Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1577: Oh, fired

Chapter 1577 Oh, dismissed

Shi Pengfei is the right servant of the Ministry of Defense of the third rank, equivalent to the current Deputy Minister of National Defense, and is currently the highest punished official. The rank of generals is not comparable, even the generals with higher ranks than Shi Pengfei are also younger brothers in front of Shi Pengfei .

  Degrading one\'s job for the people, confiscating one\'s family property, and never using it. Such punishments are not trivial.

  Shi Pengfei should be the ceiling of this punishment, and the responsibility ends here, everyone thought so.

  However, just when this idea came up, I heard Chen Hong continue to read the imperial decree "Shang Shu Zhang Jing of Yingtian Military Department."

  When everyone heard the words, they couldn\'t help but gasped in shock, opened their mouths wide, and their eyes popped out.

   It turned out to be Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, Zhang Jing, this is the NO.1 among all the people present!

  The power of the holy majesty to pursue responsibility is so great! This is really uncapped!

  Everyone was completely shocked.

"Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, is in charge of the Ministry of War of Yingtian. He is responsible for the military affairs of Yingtian, Nanzhili and the southeast, and the responsibility of guarding Yingtian. However, he failed to supervise and review, and he was responsible for ineffective leadership and lax control; a mere fifty-seven Japanese soldiers surrounded Yingtian and failed to dispatch troops in time Chaowo, shame the imperial court, and owe the emperor\'s kindness; fine three years, and immediately relieve Yingtian from the post of Minister of the Ministry of War."

  Chen Hong read out the imperial decree without rushing, the voice was not loud, and the timbre was also the eunuch\'s unique drake voice.

  But to everyone present, it was like a thunder that exploded in their ears!

  Everyone seemed to be bombarded by five thunders, and they were so bombarded that they couldn\'t believe their ears.

  Zhang Jing was fired! Dismissed from the post of Minister of the Ministry of War! !

  Actually, there is basically no difference between dismissal and dismissal. They are both being slapped. The only difference is that the dismissal temporarily retains the qualification of "official" and hangs the last breath of political life.

   How can everyone not be shocked!

   "Sinner Zhang Jing led the order to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Zhang Jing knelt down to accept the order.

   Alas, dismissed

How many days and nights, painstakingly studying the terrain of the mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River; how many days and nights, painstakingly studying the distribution of soldiers and horses in various guards in the south of the Yangtze River; Study strategies such as mobilizing wolf soldiers; how many days and nights, painstakingly study how to complete the battle and wipe out Japanese pirates; how many days and nights.

  Okay, I can finally sleep well tonight

   "Don\'t trouble everyone, I will do it myself."

  After Zhang Jing received the order, he waved to the factory guard who came over. Without using the factory guard, he took off the bird gauze hat by himself, took off his official uniform, folded it, put it on the ground, and walked out of the hall lonely

  At this moment, everyone was sleepless, a little sad, a little pity, and of course some people gloated.

  The only exception is Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Pingan does not have the above emotions, only congratulations.

  Zhu Ping\'an knew that Zhang Jing would soon be appointed as the governor of Jiangnan, and he would specialize in suppressing the Japanese. At this moment, he was dismissed from the Ministry of War, which happened to be the prelude to his appointment as the governor of Jiangnan. Historically, the imperial court ordered Zhang Jing to be relieved of his duties and take office as the governor. The governor of the troops and horses of the Jiangnan provinces did things cheaply and specialized in suppressing the Japanese.

  Therefore, Zhang Jing will soon be appointed governor, so he deserves congratulations.

  After Zhang Jing walked out of the hall, the pressure came to He Sui, the **** guarding Yingtian. He, Zhang Jing and Wei Guogong were the three giants of Yingtian. Wei Guogong has made meritorious service, so he doesn\'t have to worry about punishment, on the contrary, he will be rewarded.

  He is comparable to Zhang Jing.

At this moment, Eunuch He saw that Zhang Jing was dismissed, and remembered that Chen Hong, a bastard, gloated and said that he would have another bad luck. trembling.

Zhu Pingan noticed Eunuch He, and couldn\'t help twitching his lips, Eunuch He, you are a master, can you be a bit of a master, when the Zhenwu Camp mutiny happened, Huang Maoguan, the governor of the household department, was hacked to pieces by the rioters, but you can get out of here Master who ran out of the chaos unscathed, you are too timid as a master, oh, yes, it was Eunuch He who was timid when the Zhenwu Camp mutiny happened.

  However, you don’t need to be so nervous. Although you and Zhang Jing and Zhang Shangshu are both the Big Three of Yingtian, you have different positions and responsibilities, and the responsibilities you need to bear are still very different.

  As Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Jing\'s scope of responsibility not only covers Yingtian, but also covers the entire Jiangnan. The Japanese pirates\' crimes from landing in Shangyu to harassing Yingtian and fleeing for thousands of miles are all within the scope of Zhang Jing\'s responsibility.

  And you, Eunuch He, are the **** guarding Yingtian, and your scope of duty is only to guard Yingtian in Liudu.

  The crimes committed by Japanese pirates between Shangyu and Yingtian have nothing to do with you. If Yingtian is safe, you have fulfilled the most basic duty. At most, when the Japanese invaded Yingtian, you didn’t send troops to destroy it in time, which caused the court to lose face. This kind of fault is not serious, so you don’t have to worry about it.

  Eunuch He is too timid and easily panicked when things happen. He is not a person who does big things. Perhaps this is why he has never been able to reach the pinnacle of **** power like Lu Fang, Huang Jin, and Feng Bao.

   Zhu Pingan thought so.

  When Eunuch He was nervous, Chen Hong set his eyes on him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  When Eunuch He saw Chen Hong looking at him, he immediately realized that it was his turn, so he became even more nervous and almost couldn\'t stand up.

  Finally, under the nervous trembling of Eunuch He, Chen Hong continued to read the imperial decree, "He Sui, the **** guarding Yingtian."

   Sure enough, it\'s my turn!

  Eunuch He became nervous when he heard Chen Hong chanting his name.

Chen Hong also intentionally, when he read out the imperial decree about Eunuch He, he deliberately slowed down his speech and paused word by word, as if deliberately cutting his flesh with a blunt knife during execution, and tortured Eunuch He with words, "He Sui, the **** of Yingtian guarding Ying Yao guards the **** and shoulders the responsibility of guarding Ying Tian. A mere fifty-seven Japanese pirates surrounded Ying Tian and failed to coordinate and send troops to suppress the Japanese in time, which shamed the imperial court. Sentenced lightly, fined salary for one year, demerited once, to see the effect later.”

Eunuch He\'s spirit was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs. When Chen Hong read the first half of the imperial edict, which was about his fault, Chen Hong read it very slowly on purpose, which made Eunuch He\'s spirit seem to be lingering. The century is so long, and when he heard the result of the punishment later, Eunuch He had a feeling of narrow escape, grief and joy, a feeling of rejoicing and surprise.

   Penalty for one year, demerit once. The result of this kind of punishment is much better than he imagined.

  Chen Hong, this damned bastard, is playing tricks on me on purpose!

  (end of this chapter)