Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1510: Nonsense, isn't this giving the Japanese pirates the head?

Chapter 1510 Nonsense, isn’t this giving the head of the Japanese pirates?

  When Naoshima was about to order to retreat, Matsuura Sanbanlang did not disappoint Nabeshima\'s trust. He opened his mouth and gave Nabeshima a step to retreat, which saved Nabeshima\'s face.

"General, the reinforcements of the Ming people have come. Look at the flag of the army. The words \'Zhu\' and \'Zhe\' are written on it. Zhu\' is the surname of the Ming people. This army is holding a banner with the word "Zhu". It is very likely that it is the Ming Dynasty. The army is led by the children of the royal family. If the children of the royal family lead the army, then this army must be the elite of the Ming army. In addition, this reinforcement also holds the "Zhejiang" banner, which must have come from Jiangsu and Zhejiang of the Ming Dynasty. Since we landed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we have gone deep into the The inland of the Ming Dynasty fought for more than a thousand miles. I compared the combat power of the armies of various parts of the Ming Dynasty and found that the combat power of the Zhejiang Army was the strongest among them. The elite troops of the royal family from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces must have combat effectiveness that cannot be compared with that of the ordinary Ming army. With this reinforcement at our side, it is extremely difficult for us to break through the giant city of Yingtian, and there is also the danger of being flanked by the Ming army from top to bottom, from inside and outside. Please, the general, do your best for His Highness, let the Ming people accompany the giant city, and order the withdrawal of the troops. "

  Sanbanlang Matsuura made some insightful analysis and suggested to Nabeshima Naoo to withdraw troops.

   "I implore the general to order the withdrawal of troops."

  After speaking, Sanbanro Matsuura folded his legs together, solemnly bowed 45 degrees, and formally asked Nabeshima Naoo.

  Hearing Matsuura Sanbanlang\'s sincere request to withdraw troops, Naoshima Naonan couldn\'t help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Yosai, Sanbanlang, you are very good, I really did not misunderstand you.

Of course, Matsuura Sanbanlang was happy in his heart, but on the surface he still put on a posture of not accepting life and death, and said suddenly, "Sanfanlang, so what if the reinforcements are coming, so what if the emperor\'s relatives lead the army, and the elites of the Ming army are here." Why, why grow Ming people\'s morale and destroy their own prestige, hum, the Ming people\'s reinforcements came just in time, we will defeat this elite royal family in front of the defenders on the city, and scare their guts!"

"General, we are worthy of field battles, but it is not wise to fight against the Ming people under the city. It is easy to be flanked by the city above and below the city, inside and outside the city. For the sake of your highness, I ask the general to order the withdrawal of the troops. If Yingtian City is withdrawn, and If this royal reinforcements chase after life and death, I will be the vanguard, break through this reinforcements for the general, capture the relatives of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty alive, and present them to the general."

  Matsuura Sanbanlang said confidently.

   "This..." Nabeshima Masao held back again.

Seeing this, Matsuura Sanbanlang pointed to Zhu Ping\'an and the Zhejiang army who had come here with great fanfare, bowed to Nabeshima Masao again, and urged, "The reinforcements from the Ming people are getting closer and closer, and I ask the general to focus on the overall situation. Make a decision early."


Masao Nabeshima put on an expression of reluctance but he put the overall situation first, grinned and sighed, raised his head and cast a vicious glance at Yingtian Chengtou, then turned his head and cast a vicious glance at the Zhejun who was getting closer and closer, finally With a face full of reluctance, he said: "Forget it, for His Highness\'s important task, then according to what you said, let this city go for now!"


  The Zhe army led by Zhu Ping\'an was less than 300 meters away from the Japanese pirates, and both sides could clearly see each other.

This is the first time that the Zhejiang army has been on the battlefield. I saw the Japanese pirates\' nondescript Tsukidai head, the ferocious Japanese armor and their hideous and terrifying faces, as well as their blood-dripping Japanese knives, and the two carts full of Ming soldiers who were dying. At the first level, some soldiers couldn\'t help feeling a little timid.

