Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1604: When Yiwu recruits soldiers (3)

Chapter 1604 Yiwu recruiting in progress (3)

  Zhao County Magistrate was very efficient, but within an hour, two notices were posted in conspicuous places in Yiwu County, one for mining control and one for recruiting troops from the Zhejiang Army. In some of the most popular places in the county, such as the Shenming Pavilion of the county government, the entrance of the vegetable market, the Nongchao Restaurant, and the gate of the city, special scribes were specially assigned to read and explain the content of the notice to the onlookers before the notice.

  In addition, more than 30 guards took notices and rushed to towns and villages to post them.

"Okay, from now on, this mine will understand that the mine belongs to the government, and whoever the government approves can excavate it. If the government doesn\'t approve it, no one should fight. sin."

   "This is good. Those who occupied it before, the government will forget the past, and those who did not occupy it can no longer occupy it. There is no need to fight with weapons anymore. Finally, I can dig mines and farm in peace."

"Hey, this recruitment notice is a bit interesting. The Zhejiang army recruits militiamen, not guards, and they are not military households after entering. Don\'t worry about being military households for generations, but this is also a regular army, and they are paid by the imperial court, and the military wages are so high. , It turns out that the military salary of one and a half taels of silver is full every month, and it is 18 taels of silver in a year. If the performance assessment is excellent, you will get a more generous military salary.

"Also, every time you kill a Japanese pirate, you will be rewarded with thirty taels of silver, thirty taels. This is not ten thousand times better than armed combat. Not only will there be no rewards for wounding and killing the opponent in armed combat, but you also have to worry about being pursued by others. I was even worried about being caught by the government and imprisoned! But joining the Zhejiang Army is different. When I go to the battlefield, I will receive 30 taels of silver for killing one Japanese pirate, and 60 taels of silver for killing two Japanese pirates. I can even become a hero. At that time, it may be possible to become an official, if you kill a few more Japanese pirates, you will be waiting to enjoy the blessings in this life."

  The masses gathered around the notice, discussing it a lot, and most of the reactions were positive, but of course there were also negative voices.

"You said, could it be that the government deceived us and lured us into a trap in the name of recruiting soldiers? Committing wounding or homicide with weapons, no matter what the crime is, it is enough for us to stay in prison."

"No, didn\'t the mine management notice say that if you have already occupied the mine, as long as you pay in kind or taxes, the government will issue a new approval document to admit it. How can the government slap yourself? Who will listen to him in the future? would be so short-sighted.”

  There are also people who are skeptical and questioning, but the number is relatively small. The clerks in the yamen before the notice also repeatedly assured the crowd of onlookers, don’t worry, this notice is definitely not about the yamen cheating people into jail and so on.

Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and others in casual clothes, walked around the notices in the county, watched people\'s reactions, listened to people\'s comments, and saw that the people responded strongly and positively in general, the corners of Zhu Ping\'s mouth couldn\'t help twitching. There was a smile on his face. From the looks of it, there should be a lot of people applying to join the army tomorrow.

   "Da Dao, go and exchange the banknotes for broken silver, so that after recruiting soldiers tomorrow, you can pay them settlement allowances."

   "I\'ll go to the county magistrate Zhao and borrow more scribes from him to help with registration and compilation. Well, I also borrow some servants to help maintain order."

   "The recruitment field needs to be cleaned up, and the field should be expanded. There are more people recruiting to join the army, so don\'t be overwhelmed"

  Zhu Pingan gave instructions to Liu Dadao and others with a confident face, and explained one preparation after another.

  The soldiers were divided into three groups. Zhu Pingan went to Zhaozhi County to discuss the borrowing of librarians and servants.

  It was methodical, and in the evening, all of them successfully completed their work. Liu Dadao successfully exchanged 6,000 taels of silver, and the venue was also tidied up, nearly double the size of the planned plan, enough to accommodate more than 3,000 people.

Zhao Zhixian was also very talkative, and Zhu Pingan approached him to explain his intentions. Zhao Zhixian handed over two-thirds of the county government\'s clerks and servants to Zhu Ping\'an, leaving only one third to maintain the operation of the county government. Scribes and servants are necessary.

  Everything is ready for tomorrow.

In the evening, Zhao Zhixian enthusiastically wanted to welcome Zhu Pingan and others to the restaurant. Zhu Ping’s kindness was hard to get rid of, and Zhao Zhixian needed a lot of cooperation in recruiting soldiers in Yiwu. Just add two dishes to the county government kitchen. At Zhu Ping\'an\'s insistence, Zhao Zhixian took over the dust for Zhu Pingan and others at the county government office. The county government kitchen added eight dishes to make a perfect one.

   After eating and drinking enough, Zhu Pingan rested in the county government room for one night.

  Early the next morning, after a hasty breakfast, Zhu Pingan took Liu Dadao and others, as well as the scribes and servants from Yiwu County, to the open space in front of the south gate of Yiwu County.

   lest the people who came early to apply for the recruitment wait for a long time.

  The venue has been set up yesterday, tables, tables, chairs, benches, tea, etc. have all been placed in place.

   At that time, the east was already white, the morning sun revealed half of his face, and thousands of golden lights shone on the earth through the morning sun.

  Everything is full of vitality and hope.

  However, Zhu Pingan took Liu Dadao and others to the recruiting site and found that the site was empty.

   It was really empty, except for tables, chairs and benches, there was no one.

   "My lord, it\'s still early. The common people may not have had breakfast yet. Wait a minute. They should come after breakfast." Liu Dadao scratched his head, thought for a while, and found a reason.

   "Perhaps." Zhu Ping\'an was noncommittal.

  Things seem to be a little bit wrong, and there are strange things everywhere. It can’t be that all the people in the county don’t have breakfast. Could it be that there aren’t some people who get up early? How could it be possible? This doesn’t make sense.

   After waiting for a while, the county town has woken up from a deep sleep, and ordinary people began to appear on the streets.

  Those who do business, those who drive out of the morning market, those who go out to do errands, those who get up and walk around looking for breakfast.

  Some people approached the recruiting site, pointing and watching from a distance.

   Liu Dadao and others were looking forward to it at first, waiting for people to come to apply, but after waiting for a long time, no one came.

   "Are you here to apply for the army? Don\'t be shy, just come here." Liu Dadao walked to the onlookers in the distance, thinking that they were shy and embarrassed to come to join the army, so he took the initiative to ask.

   "No, no" the people in the distance waved their hands again and again and walked away.

  Liu Dadao walked away in a lonely, empty-handed way.

   Until the sun rose three poles and the sun rose high, not a single commoner came to enlist to join the army.

what happened? !

   What went wrong?

  Why no one came to apply for the army, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help frowning, puzzled.

  (end of this chapter)