Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1477: Nothing can be done

Chapter 1477 Nothing can be done

  After Shi Pengfei publicly conveyed the emergency report jointly reported by Baoshan, Miao Yin and others, all the officials present completely denied Zhu Pingan\'s emergency military situation.

  Bao Shan, Miao Yin and others have more than 3,000 troops together, and to wipe out the Japanese pirates with only about 80 people is not easy! Now that the Shangyu Japanese pirates who caused the problem have been solved, the problem will naturally disappear, so Zhu Pingan\'s emergency military situation is naturally tantamount to nonsense.

   Things can no longer be done!

  Seeing everyone\'s expressions, Zhu Ping\'an could only come to this conclusion helplessly, and sighed in his heart, alas.

   "The next topic, the Japanese military department gave a report to Yin Zhengmao: the current financial resources are insufficient, and the only way to help the country\'s economy is to cast money to solve the urgent needs of military pay. At present, the emperor has ordered various ministries and ministers to discuss. What do you have to say?"

   "It\'s a good thing to cast money to help the country and solve our military pay. Of course we support it."

   "It is okay to cast coins, but it is recommended to cast copper coins in Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shandong and other provinces that produce more copper. This will not only save the cost of casting coins, but also avoid the burden on other provinces that are poor in copper mines."

  The meeting continued, but Zhu Pingan knew that his part of the show had already been completed ahead of schedule, so he sat on the seat with a blank expression on his face. He was not interested in the following topics and had little interest in participating.

  In the middle of the meeting, there is a break time of about a cup of tea, for the officials present to wash their hands to solve their personal physiological problems, so that they can participate in the next meeting decently and without burden, without being troubled by problems such as urgency.

  At this time, Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong finally had the opportunity to talk to Zhu Pingan. During the meeting, the civil servants and military officials sat in two rows, and they sat a little far away from Zhu Pingan, making it difficult to communicate.

   "Nephew, are you unwell today, have a fever and headache?" Marquis Linhuai pulled Zhu Pingan\'s sleeve, pulled Zhu Pingan to a corner, and asked with concern.

   "Thank you, Uncle, for your concern. Ping\'an has never been unwell." Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands and replied, why did Marquis of Linhuai suddenly ask such a question, which made Zhu Ping\'an a little confused.

   "Oh, that nephew is busy in the barracks, so he\'s dizzy?" Wei Guogong also followed, and then asked.

  Why did Wei Guogong ask such an inexplicable question? Zhu Pingan was even more confused immediately, and shook his head in confusion, "Not yet."

"Since there are none, how could such a smart nephew commit such a big foolishness and report such an absurd emergency military situation? How dare more than 80 Japanese pirates come to Yingtiancheng to beat me up? What about your tiger beard? Nephew, let me tell you what to say about you. You are clever but you are mistaken by your cleverness. The more you think, the more mistakes you make. You can’t make this kind of mistake again in the future. In terms of military affairs If you can’t make up your mind about the problem, you can ask me and Wei Guogong first, we can help you check it out.” Linhuaihou pulled off Zhu Pingan’s sleeve, and said with reproach and reminder.

  Zhu Ping\'an finally understood why Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong asked him like that just now, so it was so. He couldn\'t help but looked at the two of them helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Uncle, don\'t you believe me?"

"Nephew, we really want to believe you, but how can you make us believe it? More than 80 Japanese pirates want to attack Yingtian City, even if they are all possessed by Lu Bu and the Overlord is alive, they are not capable. You People who say you are very smart, why haven\'t you turned the corner and are still confused."

  Marquis Linhuai looked at Zhu Ping\'an speechlessly, almost spit on Zhu Ping\'an\'s face.

  Zhu Pingan slid his head to the side without any trace, avoiding the attack of Linhuaihou\'s spittle star.

This side only avoided Linhuaihou\'s spittle on this side, and Wei Guogong\'s spittle next to him struck again, "Oh, my nephew, my ancestors have a good saying, what is it called\'A wise man has a lot of worries, and he will make mistakes. \', besides, you are still young, it is normal to miss once, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just remember the lesson of this time, don’t make the same mistakes next time, and just don’t make the same mistakes again.”

  At this moment, Wei Guogong thought that Zhu Pingan was thin-skinned, and he was embarrassed to admit that he had missed, so he insisted on being stubborn.

   What is it all about?

   Lost a woolen hand!

  Zhu Ping\'an was speechless immediately. After a few days, you will know who missed it, but you are not reconciled.

Although everyone doesn\'t believe in themselves now, after a few days, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu really came to attack Tiancheng, and I became more and more appreciative words such as knowledgeable, knowledgeable, resourceful, extraordinary military talents, etc. , the effect of pretending to be aggressive is doubled, but I\'m really not reconciled.

If the historical development is true, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu attacked Yingtian and successfully retreated under the city of Yingtian. It is so unbearable that it will eventually make the Japanese invaders even more insane. It is the common people who will suffer in the end. This is the last thing Zhu Pingan wants to see.

  Thus, Zhu Ping turned against the guests, pulled Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong closer, and said to Linzhunhou and Wei Guogong with a serious face, "Uncle, now I have a contribution in front of you."

"Nephew, the credit you mentioned doesn\'t refer to the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, does it?" Marquis Lin Zhun and Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Pingan with extreme sensitivity, and told them intuitively that Zhu Pingan was referring to the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu. Japanese pirates.

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded slightly.

  After being confirmed, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Hou shook off Zhu Pingan\'s hand as if they were scalded by hot oil, and began to preach emotionally and earnestly, "Oh, nephew, wake up."

  Nephew, you are confused, but we are not, and we will not be pulled into the carriage of confusion by you.

  So, Linhuaihou and Wei Guogong resolutely shook their heads and refused. They didn\'t listen to Zhu Pingan\'s suggestion at all, and didn\'t give Zhu Pingan a chance to speak again.

When Marquis Linhuai and Duke Wei were preaching to Zhu Ping\'an, in the corridor outside, Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, stopped Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, who came back after cleaning his hands, and said to him, "Master Shi, Mr. Zhu Ping\'an just now Although the emergency military situation mentioned is not rigorous enough, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. It cannot be taken as a joke, and one or two should be taken seriously. Mr. Shi, please come down and arrange a study, and let the nearby Beijing camp pay attention Two, be prepared."

   Just like that, Zhang Jing made a simple verbal arrangement to Shi Pengfei about the urgent military situation reported by Zhu Pingan in the corridor.

   "Okay." Shi Pengfei nodded and agreed, but he didn\'t take it seriously.

  After the meeting, at the dinner table, Shi Pengfei casually mentioned it to a few Beijing camp coaches as a joke.

  Practice from top to bottom, the leaders don\'t pay attention to it, and the subordinates don\'t take it seriously.

  The coaches of the Beijing camp had already forgotten about it before they finished their meal.

  (end of this chapter)