Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1459: Zhu Ping'an's doubts

Chapter 1459 Zhu Ping\'an\'s doubts

  How did this group of Japanese pirates break through the Huizhou pass? ! The pass is not a county wall that has been in disrepair for a long time. It is the superposition of natural terrain and human infrastructure. It\'s nothing more than a fool\'s dream.

  Why did this group of Japanese pirates go west all the way to the inland? ! The eastern coastal area is not only rich but also easy to escape into the sea, while the western inland is barren and difficult to retreat. It is obviously unreasonable for Japanese pirates to behave like this.

   One more thing, are these pirates too aggressive? ! Landed in Shangyu, massacred Funing Town, obviously had the opportunity to cross the river directly from Funing Town, but they just occupied a courtyard in the town, ate and drank and waited for the Shaoxing government coalition forces to come to encircle and suppress them, and after a fight, they crossed the river and left; The old censor returned to his hometown after he became an official. There were 100 regular troops, more than 100 servants, and dozens of guards who escorted him all the way. It was obviously not a soft persimmon, but this group of Japanese pirates lay in ambush to attack; The magistrate of Changhua fought a battle; then went west to Yuqian County, and Dianshi of Yuqian County led his troops, servants, and people to suppress the Japanese. Take the initiative to set up an ambush attack. Zhu Pingan stroked it and found that after this group of Japanese pirates landed, they would fight and kill officers and soldiers when they encountered officers and soldiers. Fight with the officers and soldiers! This group of Japanese pirates is so arrogant and arrogant, and they like to fight with officers and soldiers so much, which makes Zhu Ping\'an puzzled.

   These three questions have always troubled Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan thought hard for a long time, but couldn\'t come up with a reasonable answer.

  "Know your enemy and yourself, you can win a hundred battles. If you don\'t know your enemy, you will easily suffer losses on the battlefield."

  Zhu Ping\'an touched his chin and whispered to himself.

  Forget it, it’s been a long time since I responded to Tian, ​​so I will go to Yingtian today, and at the same time to report on my duties, I will go to the Ministry of War and other institutions to check the detailed information of this group of Japanese pirates since they landed, and learn as much as possible about the situation of this group of Japanese pirates.

   "Liu Mu, Ruofeng." Zhu Pingan called out.

   "The end is here." Liu Mu and Ruofeng heard the order and stepped forward with their fists clasped.

   "I\'ll go to Yingtian, and I will be back before evening. During the camp training and other daily matters, you two will discuss and decide. If the matter is important, then wait for me to come back." Zhu Pingan said to the two.

   "Follow the order!" Liu Mu and Ruofeng took the order.

   "My lord, there have been a lot of Japanese problems recently. For the sake of safety, I ask you to bring more people on this trip."

   Liu Mu reminded.

  Zhu Pingan pondered for a while, nodded, and accepted Liu Mu\'s suggestion, "Okay, I\'ll go ahead later."

  Zhu Ping\'an signed a temporary authorization for daily affairs to Liu Mu and Ruofeng, and rode to Yingtian City with Liu Dadao and a sentry horse.

  When Zhu Ping\'an arrived in Yingtian, he first went to the Yamen of the Criminal Procuratorate to report to the adults in Taiwan about the formation of the Zhejiang Army in the past half month.

   "The next official pays homage to adults in Taiwan."

   Entering the office of the Prosecutor\'s Office, Zhu Ping\'an came to the office room of the Taiwanese office with ease, and knocked on the door to pay a visit.

   "Oh, so it\'s Zihou, please come in quickly. I haven\'t seen you for a few days, but why are you becoming more polite, please come and sit down." Zhang Nietai saw Zhu Ping\'an, and greeted Zhu Ping\'an with enthusiasm to come in and sit down.

   "Hehe, thank you, my lord." Zhu Pingan smiled, cupped his hands in thanks, and sat down.

   "The life in the military camp is not as good as in the city. After half a month, Zi Houqing has lost a lot, and you have suffered."

  Zhang Nietai looked Zhu Pingan up and down, and found that Zhu Pingan had lost almost a circle of weight, and he was very concerned about it.

