Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1546: Public Trial Conference (Part 1)

Chapter 1546 Public Trial Assembly (Part 1)

  When the first ray of dawn shone on the earth, the wasteland on the Dongtou River Beach of Zhuangjia Village was already overcrowded, with more than 2,000 people crowded on the river beach.

The people are clearly divided into two parties. One is the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army in uniform. They form a neat formation in five units; Under the stage, talking in a hurry.

   In the middle of the wasteland on the river beach, a high platform was simply built with wood and planks.

  A banner was hung on the high platform, and it was written: "Public Trial Conference" in four powerful characters.

  The high platform was arranged as a simple trial scene, with five tables placed on it, one table placed horizontally, and four tables placed on both sides, in a semi-enclosed shape overall.

Zhu Pingan, dressed in official uniform, sat behind a table placed horizontally, while Liu Mu took notes at the side; Zhuang Laolizheng and six Lizhengs from the nearby Shiliba Village sat behind tables placed on both sides, and Han The third child, Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan were **** with ropes

  Kneeling with disheveled clothes, his head was almost hanging in his crotch, especially Zhang Tiedan, who was even more embarrassed because he was still wearing women\'s clothes when he was caught in a panic.

  In order to protect the two women from Zhuangjia Village who were the victims, and prevent them from being harmed a second time, Zhu Pingan did not let them go on stage, but asked them to observe the trial in the audience.

  Zhu Ping\'an was accompanied by Lizheng and several women and children from Zhuangjia Village in advance, asked the two victims about the case, and made a record, and asked them and Lizheng and other witnesses to press their fingerprints and record it.

   "Oh, we ordinary people are really suffering. It\'s okay to be a disaster by the Japanese pirates, and it\'s a disaster to be a soldier. They were soldiers who were supposed to protect our people, but they turned out to be a disaster."

  An ordinary person under the stage sighed.

"The Zhejiang army is doing well. They fought **** battles outside the city, wiped out the Japanese pirates who attacked our Yingyao, and saved our Yingtian. They are our benefactors, and they are better than those Beijing camps who are huddled in the city and dare not show up. More: secondly, the discipline of the Zhejiang Army is also

   It\'s good, the gates of the camp are closed, the military discipline is strict, and the soldiers are not allowed to come out to harm the people. If it weren\'t for today\'s incident, their Zhejiang army would be considered innocent. "

   A commoner next to him also sighed, and then said something fair for the Zhejiang Army.

"It\'s two different things. They saved Yingtian. That\'s their duty as soldiers. Because their food, clothing, and military pay are all taxes paid by our common people. They should have defended their homes and the country. "The military discipline of the Zhejiang Army is good, but it\'s not like what happened today."

  Another person interjected.

   "What do you think, how will these three soldiers who rob civilian women be punished in this public trial?" Someone asked curiously.

   "The world is as black as crows. How can an official not cover up his own family? It is estimated that the big problem will be reduced to a small one. At most, it will be over with a slap."

A villager snorted and said that one of his relatives was beaten violently by a rich and powerful son for no reason after he was drunk, and his legs were broken. Black money did not uphold justice for his relatives at all. It was not his intention to say that the son of the rich and powerful got drunk and lost his temper. He was thinking that he was young and ignorant, and he was studying in the academy with excellent academic performance. Therefore, after this incident, he has a deep understanding of the darkness of the officialdom.

   "This looks quite strict. In public, you shouldn\'t bend the law for personal gain." Some villagers hesitated.

   "Oh, do you think the court is strict or not?! Mingjing hangs his head high to kill the majestic dog, and still bends the law for personal gain. Seeing that strictness has a ball!" The villager sneered, not without sarcasm.

   "Look, it seems that it is about to start, let\'s look down and find out."

  The villagers next to them saw movement on the high platform, so they quickly tugged them and reminded them.

  Suddenly, more than two thousand people all focused their eyes on the high platform.

Under the attention of all the people, Zhu Pingan saw that everyone was here, so he got up from the table, bowed his hands to the four directions, and said loudly: "Fathers, folks, and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, I invite you here today to treat Mr. Han. 3. The case of Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan, three soldiers of the Zhejiang Army who violated military discipline, left the barracks without authorization, broke into private houses, and raped two civilian women, is now on trial!"

"Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, and Zhang Tiedan, the three of you violated military discipline by leaving the barracks, breaking into private houses, and **** civilian women. You were blocked in the courtyard by the villagers of Zhuangjia Village. The villagers of Zhuangjia Village reported the case to our camp. My officer Lead people to arrest Er et al. at the scene of the crime. The villagers of Zhuangjia Village, the victim, the official and fifty elites of the Zhejiang Army testified above. Er et al.’s underpants, military uniforms, the victim’s torn clothes and other physical evidence were at the scene of the crime. , the victim was checked by Mrs. Wen, and it was confirmed that she had been violently beaten and raped; the evidence of the above people is complete, and there are two victims who have stated in the case, what do you three have to say?"

  Zhu Pingan asked Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan who were kneeling down with a serious face.

   "My lord, we admit that we violated military discipline and left the barracks without authorization, but we don\'t admit that we break into private houses and **** civilian women!" Han Laosan and Liu Gouzi said almost in unison.

  Zhang Tiedan also raised his head, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

   "The witnesses and physical evidence are complete, why do you have any objections?" Zhu Pingan asked blankly.

   "That\'s not a private house, that\'s a secret door, and they\'re not civilian girls, they\'re prostitutes. We\'re sleeping in secret doors." Han Laosan argued.

   "That\'s right, we\'re going to the secret door to sleep with prostitutes." Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan followed suit.

   "Bah! You spitting blood! We are innocent people, women from a good family! I will fight with you!"

  A victim girl gritted her teeth angrily when she heard the words, not afraid of being pointed out, she rushed out of the crowd and yelled at Han Lao San and the others, so she had to eat their flesh and blood!

  Another victim also bit his lips in anger, looking at Lao San Han and the others with hatred!

  Women and children from Zhuangjia Village hurried forward to appease the two.

   "Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan, you don\'t want to make people innocent, do you have evidence?"

   Zhu Pingan reprimanded coldly.

"I, I. The day before yesterday, when Zhuangjia Village was rewarding the army, I heard people say it." Han Laosan and the other three were stunned when they were asked. The evidence was that they really had no evidence. After a few seconds of stuttering, Han Laori stuttered road.

   "I heard? That means you don\'t have any evidence?" Zhu Pingan\'s eyes were burning.

   Han Laosan shrank his neck and was speechless.

"Only relying on one or two rumors, without any evidence, to say that people are innocent?! You are so courageous!" Zhu Pingan scolded coldly, "If someone also uses one or two rumors, they will insult the innocence of your wives and daughters. , What do you think?! Don’t do to others what you don’t want yourself to do to yourself!”

  (end of this chapter)