Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1584: Say Zhang Jing, Snake Chen Hong

Chapter 1584 said Zhang Jing, snake Chen Hong

"According to the usual practice, if the Holy Majesty wants to appoint your lord as the governor-general, you must first remove your lord from the Ministry of War, and then order your lord to be the governor of the military affairs of Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces. The responsibility is not enough to be dismissed from the official position, demotion and fine salary are enough, and no matter how bad it is, it is enough to be relegated. The reason why you are dismissed from the post, the lower officials think, is to facilitate the appointment of you as the governor-general."

  Under Zhang Jing’s questioning eyes, Zhu Pingan explained slowly, with a confident and determined face.

  Of course he is confident, because Zhu Ping\'an knows that the procedure of Zhang Jing\'s appointment as a governor and minister is like this in history. According to historical records, the court proposed to set up a governor and minister, and the emperor ordered Zhang Jing to relieve the previous position of Minister of the Ministry of War.

  After Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, he saw Zhang Jing was stunned, and a touch of excitement flashed away in his eyes.

   A few seconds later, Zhang Jing shook his head again, and said flatly, "This is just wishful thinking and far-fetched wishful thinking of Mr. Zhu."

   "Perhaps it\'s wishful thinking of the lower officials." Zhu Ping\'an shrugged slightly, then cupped his hands again, "However, the lower officials have absolutely no intention of entertaining adults."

   "You talk nonsense, let\'s just listen to it." Zhang Jing nodded noncommittally.

   "However, if your lord is appointed as a governor or minister, please remember to owe the official a glass of wine. When the time comes to ask for it, your lord should not ask the lower official to be shut down." Zhu Pingan joked meaningfully.

   "Hehe, there is a jar of royal tribute wine \'Pearl Red\' bestowed by the emperor in the old man\'s house. I\'m afraid Lord Zhu doesn\'t have this good fortune."

  Zhang Jing stroked his beard and said with a smile.

   "That\'s a good deal, my lord has to prepare the wine." Zhu Ping\'an twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a confident smile.

  When Governor Zhang Jing is appointed, Zhu Pingan believes that he will definitely leave a deep and indelible impression on Zhang Jing.

   Accurately predict that the Japanese pirates will harass Yingtian, and accurately predict that Zhang Jing will be the Governor-General

   It might be a little exaggerated to say that there are strategic plans and clever calculations, but after these two incidents, Zhang Jing will definitely consider seriously if he has any suggestions in the future, instead of rushing to deny them like last time and this time.

   "Nephew, nephew, come here." At this moment, Zhu Pingan heard the call, and looked up to see Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai holding wine glasses, standing beside Chen Hong, waving to him.

   "Master Zhang, excuse me." Zhu Pingan apologized to Zhang Jing.

   "Master Zhu, please do as you please, don\'t worry about me." Zhang Jing nodded slightly, indicating that Zhu Ping\'an is free.

   "Uncle." Zhu Pingan walked towards Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai with a wine glass in hand.

   "Nephew, come here, I will officially introduce you to Eunuch Chen." Wei Guogong and Linhuai Hou said enthusiastically.

   "I have met Mrs. Chen." Zhu Pingan was kind and went up to meet Chen Hong.

"Hehe, Zhuangyuan Lang is being polite." Chen Hong smiled very gently, "Guo Gong and Lord Hou don\'t need to introduce us to each other. Although it is the first time for Zajia to meet Zhuang Yuanlang today, it is not the first time they have dealt with each other. gone."

   "Oh, this is not the first time that the father-in-law and the nephew have dealt with each other." Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou were a little surprised.

   "Exactly. Speaking of which, Zajia has to thank Zhuangyuan Lang." Chen Hong covered the corners of his lips with his hands, and laughed.

   "Oh, so the nephew also helped the father-in-law? The nephew is hiding too deeply, and he never told us."

