Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1602: When Yiwu recruits soldiers (1)

Chapter 1602 Yiwu recruiting in progress (1)

"I didn\'t understand why the young master came to Yiwu to recruit soldiers before, but now I understand. The Yi Birds are really frightened and fierce, and they will never retreat in fights. It\'s as if they don\'t want to die. They are recruited into the Zhejiang Army and fought. It must be extremely brave in battle.”

   Liu Dadao couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva as he watched the **** and **** fighting scene below, and murmured.

  Looking at the **** fighting scene below, Zhu Pingan suddenly felt a fire of ignorance ignite in his heart!

  Such a brave and good man, the father and elder brother who supported the family, and now he died in the fighting!

   What a waste of money!

   It\'s so worthless!

  Fucking each other, killing each other, dying in vain, has no value, no meaning! sad! Alas! exasperating!

   "Let\'s go, after eating, go on the road, go straight to the Yiwu County Government, visit the local magistrate, post a notice, and start recruiting troops!"

  Zhu Pingan took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, said to Liu Dadao and others, and left first.

  Liu Dadao and others followed closely behind.

  The group went back to the tea stall, hurriedly finished the mutton soup and oil cakes, said goodbye to the boss\'s family, got on their horses, and went straight to Yiwu County.

  Yiwu County is a city with years and traces of time. The city wall is gray and black, the wall skin is peeling off, the city gate is covered with paste, and there is an uneven loess road outside the city gate. Horses pass by, splashing yellow sand all over the sky.

   "The little one has eyes but doesn\'t know Mount Tai. I don\'t know if it\'s because of the punishment. Zhu Pingan, the deputy envoy of the procuratorate, is here. Please forgive me, my lord."

  The city gate officials looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s waist badge, and unexpectedly he was such a high-ranking official, so they immediately stepped forward to salute in awe.

"You guard the gate impartially, what is your crime? Please hurry up. I am passing through your county. I have important business to visit the county magistrate of your county. Please send someone to lead the way." Zhu Pingan took back his waist card, helped the city gate official, and told him Said.

   "My lord, please follow me." The city gate official volunteered to lead the way, turned around and told the gatekeepers, "Liu Er, you guys are good at guarding the gate!"

   "Thank you, thank you!" Zhu Pingan thanked, and then said to Liu Dadao, "Give him a horse."

  The city gate officials were not polite, they got on their horses and led the way.

   Soon arrived at the county government office, Zhu Pingan got off his horse, and the city gate officials told the government officials to take good care of Zhu Pingan\'s horses, and sent someone to quickly report to the county magistrate.

   "It\'s good for Da Dao to accompany me, you can find a place to rest in the county government, pay attention to discipline, and don\'t disturb the order of the county government."

  Zhu Ping\'an ordered Liu Dadao to accompany him, asked the others to rest in the front yard of the county government office, and told them not to disturb order.

  The city gate officials arranged for servants to lead fifty soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to the guest room to rest.

   "I don\'t know that Mr. Zhu is here, but I have lost my way to welcome you. Please forgive me." Zhao Qiancheng, the magistrate of Yiwu County, ran all the way to greet him after receiving the notification.

   "Where is it? It\'s my official who came here uninvited, an uninvited guest, and caused trouble for Gui County and Mr. Zhao." Zhu Ping\'an clasped his hands and said politely. On the way here, he had already inquired about the name of the magistrate of Yiwu County and other basic information.

   "Please, Master Zhu." Zhao Qiancheng, the magistrate of Yiwu County, extended his hand to welcome Zhu Pingan into the county office, and led Zhu Pingan to his office room.

  After being seated, Zhixian Zhao poured a cup of tea for Zhu Ping\'an and Liu Dadao each, and asked with some trepidation, "I haven\'t congratulated Mr. Zhu on his promotion to acting deputy envoy. I don\'t know what you can do for Mr. Zhu\'s arrival today."

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s name has been quite well-known in several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River recently. He was the first to eliminate Yingtian Japanese pirates. Because of his achievements, he was promoted to the deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Procuratorate, and was promoted to a fourth-rank official. Who wouldn\'t envy him?

