Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1473: Ministry of War meeting

Chapter 1473 Meeting of the Ministry of War

After Zhu Pingan left, Deputy Bai behind him showed a look of sudden memory, turned his head to Zhang Chufeng and said, "Master Zhang, just now you asked Master Zhu to go to the Ministry of War to report the emergency military situation, I suddenly remembered This morning, the adults in Taiwan asked you to invite Hu Zongxian to discuss matters related to the distribution of roads next year. Didn\'t Hu Xun replied that the Ministry of War invited the Ministry of Households, the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and some generals to discuss military affairs this morning? I\'m afraid he doesn\'t have time in the morning, so he will come to the yamen to discuss it another day? They should be discussing military affairs at the Ministry of War at this moment, Master Zhu will pass by now, no."

   "Oh, how did I forget this?" Zhang Chufeng slapped his thigh and said as if he suddenly remembered after being reminded.

  What forgot.

You did it on purpose, right? Your memory is well-known in our yamen. You remember all the little things about old rotten millet clearly. What\'s more, it happened this morning, and it took less than a quarter of an hour. How can you do that? I might forget, but what does it have to do with me? If you say you forget, forget it.

  Deputy Envoy Bai glanced at Zhang Chufeng, smiled slightly, and did not expose Zhang Chufeng\'s lame lie.

  Yes, Deputy Envoy Bai read it right, Zhang Chufeng did it on purpose.

Just now he urged Zhu Pingan to go to the Ministry of War to report quickly, because he wanted Zhu Pingan to report this ridiculous emergency military situation before the end of the meeting of the Ministry of War, so that all the yamen officials at the meeting could hear Zhu Ping\'s urgent message. The military situation, so that Zhu Ping\'an can lose face in front of all the officials.

  There are so many yamen, today Zhu Ping\'an loses face, tomorrow it will spread throughout all the yamen of Yingtian, and the day after tomorrow it will spread throughout Yingtian official circles.

Zhang Chufeng smiled again after patting his thighs, and then said, "However, this is fine. The military department, the household department, the governor, the patrol censor, and the generals gathered to discuss military affairs must have something to do with the Japanese invasion. Zi Hou\'s The emergency military situation is also related to the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, so they can just take advantage of the meeting to brainstorm and save Zi Hou a lot of running away. This is the reason why it is said that it is better to catch up sooner than later."

  Deputy Envoy Bai smiled slightly, but did not speak.

   "Although Zihou\'s deduction is a bit unbelievable, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. You should study it further when you go down." Zhang Nietai said to Deputy Envoy Bai and Zhang Chufeng as he picked up his teacup.

"Hehe, Zihou\'s deduction is very interesting. I\'ll find time to study it when I go down." Deputy Bai stood up and nodded with a smile, and then said goodbye to Zhang Nietai. Serving tea means seeing off guests. How can he be an old official like him? I don\'t know.

   "Master Bai, what are you studying here? Zihou\'s deduction is too bizarre. How could it be possible that Japanese pirates with less than a hundred people dared to harass the giant city of Yingtian? This is simply nonsense."

  Zhang Chufeng followed Deputy Envoy Bai to get up and bid farewell to Zhang Nietai, but he shook his head disapprovingly as he got up to say goodbye. In his eyes, Zhu Ping\'an\'s deduction was not researchable at all, it was just a joke.

  After leaving the door, Zhang Chufeng asked Deputy Envoy Bai, "Master Bai, do you really want to study Zhu Pingan\'s outrageous deduction when you go down?"

   "Yes, but I need to find time to study. I\'m so busy with work recently, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to find time"

  Deputy Envoy Bai smiled slightly.

   "Hehe, then I\'ll be like Mr. Bai, let\'s \'find\' time to study it." Zhang Chufeng had an epiphany and laughed.

  Zhu Ping\'an went out to the Yamen of the Prosecutor\'s Envoy, and rushed all the way to the Yamen of the Ministry of War without stopping.

   "Master Zhu, you are here." The guard on duty had received Zhu Ping\'an last time, and he recognized Zhu Ping\'an at a glance, and bowed to say hello.

   "Oh, you are Zhang Yuan." Zhu Pingan almost had a photographic memory and recognized the officer.

   Zhang Yuan was pleasantly surprised when he heard Zhu Pingan call out his name, "Master Zhu, you still remember the little one\'s humble name, what a great honor."

"Hehe, I was sorry to invite you to visit Zhang Shangshu last time. How could I not remember?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and then said seriously, "Zhang Yuan, I have urgent military information to report to Zhang Shangshu today, please go in To report."

"Master Zhu, you are serious. You wait in the guest room for a while, and I will go in and report." Zhang Yuan responded, paused, and then reminded Zhu Pingan, "However, Lord Shangshu is talking to the Ministry of Finance The few adults here include Governor Li of Zhejiang Province, Lord Hu, the inspector censor, and some generals who are discussing military affairs. I don’t know when Lord Shangshu will receive you, Lord Zhu.”

   "I\'ll save it." Zhu Ping\'an nodded, "Please go in and report."

  Zhang Yuan responded and went in to report. Before leaving, he told other officials in the yamen to lead Zhu Pingan to the guest room to wait.

  Zhu Pingan went to the guest room with another guard to wait, and asked him on the way, "Just now what Zhang Yuan said, who is Governor Li of Zhejiang?"

"Back to Mr. Zhu, Mr. Li, the governor of Zhejiang Province, is named Li Tianchong. He took office yesterday. Before that, Governor Li served as the deputy envoy of Xuzhou military preparations. Some time ago, Mr. Li led his troops to repel several groups of Japanese pirates in Tongzhou and Rugao, with outstanding achievements. , Shengshang specially promoted Mr. Li to be the governor of Zhejiang, and he took office yesterday."

   The guard explained.

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded. It turns out that Li Tianchong and Master Li took office yesterday. It\'s normal for him to train soldiers in Taohuaji, and the news lags behind.

Li Tianchong Master Li, although Zhu Pingan has never met him, but in modern times, he also knows the general deeds of this Master Li. This Master Li is a famous general who fought against the Japanese, and he was a good official. But it is a pity that he could have shown his talents on the anti-Japanese stage, but his luck was not good. In history, he and Zhang Jing were brothers and sisters, and the two fell to the same tragic end

  We must do our best to change this period of history and avoid tragedy.

  The more capable people are, the more capable people will be.

  The sooner the Japanese plague can be eliminated, the sooner the people along the coast can live a stable and peaceful life.

  When Zhang Yuan went in to report, the meeting was going on, and Zhang Jing was still a little displeased, "Didn\'t the official explain that if there is nothing urgent, don\'t disturb me?"

   "My lord, please calm down. Zhejiang will be punished according to the procuratorial envoy, Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan. Master Zhu has important military information, and the small ones dare not delay."

  Zhang Yuan hurriedly explained.

"Oh, if that\'s the case, then you\'re doing the right thing." Zhang Jing nodded, his complexion improved, and he even encouraged Zhang Yuan, and then explained to him, "Since it\'s an urgent military situation, please hurry up and ask Mr. Zhu to come forward." Come on. Master Zhu is a soldier, and after reporting the emergency military situation, he can also attend the meeting as a nonvoting delegate."

   "Follow the order." Zhang Yuan took the order.

   Soon, under the guidance of Zhang Yuan, Zhu Pingan came to the meeting place, and after reporting, he entered the meeting hall.

  (end of this chapter)