Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1580: coveted reward

Chapter 1580 The coveted reward

  Under the fiery eyes of Marquis Linhuai and Duke Wei, Chen Hong slowly turned his gaze to the two of them.

   Finally it\'s our turn!

  When Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong saw Chen Hong looking over, their eyes lit up excitedly, they knew it was finally their turn.

  Yes, it was their turn. Chen Hong didn\'t keep them waiting, let alone disappoint them. Holding the imperial decree, he began to read:

"Li Tingzhu, the governor of Yingtian Zuojun\'s governor\'s office and the left guard of the water army, Li Tingzhu, after the founding hero, was cautious and vigilant when the Japanese pirate soldiers in Shangyu came to Yingtian City. After the warning, during the battle situation of the Japanese pirates marching, it was found that the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, Miao Yin, and Zeng Qianhu’s allied forces lost 24 people in the battle. , and Xu Pengju, the guard of Yingtian, braved everyone\'s suspicion and insisted on identifying the people who were close to the city gate. They found out the 24 Japanese pirates who had sneaked into the city in advance and pretended to be Japanese pirates and local ruffians, as well as the 123 insiders who had been countered by their instigators. People who shattered the conspiracy of the Japanese pirates to cooperate with the outside world. It is worthy of being a general. It is the style of the ancestors not to fall. The Japanese plague was serious back then, and it is time to employ people. Li Tingzhu was promoted to Jianghuai Deputy Commander, stationed in Jinshan Guard, Jiangyang, and Huaihai. Admiral Haiphong."


   Promoted to Deputy Commander!

Hearing this, the Marquis of Linhuai shook his fat body excitedly, knelt down on the ground with a common sound, and shouted loudly: "The minister leads the order to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live, I will live up to the sage Long En, make persistent efforts, and make new achievements .”

  Wait, Jianghuai Vice President, Marquis Linhuai suddenly remembered, and couldn\'t help but cast a glance at Zhu Pingan.

  At this moment, he admired and was grateful for his nephew Zhu Ping\'an.

More than a month ago, my nephew gave me a suggestion, let me write a letter to the sage, and suggested that the Japanese pirates be stationed in Baoshan, Jiangkou, and take advantage of the sea to take advantage of the wind to ravage the South Zhili area, Taicang, Yingzhou, Xuzhou, Susong, Huaiyang The Japanese pirates were all harmed in other places. Due to the limitation of administrative boundaries, the officials and soldiers in various places fought on their own, and it was difficult to coordinate and fight against the Japanese. As a result, they were exploited by the Japanese pirates. The army pursued and suppressed, so the Japanese pirates became more and more arrogant, and the losses in various places became more and more heavy. It is suggested that in the eighth and ninth years of Jiajing, additional general officers should be stationed in Zhenjiang or Jinshanwei to reorganize Jiangyang, control Huaihai, admiral Haiphong, and govern Su and Song Governments, coordinate the officials and troops in various places in Nanzhili.

   According to my nephew\'s suggestion, I wrote a letter to the Holy One.

  At that time, the wise nephew said that the position of Jianghuai commander-in-chief might be difficult, but the position of deputy commander-in-chief would be quite interesting.

   Didn\'t realize it, but the nephew\'s words became a prophecy, and things were predicted like a god, the Holy Majesty really appointed himself as the deputy general of Jianghuai.

  Although the Holy Majesty did not fully adopt the suggestion, he set up Jianghuai military officers to be stationed in Jinshanwei to reorganize Jiangyang, control Huaihai, and admiral Haiphong.

  However, it is also predictable!

  My nephew is really very human, really admirable. After this incident, if my nephew has any suggestions in the future, I will definitely listen to them.

Hehe, this is the Jianghuai Deputy Commander. This is a special and additional position. The Holy Majesty did not set up the Jianghuai Commander. My own Jianghuai Deputy Commander is actually the Commander. The navy and navy in the Jianghuai area are under their own control, and the coastal defense is also in their own hands.

  After the Marquis of Linhuai took the decree to thank him, he had a big belly and looked around, his big fat face filled with pride.

  People around him also looked at Marquis Linhuai with envy. If the occasion wasn\'t inappropriate, they would all have to step forward to congratulate him.

  Jianghuai Deputy Commander is in charge of Haiphong. Many of them secretly engage in sea trade smuggling business.

   In the future, they must have a good relationship with the Marquis of Linhuai, otherwise, their business of smuggling Haimao will be difficult.

   Wei Guogong on the side was even more excited when he heard the reward his old buddy had received.

  My credit is exactly the same as that of Linhuaihou. The reward Linhuaihou received is so rich, I can\'t be worse.

   Immediately, I couldn\'t wait even more.

  Chen Hong didn\'t keep him waiting. After reading the reward from Marquis Linhuai, he then read the reward from Duke Wei.

   "Yingtian defends Xu Pengju"

   Wei Guogong raised his ears and listened carefully. The content of the first half of the imperial decree was almost the same as that of Linhuaihou.

   ". Increase the leadership of the Zuo Mansion, give a special reward of a thousand stones for Jialu, six thousand stones for food salary, hereditary inheritance from descendants"

  Hearing the specific reward part later, Wei Guogong couldn\'t help breathing heavily, Jialu Qianshi.

  At that time, his ancestor Xu Da was a hero who founded the country.

   His generation is already the seventh generation.

  His father, his grandfather, his grandpa, etc., are not good. Only he, Xu Pengju, has carried forward the glory of his ancestors, and the increase of a thousand stones is still hereditary. In the future, when future generations offer sacrifices, they will all have to thank Xu Pengju.

  This time I am awesome!

  Look, who else dares to call me Xu Pengju an idiot! Look, who else said I, Xu Pengju, was incompetent!

   Lao Tzu blinded his dog\'s eyes with an imperial decree!

   All of this is thanks to my nephew Zhu Ping\'an.

  Fatty Li is really lucky to have such an excellent nephew. With this nephew in the east bed, there are not many opportunities for people surnamed Li to make meritorious deeds.

No, I have to think about it and see if there are any suitable nieces from concubine in the family. It would be better to have a close relationship with the nephew. Being the concubine of the nephew will not wrong her. With this relationship, in the future The opportunity for meritorious service is definitely indispensable.

  Wait, I\'ll think about these when I go back, and take the order first.

   "The minister leads the decree to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live, I will do my best, and die, to repay the kindness of the Holy One."

  Wei Guogong ordered to thank you.

  After accepting the decree, Wei Guogong raised his chin slightly, looked left and right, and his complacent look was even more than that of Linhuaihou.

  After hearing the reward that Duke Wei received, all the officials around looked at Duke Wei with envy and hatred.

   Actually increased the salary by a thousand stones, it is still hereditary from descendants!

  This is really enviable.

  A thousand stones is not a small amount. For the salaries of Ming officials, this thousand stones can be said to be the maximum salary. Now that he is a first-rank official, his monthly salary is only eighty-seven shi, and a year\'s salary is only one thousand and forty-four shi. For Wei Guogong, it is equivalent to receiving an extra salary of a first-rank official!

   This is still hereditary!

  It is equivalent to receiving an extra salary of one thousand stones every year!

  In terms of salary alone, Wei Guogong\'s salary can already look down on and beat everyone present.

   Not only everyone present, but almost all the officials of Ming Dynasty, except for the royal relatives, no one has a higher salary than Duke Wei. Even the salary of the elders of Yan Song and Yan Pavilion is not as high as that of Wei Guogong.

   How can I not make people jealous.

  (end of this chapter)