Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1505: The Persistence of Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai

Chapter 1505 The persistence of Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou

  While Zhu Ping\'an was waiting patiently in the dense forest like a oriole, the accusations against Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai by the officials in Yingtian City had already intensified, and their saliva almost drowned them.

   "You are working for tigers, you are making loved ones hurt your enemies, you are making money."

   "Send troops to guard the prodigal beggars who are asking for battle. You are destroying the morale of the city defenders and the overall situation of the city defenders. We seriously doubt whether you have any shady dealings with the Japanese pirates outside the city"!

   "Master Zhang, Eunuch He, you can\'t let Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai make trouble for no reason."

  Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai were surrounded by a group of officials, dodging the spittle in a panic.

"When things go wrong, there must be demons. The common people avoid the city defense. It is not normal for these beggars and hooligans to take the initiative to fight, and it is even more unusual for them to ask for assistance in defending the city gate. We suspect that there is something wrong with these beggars and hooligans. To put it bluntly, we suspect that these ruffians from Beggar River are internal agents of the pirates outside the city, intending to co-operate with the pirates outside to conspire against me."

  Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai could no longer bear the accusations and ridicule of the crowd, and explained the reason to the officials around them with a stinky face.

   "When something goes wrong, there must be a demon!? You are playing tricks, and you are using your words to destroy the overall situation of defending the city!"

"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good! Can\'t you allow other people\'s beggars to repay their kindness?! You can\'t allow other people\'s prodigal sons to turn back?! The ancients said well that the prodigal sons will not be exchanged for money. These are the words of the ancestors. Do you think the words of the ancestors are abnormal? Do you dare to say that it is treasonous!"

"You say that there is a problem with the beggars and hooligans who took the initiative to fight, and you suspect that they are the internal agents of the Japanese pirates. Do you have any evidence? If you don\'t have evidence, don\'t spit people out. It hurts the good intentions of the beggars and prodigal sons to invite Ying to defend the city, and it will be destroyed. Defend the overall situation of the city, make relatives hurt enemies!"

   A group of officials not only refused to listen to the explanations of Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai, but even intensified their accusations against them.

  Suddenly, saliva stars splashed towards the two like a violent storm, making them extremely embarrassed.

  However, not everyone was mad at Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai.

  For example, after Zhang Jing, Hu Zongxian, Yu Daxian and others heard the explanations of Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou, they seemed to be overwhelmed.

   What Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou said is a possibility. If the beggars and ruffians are really the internal response of the Japanese pirates, and cooperate with the internal response of the Japanese pirates outside the city, then Yingtian will be in great danger.

"This kind of thing is better to be believed than to be trusted. Soldiers should be sent to monitor and screen them. Otherwise, if they are Japanese pirates inside and outside, I, Yingtian, will be in danger. Originally, the Japanese pirates besieged Yingtian, and our Yingtian group has already We have failed the Holy Grace, if the Japanese pirates break down the city gate again, then we will become the unforgivable sinners of Ming Dynasty, who of you can bear this responsibility?"

  Marquis Linhuai took a step forward, glanced at an official who accused them, and said sternly.

   "You are scaremongering!! What do you mean you would rather believe what you have or not? Hehe, what is the difference between your behavior and the \'unnecessary\' Qin Hui? Do you want the tragedy of Fengboting to reappear in the world?"

   "Sending troops to guard people without any evidence, you will chill their hearts to repay their gratitude and turn back, and you will also chill the hearts of the common people to help defend. You are tantamount to digging your own grave and destroying the Great Wall."

  The officials who accused the two around them were not to be outdone, they held their heads high, pointed and spattered.

"What about the tragedy at the Fengboting Pavilion, we just guarded and screened them, and we didn\'t kill them. If they were not the insiders of the Japanese pirates, we would naturally reward them with information. If they were found to be the insiders of the Japanese pirates, then we should kill the roots and eliminate hidden dangers as soon as possible, so as not to let them talk to the outside world. The Japanese pirates should cooperate inside and outside!"

