Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1625: ashamed

Chapter 1625 Ashamed

  The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly. Although it is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, I feel a bit of warmth, which is a good sign.

  With a lofty mission, Ruonan, the demon girl, came to the brand-new "Zhu" mansion along with Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi. Before calling the door, Menzi recognized Hua\'er at a glance, opened the side door and invited himself and Hua\'er in.

   Not only enthusiastic, but even a little fawning.

  The demon girl Ruonan was a little surprised when she saw this scene. It seems that Hua\'er\'s status in the mansion is not low.

After entering the mansion, I saw women, servants, and servants coming and going, all dressed in new and tidy clothes, many of them were of higher status, and they were still dressed in brocade and satin materials, which were better than those worn by the mistresses of wealthy families in the town. better.

   "Sister Hua\'er, why did you come so soon, Mrs. Wang is rushing to pick you up."

  A little girl dressed in brand-new green clothes was pleasantly surprised to see the painting, and chirped.

   "Xiao Cui, I think Miss still has you guys, how can you wait to pick me up." Hua\'er narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"We also want to kill Sister Hua\'er, so I\'ll tell someone to go find Mrs. Wang, and tell her that Sister\'er is here, so there\'s no need to pick her up." The little girl stopped a boy who was going to the stables, and told him Send a message to Mrs. Wang.

   "Hey, Cui\'er is still called Sister Hua\'er, she should be called Aunt Hua\'er. We greet Auntie."

   At this time, two more girls came over, giggling and joking, and saluted Hua\'er with their hands on their waists.

   "Dai Mo, Bi Yu, you two little hoofs, what did you say, you were full, didn\'t you say that you tore your mouths." Hua\'er blushed immediately, spat, and cursed shamefully.

"We didn\'t talk nonsense, the lady said it all, as long as sister Hua\'er consummates the room with the uncle, she will take sister Hua\'er as an aunt, and the lady also specially reserved a house for sister Hua\'er, with the lady and uncle The master bedroom where I sleep is in a courtyard, just for the convenience of sister Huaer to serve her..."

  The two little girls, Dai Mo and Biyu, saw Hua\'er blushing, and couldn\'t help covering their mouths and giggling.

   "What are you talking about, hmph, I\'m ignoring you, I\'m going to see Miss." Hua\'er blushed, stared at them like water in her eyes, and trotted all the way to the backyard with her skirt in her hands as if fleeing.

  Witch girl Ruo Nan is strolling in the courtyard, easily following Hua\'er who is trotting all the way, his mind is full of conversations just now, Hua\'er is about to be carried away?

  Entering the pendant flowers is the backyard. The hall is in the middle, and the verandahs are on both sides, elegant beams and paintings. In the hall, there is a purple plant wood jasper shelf with six screens that is several meters long, revealing nobility and style.

The backyard is full of old ladies and little girls. It is more gorgeous and textured than the front yard. They live here and are busy cleaning the yard and decorating the yard. It is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, but the yard is full of evergreen greenery everywhere. There were also flowers blooming one after another, which made the witch Ruonan\'s eyes widen in surprise.

   "Sister Huaer/Girl Huaer..." Huaer is more popular in the backyard. She greets everyone she meets, and makes fun of those who are familiar with her.

  Passing the screen, there are three halls. Behind the hall is the courtyard of the main house, and on the front of the courtyard are five upper rooms.

  There are two wing rooms on both sides, but the three wing rooms on the right have been temporarily transformed into kitchen rooms. They are spacious and tight, and the servants can be seen washing fruits and vegetables, and tidying up chicken, duck and fish meat, and the smell of the food is overflowing.

  In front of the main room, there were three maids and two old women who were drying the quilts. When they saw Huaer coming, they smiled and greeted them.

   Huaer called out their names one by one, and greeted them with a smile.

   "I really said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here. Just now the master was still reading Miss Hua\'er, but it happened that Miss Hua\'er came."

  A little girl with a fat face and a little girl with phoenix eyes competed to open the curtain for Hua\'er, and said inside, "Miss Hua\'er is here."

   "I\'ll go to see Miss first, and I\'ll talk to you later." Hua\'er smiled and nodded in response, and entered the room.

After entering the room, the enchantress Ruonan adjusted to the light in the room, and saw a girl with an oval face and cherry lips, fair and shiny complexion, a fox fur coat and a long skirt, smiling lips like flowers came out from the back room, followed by two A girl in a verdant green brocade bijia padded jacket.

   This should be the legendary Ms. Li Shu Li, the enchantress Ruo Nan immediately identified the person who came.

   Well, although Ms. Li is quite good-looking, she is just as good as Hua\'er. The two have their own advantages and disadvantages in appearance. They are fat, thin, and beautiful. However, in terms of figure, this Ms. Li\'s figure is obviously not as good as that of the picture. The place where the picture should be bigger is a lot bigger than her, and it is more attractive to men.

  Comprehensive appearance and figure, Zhu Ping\'an, that perverted nerd, must like painting more.

  So, without waiting for both parties to speak, the witch Ruonan spoke first, "This is Ms. Li, right?"


  The girl who came out of the back room was obviously taken aback when she heard the words, and the smile on her face froze for a moment.

   Hua\'er was obviously stunned too.

   "Ahem, it should be Mrs. Zhu, right?" The enchantress Ruonan was startled when she saw this, and changed her words.

"Hehe...I\'m not Miss, I\'m Miss\'s big girl, Qin\'er. Hua\'er, who is this?" Qin\'er couldn\'t help but covered her mouth and laughed, then stepped forward to hold Hua\'er\'s hand, and asked with a smile road.

   "Her name is Ruonan, she can be regarded as my uncle\'s guest. Her father works for the Zhejiang Army under my uncle\'s devil. She seems to be a battalion commander."

  Hua\'er explained to Qin\'er, briefly introducing the identity of the witch Ruonan.

   "Ruo Nan, if you don\'t know her, don\'t misjudge her. This is Qin\'er, not my lady." Hua\'er turned around and corrected the witch Ruonan.

ah? !

   Isn\'t the rightful owner Li Shu? !

   It turned out to be Li Shu\'s personal big girl, the enchantress Ruo Nan, who couldn\'t help being surprised, unexpectedly misjudged the wrong person.

   "Giggle. I seem to hear Hua\'er\'s voice, but Hua\'er is back."

  Just when the demon girl Ruonan was surprised that she had identified the wrong person, a crisp and sweet female voice came from the back room. As a girl several times, she had to admit that the voice was really nice, as if a lark flew over in a snowy day.

   Just listening to the voice, the demon girl Ruonan couldn\'t help but outline a fairy-like beauty in her mind.

  However, when the owner of the voice came out from the back room surrounded by several old ladies and maids, the pupils of the witch Ruonan couldn\'t help shrinking.

  I thought that what I had imagined was already beautiful enough, but when the real master came out, the witch Ruonan realized that her imagination was too poor, and the real master was several times more beautiful than I imagined.

  Beautiful, so beautiful, it is exaggerated to say that the country is the best, but it is realistic to say that it is the best in the world.

  Not only is she beautiful, but she is also overpoweringly luxurious. Even, the demon girl Ruonan couldn\'t help but think of a word in her heart: the world of motherhood.

  I haven\'t seen what the queen looks like, but the queen is probably nothing more than that.

  The stunning beauty is still pregnant, full of pregnancy, her face exudes maternal brilliance, adding a bit of maternity to the world.

  Compared to such a stunning beauty, Hua\'er is worthy of being a girl.

  At this moment, the witch Ruonan not only can\'t say anything about being famous for the painting, but even feels ashamed of herself.

  (end of this chapter)