"Thank you for your concern. Although I have lost a lot of weight, the fat on my body has turned into strong muscles. Although the life in the military camp is not as convenient as in the city, it is not bitter. Taohuaji has a beautiful environment and fresh air. It is suitable for living, it is not too far from Taohua Market Town, and the supply of supplies is not a problem."

  Zhu Pingan replied with a smile, rolled up his sleeves, bent his arms, and his biceps suddenly bulged.

  In the barracks for more than half a month, Zhu Pingan has been supervising the training of the Zhejiang Army, and he has been following the training. It\'s not that I want to be a fierce general who charges into the battle, it\'s not realistic, I just don\'t want to be a scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken, and I have better physical fitness, and I will lead the army in the future, so that my military plan will not be hindered by my weak body!

   After half a month, the results are good, the biceps are bulging, and the eight-pack abs has a vague outline.

"Okay, it\'s worthy of being Zihou. You can be a master if you endure hardships. If everyone of them can have the awareness of Zihou, I will have a better life." Seeing this, Zhang Nietai couldn\'t help crying out for Zhu Ping\'an Say hello and appreciate it.

   "Your Excellency is absurd, Ping An is ashamed." Zhu Pingan hurriedly said modestly.

   "By the way, what is the situation of the militia now?" Zhang Nietai asked, "Can the bandit soldiers be disciplined?"

"Just about to report to adults in Taiwan. At the beginning of the establishment of the army, Ping An broke up and reorganized the troops in each village, and established the military law "Four Iron Laws and Eighteen Cuts", which was strictly enforced. With the support of adults in Taiwan, the supply of food and grass was high. It is enough, with the military law as the rein, food and grass as the shield, and no rebels who return to the Three Villages will obey discipline! After more than half a month of intensive training, the entire army has been completely reborn, and it has begun to take shape as a soldier." Zhu Pingan continued He briefly reported the overall situation of the Zhejiang Army to Zhang Nietai.

   "Well, yes, Zihou did a great job." Hearing this, Zhang Nietai stroked his beard and nodded.

"Masters from Taiwan, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. When the army was established, Ping An\'s militia was tentatively named \'Jiangsu and Zhejiang Regiment Training Army\', referred to as \'Zhejiang Army\'. At present, the militia has not yet officially given the name of the army. Please also give me a formal name. name."

  Zhu Ping\'an clapped his hands.

"The Jiangsu-Zhejiang regiment trains the army, the Zhejiang army. This name is very good. A person knows the root. The official name of the militia is still this!" Zhang Nietai read it silently, pondered for a moment, and praised him, raising Zhu Ping\'an\'s tentative name to the official name. name.

   "Thank you for the name, sir, and please give me another pair of calligraphy, and I will go back to make the military flag." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands.

   "Hehe, although I don\'t want to admit it, I have to say that your handwriting is far better than the old man\'s. I\'d better use your calligraphy for this military flag, and the old man won\'t make a fool of himself in front of you." Zhang Nietai waved his hand with a smile.

"My lord, my old man\'s words are like his own, and my handwriting is as young as mine. How can I hold the whole army and the future battlefield? My lord\'s handwriting is as steady as my lord\'s, and as immovable as a mountain. This army flag must be my lord\'s ink to hold it down." live."

  Zhu Ping\'an was talking nonsense in a serious manner, insisting that Zhang Nietai grant calligraphy and use his calligraphy to make military flags.

  This is the same as giving a name. It must be given by Zhang Jietai to be justified, otherwise there will always be suspicion of usurping.

   "You, well, then I will make a fool of myself."

  Zhang Nietai couldn\'t help but shook his head with a smile, rolled up his sleeves, picked up the brush, and wrote down the word "Zhejiang Army"!

  Well, this word is really not as good as myself.

  Of course, although I thought so in my heart, I said "Good word!"

  Then, after Zhu Pingan waited for the pen and ink to dry, he carefully put away the calligraphy and put it in his arms.

  (end of this chapter)