  Zhao Qiancheng said he was not envious, that was impossible. His feelings are much deeper and more tangible than that of ordinary officials.

  Because a few months ago, Zhu Ping\'an was still the same as him, and he was also the magistrate of a small county in the south of the Yangtze River.

However, a few months later, Zhu Ping\'an first made great contributions to the fight against the Japanese in Jingnan, and was promoted to Zhejiang Province to be punished and supervised by the inspector Siqian. The Deputy Envoy of the Criminal Press and the Procuratorate.

  As for myself, I am still a seventh-rank magistrate.

  In just a few months, one was promoted from a seventh-rank magistrate to a fourth-rank deputy envoy, and the other was still a seventh-rank magistrate.

  People\'s situations are so different, like a huge gap, how can we not feel envious.

  Of course, envy is secondary now, and anxiety is the main one. Zhu Ping\'an is now the deputy envoy of Zhejiang Prosecutor\'s Division. What does the Procuratorate do? It\'s a typical Taiwanese yamen, in charge of the impeachment of criminal names in a province, and has both judicial and supervisory powers!

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t say hello, didn\'t send any notice, and suddenly landed in Yiwu and went straight to the Yamen. What did he come for? ! Is there something wrong with my case? ! Someone went to the yamen of Yingtian and Taiwan to sue me? !

  Zhao Zhixian couldn\'t help feeling uneasy in his heart.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, I am here today to recruit soldiers." Zhu Pingan directly explained his purpose.

"Recruiting soldiers?!" Zhao Zhixian couldn\'t help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It\'s not just that the case-handling supervision wants to trouble me. Wait, recruit soldiers, come to our recruiting soldiers. With an unbelievable face, he said, "Are you going to recruit soldiers from our Yiwu guard?"

  As the county magistrate of Yiwu, Zhao Qiancheng knew all too well about the Yiwu Guards. The barracks of the Yiwu Guards were dilapidated, with a staff of 1,000 people. In fact, there were only more than 100 people in the guards. Recently, due to the constant shortage of soldiers\' salaries and the raging Japanese pirates, some soldiers were killed or injured, and some deserted soldiers. Now it is estimated that there are not even a hundred soldiers.

  How can these people fight? Zhu Pingan came to Yiwu Guards to recruit soldiers? ! This is a joke.

  Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, and said, "It\'s not recruiting from the guard post, but recruiting from the people of Yiwu County."

   "What?! Lord Zhu wants to recruit soldiers from the people of Yiwu County?" Zhao Qiancheng couldn\'t help standing up from his chair when he heard this, with a shocked expression on his face.

"My lord, this is to recruit soldiers! Please forgive me, my lord! Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Taizu set up military households, set up guards, and military households have been soldiers for generations. This is my ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty! My lord wants to recruit soldiers, which is against the ancestors. Please forgive me for not daring to obey orders!"

  Zhao Qiancheng bowed his hands to Zhu Ping\'an, shook his head vigorously, and rejected Zhu Ping\'an\'s request.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhao, please be safe and don\'t be impatient. I am recruiting soldiers, and I am recruiting militiamen. I have not broken the ancestral system. Moreover, I am recruiting militiamen according to the order of the Holy Majesty. Order."

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly, and Zhao Zhixian\'s reaction was within his expectations, so he explained with a smile.

While speaking, Zhu Pingan took out two official documents from his arms and handed them to Zhao Zhixian County for viewing. One was the edict issued by the imperial court to "rectify the military equipment" when he was appointed as the procurator of Zhejiang Province. Zhu Ping was granted the power to organize the army and withdraw the army; the other was the official document for recruiting militia issued by Zhang Jinggang to Zhu Ping, allowing Zhu Ping\'s Zhejiang army to operate in Shandong, Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, The recruiting of 1,200 militiamen in any of the seven provinces governed by Guangxi and other governors must not be stopped by any local officials.

  (end of this chapter)