Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1495: let yourself go

Chapter 1495 Let yourself fly

  The scouts in the three directions of south, east, and west did not find any traces of Japanese pirates within a radius of ten miles, and soon spread throughout the Ming army in Cherry Orchard.

   "Hahaha, the Japanese pirates must have heard that we were blocking in front of the cherry orchard and scared away?!"

"Well, I guess the pirates from Shangyu were probably scared away, otherwise they should have come by now. How far is Jiangning from the cherry orchard. However, it is also possible that the pirates detoured because they heard that we were waiting here. Other directions harassed Yingtian."

   "Don\'t tell me, it\'s a pity. A Japanese pirate is worth two hundred taels of silver. This is the only way I can get a wife."

The Ming soldiers in front of the Cherry Orchard couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing this, but at the same time they felt a little pity! You must know that every Japanese pirate was paid two hundred taels of silver for walking. pity.

  Of course, overall, the sigh of relief accounts for more emotions. After all, no matter how much money you have, you have to have life. You can earn more money if you lose money, but you only have one life, and if you lose your life, you will be gameover.

You must know that this group of Japanese pirates are all killers without blinking an eye! To kill a Japanese pirate, I am afraid that two or three brothers will be lost. No one can guarantee that he is not one of the lost ones, and no one wants other men to sleep with him. Wife beats her own baby, spends her pension and funeral expenses. So it\'s best not to fight this battle.

   Now that the Japanese pirates are gone, this is the best result. Without the direct threat of Japanese pirates, everyone relaxes.

The Ming army, who had taken turns to eat, was even more relaxed. Not only did they take off their shoes and roast their feet, but many of them took off their heavy and cold armor, and sat slumped by the fire, eating cakes and drinking meat while warming themselves. Soup, one mouthful of cake and one mouthful of soup, the pores of the whole body stretched, and I hummed comfortably:

   "Hey, don\'t tell me, once you take off your stomach, you feel comfortable, not only relaxed, but also warm."

   "Tsk tsk, this broth is really fragrant, and the pancakes full of fat are also delicious."

  The Ming army on rotation is so comfortable, the envy, jealousy and hatred of the Ming army on duty directly exploded, and they are gone.

Originally there was an imminent threat from the Japanese pirates. Under the high pressure of the generals, the Ming army on duty could still stand firm and stick to their posts. But now there are no traces of the Japanese pirates in a radius of ten miles. The threat of the Japanese pirates is gone, and their hearts are starting to feel unbalanced. Everyone is a soldier. Why do you sit comfortably and eat meat here, while we have to suffer from cold and hunger?!

  It\'s not fair!

  Thus, the rotating Ming army quit, and the phenomenon of laying down picks and grinding foreign workers began to appear. Some bold people simply sat down, took off their armor, and mingled with the rotating Ming army to warm up and eat.

  Because there were no traces of Japanese pirates in a radius of ten miles, the generals were also lax, so they simply turned a blind eye to this.

   Under the indulgence of the generals, the rotating Ming army became more and more daring, and gradually became one with the rotating Ming army. Among the military formations, there are only a handful of Ming troops who can still be armed and vigilant, and they are as rare as rare.

"So lax, what is the system? If the Japanese pirates attack, how to deal with it?! I also ask Mr. Zhang to order the generals at all levels to strictly control military discipline. At the same time, please send scouts to the south, west, and east again. This time, the number of scouts has expanded. Doubled, and the detection range expanded by another five miles."

  Hu Zongxian looked at the slack Ming army, and couldn\'t help frowning. He asked Mr. Zhang to control military discipline and send more scouts.

  Although Mr. Zhang felt that Hu Zongxian was making a fuss out of a molehill, but who made him a censor, he still agreed with a wry smile and made arrangements layer by layer.

  Generals and schools at all levels came to rectify military discipline, which caused a lot of clamor and curses. The officers and soldiers were very rebellious, and the situation was a little out of control. However, under the high pressure of generals and schools at all levels, the military discipline situation has improved a lot.

   After half an hour, the three teams of scouts returned one after another, reporting that there were no traces of Japanese pirates within a radius of fifteen miles.

  The Japanese pirates seem to have evaporated from the world.

  Hu Zongxian couldn\'t help frowning, unfolded a map of Yingtian\'s surroundings, and began to think hard.

   Hearing that there were no traces of Japanese pirates in a radius of fifteen miles, the Ming army, which was under high-pressure control, once again lost control of military discipline.

  There are no Japanese pirates within a radius of fifteen miles! We are still wary of wool!

The high pressure from military academies at all levels could not control the situation. The Ming army completely relaxed and began to let themselves go. They took off their armor and warmed up. After playing the betting game, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed and happy.

  Of course, the military academies at all levels are also lax, turning a blind eye to this, and some generals and academies even participate in the arrow shooting.

  The Ming army was completely relaxed.

At this time, seven or eight fleeing civilians came to the main road, dressed in rags, and there were traces of being scorched on the clothes. Seeing the Ming army eating and drinking around the fire, they were really hungry. He boldly stepped forward and begged for food and drink from the Ming army, "Jun Ye, Jun Ye, please do me a favor, give me a stutter, we haven\'t had a bite of food since morning, we\'re about to starve to death."

   "Fuck you, this pancake isn\'t enough for Grandpa and me." Someone in the Ming army waved away disgustedly.

"Forget it, it\'s hard for everyone to see that they are in trouble. Everyone has trouble, come here, I still have half a pancake, you can eat it together." Some people threw half of the pancake in their hands. past.

   "I have half a pancake here too, I\'ll reward you." A few more Ming soldiers threw the remaining pancakes over.

   "Thank you, Mr. Jun, thank you, Mr. Jun." After the fleeing people thanked them, they scrambled for pancakes like vicious dogs.

   Seeing them scrambling for pancakes like dogs, many Ming soldiers came forward to watch and laughed.

   "What\'s going on ahead?" Hu Zongwan asked with a frown, taking his eyes off the map.

   "My lord, there are seven or eight people who escaped from Jiangning to beg for food." The soldiers replied.

   "Give them something to eat, and send them away so they don\'t get in the way." Hu Zongxian frowned.

   "Yes. I will go and drive them away under the bid." The soldiers responded.

   "Wait." As soon as the guard turned around, Hu Zongxian stopped him again. "

   "What other orders do you have, sir?" asked the soldier.

   "Since they escaped from Jiangning, ask them if they saw Japanese pirates along the way?" Hu Zongxian ordered.

   "Follow orders." His own soldiers left in response.

Soon, the guards came to the front, grabbed a few pancakes from the basin, and shouted at the fleeing people, "Hey, what about you, come here, I will ask you a question, and I will reward you with these pancakes." up."

   "Master, just ask." The fleeing people stared at the pancakes.

   "You guys escaped from Jiangning, along the way, did you see or hear about Japanese pirates?" asked the soldiers.

   "No, I didn\'t see Japanese pirates at all."

"When the Japanese pirates of Gouyue killed people and set fire in Jiangning, we hid in the well in the courtyard. We dared to crawl out of the well when there was no movement outside. When we came out, we saw a sea of ​​flames. We escaped from the burning yard. , I fled all the way here, and I didn’t see any Japanese pirates at all along the way.”

   "There are no Japanese pirates on this road. If there are Japanese pirates, how can we survive?"

  The fleeing people are talking all over the place.

  Hearing this, the Ming army became even more relaxed and let themselves go even more.

  (end of this chapter)