Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1485: different rewards

Chapter 1485 A different reward for the army

Carts with flags that read "Haggy Army" on each side came out from the gate of Jiangning Town and went straight to the barracks on the city wall. The carts were full of chickens, ducks, fish, vegetables and fruits, and two There were jars of fine wine in the carriage, and several open jars exuded a strong aroma of wine. There were more than 20 servants behind them carrying burdens, which were bulging. Only sauced duck, roast chicken and other delicacies, the smell of meat is tangy. All of them show that the wealthy businessmen rewarded the army this time, with sincerity, real materials, and high cost.

  The leader in front of the cart is the wealthy businessman who rewards the army, and the gatekeeper Zhang Suo is on the sidelines to lead the way for the rich businessman.

"Outsiders, I\'m not boasting. I have an unusual relationship with the Jiangning camp. Just now Captain Niu said that my brother-in-law was guarding the gate of the camp. What he said was not accurate enough. My brother-in-law is not an ordinary gatekeeper. He and Jiangning camp gatekeeper Zhang The relationship between the captain and captain is not unusual. They went to Wanhualou in Jiangning Town to drink wine and sleep with the same prostitute. The camp is easy to use. My brother-in-law and I have always been close, and I often come to the Jiangning camp to find him for drinks and fun. Who doesn\'t know the gatekeepers of the Jiangning camp? Open, keep the food and drinks cold, and can\'t miss Jiang Ning camp to eat and drink."

  The gatekeeper Zhang Suo chattered beside the wealthy businessman, bragging that he had an unusual relationship with Jiang Ningying.

"It turns out that Master Zhang has such a strong relationship in the Jiangning camp, so this time the army will rely on Master Zhang a lot. This is a small meaning, not a respect, and I will give it to Master Zhang for drinking with his colleagues in the future. Hearing this, the wealthy businessman couldn\'t help being overjoyed, he laughed, reached out his hand and took out a silver ingot weighing five taels from his sleeve, and stuffed it into the palm of the gatekeeper Zhang Suo involuntarily.

   Zhang Suo was breathing as thickly as a cow at the time. This **** is worth five taels of silver, which is almost worth my salary for a year. Grandma, this rich businessman is really rich.

   Oily, um, yes, oily indeed.

  There was a cart full of wine jars that was already starting to leak oil. A certain jar was probably filled too full, and the mouth was not tied tightly enough. There were bumps on the road, and the oil inside slowly flowed down from the mouth.

   Tick, tick.

  There is a line of oil stains on the ground that meanders as the convoy advances.

  Oil is different from wine. It is a thick liquid, and it is easy to distinguish, but no one pays attention. Of course, even if someone notices it, they won\'t think there is any problem. It doesn\'t matter if there is a jar or two jars of oil in the car that holds the wine. The military camp is still very happy, put more oil, the food in the military camp is also delicious, right?

   Soon, the reward army and his party arrived at the gate of the Jiangning camp.

   "Who is coming?"

  The gatekeepers of the Jiangning Camp saw a group of dozens of people driving towards the gate, so they couldn\'t help asking:

   "Qian San, don\'t you even know me?" The gatekeeper Zhang Suuo stepped forward and shouted.

"Yo, so it\'s Zhang Da, who are they? They are pushing carts and carrying loads. What are you doing here?!" The soldiers guarding the gate of the barracks immediately recognized Zhang Suo, and pointed to the wealthy businessman and others beside Zhang Suo. asked curiously.

   "Qian San, stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly. This is a member of the army who is here to reward the army. They are pulling wine, meat, vegetables and fruits." The gatekeeper Zhang Suo pointed to the cart behind and the burden, and said to Qian San and the others.

"Hey, reward the army, reward the army, the more wine and meat, the better." Qian San couldn\'t help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words. When he saw the carriage just now, he noticed the wine and meat on the carriage, but he couldn\'t read and didn\'t know " I thought that there were merchants giving gifts to the generals, but I didn’t expect that they were here to reward the army, so everyone has a share. The generals eat meat, so how can we drink broth? Wine and meat, I could smell the aroma of wine and meat from the convoy, my nose moved slightly, I couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and praised: "Tsk tsk, the smell of meat is full, and the aroma of wine is mellow. People are tight."

"Qian San, I know that the meat is good and the wine smells good, so why don\'t you quickly open the door for Yuanwai, and let Yuanwai and his party enter the camp. It will be bad if the wine and food get cold." Zhang Suo kept urging, lest Qian San would not open the door in time , hit him in the face.

