Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1482: See micro-knowledge

Chapter 1482 See Weizhi\'s Works

  Yesterday, after Zhu Pingan returned to the Taohuaji school from Yingtian, he was actively preparing for the army, but because it was getting late when he came back, some things that needed to be done outside the camp, such as purchasing, were not easy to carry out. When Zhu Ping\'an stayed up late at night to prepare for the war and exterminate the Japanese, he listed clearly the items that needed to be purchased in the camp, and wrote a letter to Mrs. Yilan, the chieftain of Wuxi Miao.

  The next day, the sky just had a smear of morning light, and Zhu Ping\'an, who had only slept for less than two hours, got up, washed up briefly, and called Liu Daqiang, Liu Dachui and others early.

   "Big Spear, you hold a hundred taels of silver, choose fifty cavalrymen, and go to Taohua Market Town to purchase according to the items listed on the paper. If you can\'t purchase in Taohua Market Town, go to Yingtian. You must go and return quickly without delay."

"Sledgehammer, you take my handwritten letter and this one hundred taels of silver, pick fifty cavalrymen, all with two horses, and drive all the way to Wuxi Miaoman\'s garrison - Wuxi Miao town, and meet Wuxi Miao Tusi Mrs. Zanlan, let\'s see how they live in the mountains. What difficulties are there, and at the same time buy a large amount of their tribe\'s secret swords and medicines."

  Zhu Ping\'an handed over the banknotes, purchase orders, letters, etc. to Liu Daqiang, Liu Dachui and others, and asked them to select elite cavalry and act separately. Since Wuxi Town, where Wuxi Miao now lives, is far away, Zhu Ping\'an especially emphasized that when Liu Dachui travels, he must be equipped with two horses to facilitate transfers on the road.

  Shangyu Japanese pirates were ambitious and fierce. Zhu Pingan paid 10,000 points of attention and made various preparations in advance.

  Material procurement is just one of them.

   Marching and fighting, supplies and herbs are indispensable. Wuxi Miao\'s secret medicine knife creates a significant effect, so the more the better.

   When it was almost noon, Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong came together, and they brought the latest news from the Tang newspaper to Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping\'an read the Tang newspaper once, then went back to read it again, then frowned, and his expression became serious.

   "What\'s the matter, nephew? What\'s wrong with Tang Bao?" Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai put down their teacups and asked.

"Uncle, Ping\'an has indeed found the problem." Zhu Ping\'an nodded slightly, looked at the two and explained, "Uncle, please read the records in the Tang newspaper. In a confrontation between the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, Miao Yin and other ministries were defeated. The Japanese pirates drove Miao Yin The Ministry attacked Zeng Qianhu\'s Ministry, causing Zeng Qianhu\'s troops to be in chaos. Following Miao Yin\'s troops, the Japanese pirates won a big victory without any effort. However, in such an easy victory, the Shangyu Japanese pirates lost two Thirty people, setting the record for the highest battle loss since they landed in Ming Dynasty! Don’t the two uncles find it strange? In the past, Shangyu pirates fought against officers and soldiers many times, but the losses were very small. At most, a few pirates died and a few were injured. It’s just a Japanese pirate, has there ever been such a loss of 20 or 30 people?!”

"Why, nephew suspects that the pond newspaper is fake?!" Marquis Linhuai looked up at Zhu Ping\'an, smiled and shook his head, "Haha, no! Nephew, you are overthinking. After this battle, the Japanese pirates will attack In Wuhu County, it was in broad daylight and under the bright sky. The soldiers and ordinary people on the wall of Wuhu County saw it. There were thousands of people in full view. There are only fifty-seven Japanese pirates. Fifty-seven is not a big number, so you can’t count it wrong.”

Linhuai Hou\'s voice fell behind, and Wei Guogong also laughed, "Nephew, you really think too much. The ancients have a good saying, \'At the end of a strong crossbow, you can\'t wear plain clothes." Now the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are already strong. The crossbow is not finished, and there is no strength left; in addition, Commander Miao and Zeng Qianhu have a total of 3,000 coalition troops, not 3,000 pigs. Isn\'t it normal to cause twenty children\'s losses to the Japanese pirates. "

   Heh, isn’t it Sanwu pig?!

   Come on, don\'t insult the pigs, their 3,000 coalition troops are not as good as three pigs, if 3,000 pigs come roaring in, no matter how fierce these dozens of Japanese pirates are, they will have no bones left. There is a saying in the village, "One pig, two bears and three tigers, the wild boar king is the fiercest." This proverb is enough to witness the ferocity of wild boars.

  Zhu Pingan slandered in his heart, but in order to avoid causing unnecessary disputes, Zhu Pingan did not say it out.

   "Uncle, at the end of the crossbow, it is true that you can\'t wear plain clothes, but the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are far from the end of the crossbow." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

   Wei Guogong shook his head with a smile, and said confidently with rich experience, "Hehe, my nephew, you are inexperienced. There are only fifty-seven bandits, and they are at the end of their ropes."

  Zhu Ping\'an asked, "Uncle, if the Japanese pirates are at the end of their battles, why are they going to attack Wuhu County?!"

Wei Guogong smiled and continued, "Hehe. Nephew, the Japanese pirates went to attack Wuhu County, which just proves that they are at the end of their battle. Nephew, please read the pond newspaper carefully. The pond newspaper records that the Japanese pirates set fire to the south bank of Wuhu Lake and took the opportunity to smuggle across the north bank of Wuhu Lake. Attacked Wuhu County, but when Wuhu County cut off the moat bridge in time and closed the city gate, this group of Japanese pirates had no choice but to retreat in desperation and disappear. A small county town, closed the city gate, this group of Japanese pirates There is no way, they are not the end of the crossbow, what are they?!"

Zhu Pingan shook his head, looked at Wei Guogong, and said softly: "Uncle, the Japanese pirates dare to attack Wuhu County. As long as they have this ambition, no matter what reason they fail to succeed, it proves that they have not reached the end of their strength. You must know that ambition is It comes from strength. Since they dared to attack Wuhu County, it proves that they have this strength, and it proves that they are not at the end of their strength."

  Zhu Ping\'an fell behind, Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou looked at each other, then shook their heads and laughed.


  What are you laughing at? !

  Zhu Ping\'an was puzzled.

"Oh, nephew, you are still young, and you have experienced too few setbacks. You have not yet come out of the shadow of the emergency military situation that failed last time. Nephew, failure is not terrible. You are still young. It\'s nothing to be ugly a few times, as long as you remember the lesson and gain experience, this wave will not be a loss."

Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Pingan with some sympathy. They thought Zhu Pingan\'s reason was far-fetched and not convincing at all. In the final analysis, he was still young, and he still couldn\'t face and accept the failure brought about by the last emergency military situation. , These are all far-fetched excuses to justify his mistakes in emergency military affairs.


  Zhu Ping\'an was speechless, looked at the two with a wry smile, and explained: "Uncle, you have misunderstood. Ping\'an is not trying to make far-fetched evidence for yesterday\'s emergency military situation, but discussing the facts based on facts and analyzing them rationally."

  (end of this chapter)