  When Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai heard the words, they couldn\'t help but feel happy. Now it\'s all over. With this kind of relationship, there is really no need for introductions. My nephew actually helped Eunuch Chen, which is better than being recommended. When Eunuch Chen returns to Beijing, he will naturally speak well for his nephew in front of the Holy One. .

  When Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou thought of this, the smiles on their faces suddenly bloomed. This is really good news.

   "Ahem." Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw the smiles on the faces of Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai.

  Know that the two of them are thinking too much.

  When I was in Jingnan, I did "help" Eunuch Chen and "entertain" his godson well.

  Eunuch Chen and his godson must thank me from the bottom of their hearts, the kind of gratitude that gritted their teeth and chewed through the blood of the gums.

   "Hehe, the champion is doing good deeds without seeking fame." Chen Hong covered the corner of his mouth, smiling like a chrysanthemum.

"It was more than a month ago. At that time, the Zajia was ordered to go out to the palace to buy pearls. The Zajia was on business in Suzhou. There was a thief who pretended to be the unfilial son of the Zajia. He swindled and robbed the Zajia in Jingnan County. He ruined the reputation of the Zajia. He was the champion. Lang Ming found out that the man was pretending to be the adopted son of the Zajia. He caught the thief, beat him up, and handed him over to the Zajia. He maintained the reputation of the Zajia and did a great favor to the Zajia. Otherwise, the reputation of the Zajia would be ruined. It\'s a small matter, if it affects the emperor\'s mission and damages the name of the sage, then the miscellaneous family will be sinners through the ages. Fortunately, the number one scholar came to help."

  Chen Hong said to Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou with a smile, his words filled with gratitude to Zhu Pingan.

"Eunuch, you\'re being polite, it\'s just a matter of little effort." Zhu Pingan said modestly, "You\'re making a fool of me, who is afraid of who, and continued to say, "Eunuch Chen is diligent in his errands, fair and law-abiding, and has never committed any crimes. Mr. Chen\'s righteous son must be as high-spirited and loyal as Mr. Chen, how could he be too busy doing his errands, but diligent in bluffing and deceiving, bullying others, and taking away his beloved\'s property by force. That\'s why I saw right away that he was an imposter. Eunuch Chen\'s adopted son, you have ruined your father-in-law\'s reputation."

   "Ah, there is someone who dares to pretend to be a father-in-law and a son-in-law to bluff, deceive, and plunder. He deserves death."

   Wei Guogong was filled with righteous indignation.

   "No, my nephew is still young, his heart is too kind, it\'s too cheap to beat him up, he should be killed with a stick."

  Marquis of Linhuai echoed the road.

  The corner of Zhu Pingan\'s mouth couldn\'t help twitching again, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that the corner of Chen Hong\'s mouth was also twitching.

"Eunuch Chen, there is no need to say thank you. It is his honor to help my nephew. Otherwise, how could I get to know Eunuch? This is his blessing. Eunuch is a celebrity in front of the Holy One. A good word from my father-in-law to my nephew in front of the Holy Master is better than years of hard work by my nephew."

  Marquis of Linhuai complimented Chen Hong, and Yan Bi pulled Zhu Pingan forward to offer a toast, "Nephew, I still want to toast my father-in-law."

  Zhu Ping\'an twitched the corners of his mouth, and said good things. He didn\'t slander me in front of the Holy One, and he didn\'t speak bad things, so thank God.

  But on the surface, Zhu Ping\'an still smiled and stepped forward to toast, "To Eunuch Chen."

   "Please, Zhuangyuan, if you thank me, I won\'t say much. In the future, if Zhuangyuan needs a miscellaneous, just ask, and the miscellaneous will never refuse." Chen Hong raised his glass, touched it, and drank it down.

   "Thank you father-in-law soon." Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou were very excited when they heard the words.

   "Thank you, Eunuch."

  Zhu Ping\'an had no choice but to surrender, pretending to be false.

   The recent work has been a little loose, and I can finally update it stably for a period of time. Thank you all book friends for your perseverance.



  (end of this chapter)