain, and convinced Ruonan and the others. Ruonan and the rest of the villages surrendered to her husband, and became soldiers of the Zhejiang Army under his command. Well, Ruonan\'s father, Ruofeng, also helped her husband persuade several cottages to surrender, and brought them to the Zhejiang Army under her husband. Ruofeng is now a battalion commander of the Zhejiang Army."

   "I don\'t know if I\'m right, girl Ruonan?" Li Shu smiled and looked at the witch Ruonan.

   "You\'re right, you\'re right. It\'s not bad at all. It\'s a great honor for Ruonan to be investigated so clearly by Ms. Li."

  The demon girl Ruonan giggled and clapped her hands for Li Shu.

  (end of this chapter)