   "That\'s that, that\'s it, open the door quickly, and invite the non-members to enter the camp to reward the army." Qian San nodded repeatedly, and trotted to ask someone to open the door.

   Soon, the gate of the camp opened.

When Zhang Suo saw the camp gate open, he immediately boasted proudly to the wealthy businessman, "Hey, look outside, I\'m not lying. My face is the door opening card. They will open the door as soon as they see me. "

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhang Jun really has a face." The rich businessman smiled and extended his thumb in praise.

   Zhang Suo couldn\'t close his mouth from ear to ear when he heard the words, his chest was puffed up, he felt that he had more face, and he graciously attracted wealthy businessmen into the camp.

  Hearing that the rich merchants rewarded the army, the gatekeepers surrounded the camp after opening the gate, helping to push the carts.

   "Thank you, thank you." The rich businessman smiled and cupped his fists to thank the soldiers.

  After the team of soldiers entering the barracks, the wealthy businessman smiled and thanked all the soldiers guarding the gate, "Thank you, military lords, for helping to push the carts. It\'s a little bit of a small thing. It\'s not a respect, so I hope you don\'t refuse."

  After speaking, the wealthy businessman turned to the servant and said, "Er Zhuzi, why don\'t you hurry up and send a thank you gift to the military master who helped you."

"Here we come." Er Zhuzi answered with a money bag in his hand, reached out and took out a handful of broken silver, and called the soldiers guarding the gate to come and receive the reward, "Military lords, everyone has the thanks of our lord. "

  Seeing a handful of broken silver coins, each weighing one or two pounds, the gatekeepers\' eyes lit up, and they were unwilling to refuse. They said repeatedly, thank you, and then they all crowded up, surrounded the two pillars and others to collect the silver.

  Although Zhang Suo got five taels of silver, he was envious when he saw the gatekeepers of the barracks receiving the silver.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang Jun, this time you have successfully entered the camp to reward the army. Fortunately, Mr. Zhang. This is for you." The rich businessman greeted Zhang Suowei with a smile, while reaching out his hand to feel in the oil, and the same time as the old man from just now. The action of holding silver in the sleeve is exactly the same.

   "Hey, what an embarrassment."

   Zhang Suo said so, but Shen Yi was very honest, rubbing his hands together and leaning over.

   "This is a thank you gift to Master Zhang."

  After Zhang Suo approached, the rich businessman put one hand on the back of Zhang Suo\'s neck affectionately, and took it out of his sleeve with the other.

  Under the sun, a dagger was shining bright white, protruding from the rich businessman\'s sleeve.


  Is the sword given to the hero?!

  Zhang Suo was stunned for a moment subconsciously, and the next second he saw the dagger piercing his heart with a flash of white light.

  Blood spurts!




Zhang Suo fell to the ground suddenly. The moment he fell to the ground, he saw the gatekeepers of the Jiangning Camp who bowed their heads to receive the reward were surrounded by servants of the rich merchant without a trace. The servants took out their knives and fell to the ground without exception.


   Isn’t it here to reward the army?

   Zhang Suo’s meaning was dying, when he heard a burst of Japanese pirates screaming

   "Set fire, burn the camp, kill everyone, everyone is dead"


   It turned out to be Japanese pirates!

Under Zhang Suo\'s unconcerned eyes, the rich merchants and servants took off their hats, revealing a weird bald Japanese-style bun, tore off their clothes to reveal the Japanese armor inside, and took out a handful of hidden Japanese armor from the carriage. Knives, weapons, etc., pushed the cart into the barracks, threw a jar of fine wine, which was actually kerosene, into the tent, shouted to kill, and set fire at the same time, the Jiangning camp was caught off guard. Fire broke out everywhere, Japanese pirates shouted to kill everywhere, everyone thought that the Japanese pirates attacked the camp on a large scale, soldiers cried for their fathers and mothers, and headless flies ran for their lives. In an instant, the barracks was in chaos, many soldiers trampled on and killed each other in extreme panic. Occasionally, a few middle-level generals wanted to gather soldiers, and occasionally some brave soldiers resisted, but they were all targeted by Japanese pirates. land. As a result, the entire military camp could not gather any decent resistance, and the Japanese pirates, like entering no man\'s land, massacred the soldiers one-sidedly and set fire to the camp.

  In an instant, the Jiangning camp was ablaze, blood flowed like a river, there were many casualties, and the screams and screams could be heard for miles.

  (end of this chapter)