   "Didn\'t your lord say that the Japanese pirates will run away as soon as we appear?! Why don\'t the Japanese pirates run away?"!

   "Oh my god, this is the first time I\'ve seen Japanese pirates, and they look too scary."

   "Did you see, there are two carts full of heads in front of the Japanese pirates, and the Japanese pirates are too cruel"

  Some soldiers of the Zhejiang Army couldn\'t help murmuring timidly, and their steps were a little chaotic.

They used to be bandits and bandits, who occupied the mountains as kings, and plundered the merchants and people in the past. When the merchants saw them, they kowtowed and begged for mercy. Few people resisted. It was the first time for them to confront the grinning and murderous Japanese pirates.

   There are quite a few people in the Zhejiang Army who suffer from the stink of bullying and fearing hard. I couldn\'t see it before,

   Once on the battlefield, many people were exposed.

  The formation of the Zhejiang Army gradually became disorganized due to the chaotic footsteps of these timid soldiers.

  Zhu Pingan keenly noticed this, and couldn\'t help frowning, but he also knew in his heart that the Zhejiang Army was adapted from bandits and bandits, and the training time was not long. These problems are also reality.

Fortunately, Zhu Ping\'an had already made sufficient preparations. Before leaving, he refitted fifty carriages. Except for the direction of pushing hands, thickened wooden boards were installed in the other three directions as moving barriers. Protect the formation and avoid being crushed by Japanese pirates.

   "Chariots move forward, protect the formation, everyone will advance and never retreat, and those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"!

  After Zhu Pingan discovered that the Zhejiang army was in disarray, he immediately ordered the chariots to move forward to protect the formation.

  With the wooden carts in front, the soldiers had a sense of security in their hearts, and the formation would no longer be scattered.

   "Now, no matter the aim, no matter the distance, everyone just shoots arrows and fires forward."

  Zhu Ping\'an then ordered directly.

  The Zhejiang army did not train in vain for more than a month. Zhu Pingan gave an order, and they subconsciously raised their bows and arrows and firecrackers, and fired arrows forward. Of course, this place was originally out of range, and the shooting level of the Zhejiang army was not high, so there was no need to count on their range and accuracy. Either it fell halfway or it deviated, and the deviation was not light, not to mention one hundred and eight thousand miles, but also seventeen or eight meters.

However, in the eyes of the people in the city, the Zhejiang army was so brave that it jumped out of the woods like a tiger and rushed straight at the Japanese pirates. When they were about to join the battle, the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army began to shoot on foot.

  The morale of the people watching in the city was greatly boosted, and the soldiers and civilians applauded.

  Of course, there are also people who don’t see it that way, such as Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and others, who thought they knew about military affairs, shook their heads and sighed endlessly while watching the situation under the city.

   "Where did this come from reinforcements? Can you fight? Like a reckless man, he didn\'t set up a cone formation, a fish scale formation, a moonless formation, etc. He just charged, like a reckless man, there are flaws everywhere...

   "Zhejiang Army? Oh, I remembered, this is the newly established regiment training of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate Division. It seems to be led by Mr. Zhu Pingan, who warned the police before. It is said that the total strength is only more than 800 people."

"Nonsense! Hu Yushi led more than a thousand elites, and he still lost to the Japanese pirates. A small group of less than a thousand people has not gained a firm foothold, so he dares to rush like this. It is already evening, the sky is dark, and he doesn\'t even talk about setting up camp. Wait until tomorrow After selecting the elite in the city, attacking inside and outside, and attacking in a hurry when the foothold is not stable, isn\'t this a way to give the Japanese pirates their heads?" "

   "If you are defeated by the Japanese pirates in front of the people of the city, the morale of the city defenders will be over..."

  In their view, the Zhejiang army will be defeated by Japanese pirates in the blink of an eye.

  (end of this chapter)