  Marquis Linhuai is relatively fat, and he has been arguing with these colleagues for so long, and his physical strength can\'t keep up, especially when he is excited, he is a little out of breath when he speaks, and his momentum is not the slightest bit suppressed.

Finally, the Marquis of Linhuai couldn\'t stand the accusations of his colleagues, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Let me say one more thing, this is my nephew, Siqian Ting Zhu Pingan, the procurator of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, who treated me and me the day before yesterday. Wei Guogong asked thousands of people! My nephew compared the records of the Japanese pirates in Shangyu for several months, and found that the war losses of the Japanese pirates in the alliance with Miao Yin and Zeng Qianhu were not normal. Fourteen people, the highest battle loss since they landed. In the past, they lost at most a few people in each battle. My nephew seriously suspects that the Japanese pirates escaped from their shells, and these twenty-four battle-damaged Japanese pirates have actually mixed into Yingtian City in advance."

"That\'s right, what Marquis Linhuai said is true. Nephew Ping\'an gave me two thousand and one thousand words of advice yesterday! I also reminded that there were twenty-four Japanese pirates who sneaked into the city. There are four Japanese pirates, and these twenty-four Japanese pirates will definitely use large sums of money, beauties, etc. to lure the scum in the city, such as ruffians and hooligans, who have ulterior motives and fear that the world will not be chaotic, and cooperate with them from inside and outside! My nephew told us that we must thoroughly investigate any People of the door, beware of Japanese pirates cooperating inside and outside, plotting to accompany the capital of Yingtian and harming the people of Yingtian! This matter is related to the face of the court, the lives of millions of people in the city, and the life and death of Yingtian! Marquis Linhuai and I have to take it seriously, and we must not Not serious, we have to persist! Three days ago, all of us present ignored Nephew Ping’an’s warning warning that Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian, and rejected Nephew’s suggestion to set up an ambush to wipe out Japanese pirates halfway, so that today’s catastrophe happened! This time, does it mean that we are going to make the same mistake again, ignoring the warning reminder to reject Nephew Ping An again?!"

  Wei Guogong also stood up and spoke righteously and emotionally. In order to improve his persuasiveness, he also brought out Zhu Pingan, and some words were copied from what Zhu Pingan said to them that day.


   "What? This is Zhu Ping\'an\'s reminder?!"

  When a group of officials heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s name, it was as if dozens of big ear scrapers were hitting them in the face at a speed of 80 miles per second! They had deliberately and selectively forgotten Zhu Ping\'an\'s name before!

  At the beginning, Zhu Ping\'an reminded the Japanese pirates in Shangyu to come back to harass Yingtian, and suggested setting up an ambush to eliminate the Japanese pirates.

   But they took it as a joke! Because Zhu Pingan is the number one scholar, he is very topical. Almost everyone has laughed at Zhu Pingan more or less.


   The joke turned out to be me

  So, like ostriches, they deliberately buried the word Zhu Pingan in their hearts to avoid embarrassment.

  Now hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s name, the shame buried in the bottom of the heart of all the officials was like a volcanic eruption. They were all blushing and ashamed, and they no longer had the face and confidence to blame Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou.

  Hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s name, Zhang Jing and Eunuch He looked at each other, strengthened their determination, and waved to recruit two brave generals, ordering them to select 800 elite soldiers, equip them with bows, crossbows and firearms, and carry out the task of inspecting and identifying beggars and hooligans.

"Don\'t show your flaws, just say that Shangguan appreciates their spirit of repaying their kindness, and the spirit of prodigal sons who turn around and ask Yingying to defend the city. Not only did they agree to their request to help defend the city gate, but they also rewarded them with a set of armor and soldiers. Then, in the name of taking them to receive rewards, they were scattered and surrounded by heavy soldiers, and they were forcibly detained and screened strictly." Zhang Jing ordered.

   "Here!" The two generals led the way.

  (end of this chapter)