Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1447: war imminent

Chapter 1447 The battle is imminent

   "Bah, if you want credit, you should get credit, and you still say it\'s high-sounding and righteous."

  Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu cursed secretly in their hearts, but on the surface they looked understanding.

   It\'s fine if you don\'t meet it, but if you do, you can\'t monopolize the achievement of destroying the Japanese, you can only share it. Therefore, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu joined forces and rushed towards the courtyard occupied by Naoshima Naonan and his gang of Japanese pirates.

  Of course, there are also arguments for sharing. Whoever takes the lead and who takes the lead are all particular.

   Regarding this, the two of them couldn\'t help but feel small in their hearts.

   "Prefect Liu, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer. This group of Japanese pirates only has about 150 people, and the last general leads 1,000 troops, which is enough to wipe out this group of Japanese pirates. Prefect Liu can bring troops and horses, and just sit behind the town."

   On the way of joining forces to attack the Japanese pirates, Xu Qianhu said confidently to Liu Zhifu that he wanted Liu Zhifu to sit in the rear, and he led the guards to wipe out the Japanese pirates, so that he could take the lead and make great achievements.

   "Xu Qianhu, Shishi Botu, also need to do their best, not to mention the Japanese pirates. This time to wipe out the Japanese pirates in Funing Town, we must use all our strength, and we will not give the Japanese pirates any chance!"

  Liu Zhifu shook his head slightly, and said to Xu Qianhu earnestly, insisting on going forward together to suppress the Japanese.

  Hehe, little brother, you want to take the lead, how is this possible.

   "What Liu Zhifu said is very true, the last general is hasty." Seeing that Liu Zhifu was unmoved, Xu Qianhu could only clasped his fists and said.

  At this time in the Ming Dynasty, culture was more important than military affairs, and Liu Zhifu\'s official position was higher than that of Xu Qianhu, so Xu Qianhu naturally did not dare to force it.

   Soon, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu led their troops to the wooden building occupied by the Japanese pirates, and stopped before the bow and crossbow.

  The Japanese pirates are close at hand, and the courtyard wall is not high. Standing on a high place, the situation in the courtyard is clear at a glance.

Xu Qianhu rode his horse around for half a circle, took a closer look, and said to Liu Zhifu with a smile on his face, "Liu Zhifu, what the informant said is true, there are indeed only about 150 Japanese pirates in the courtyard. "

   "Good! The right time, the right place, and the right people are all on our side. This time, we will let this group of evil Japanese pirates die here!"

  Prefect Liu clenched his fist vigorously, expressing his confidence.

  While Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu were observing the Japanese pirates, Naojima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanlang in the courtyard were also observing the Ming army outside.

   "There are about 2,000 Ming troops outside. Judging by their weapons and attire, they should be two Ming troops. The overall armor rate is less than 10%. The weapons are mostly bows, knives, and spears. There are very few iron cannons, and there is no artillery."

  Sanbanlang Matsuura carefully recorded the equipment and personnel of the Ming army on paper while observing.

   "Hehe, San Fanlang, look, what I said just now as a joke actually came to fruition, and there are quite a few old men in the Ming army, hahahaha, old arms and old legs, no wonder they react so slowly"

  Nabeshima couldn\'t help laughing out loud after noticing that there were many old and weak members of the Ming army outside.

   "Well, as expected of a straight male general, his observation is meticulous. It is true. The old and weak soldiers in the Ming army accounted for at least three to four out of ten. It is unbelievable that the army of the majestic kingdom is so unbearable."

  Matsuura Sanbanlang nodded, and focused on recording this point on the paper, marking the key points.

   "Isn\'t this a good thing?!" Nabeshima smiled and looked at Matsuura Sanbanrou.

"Yaoxi! Great news!" Sanbanlang Matsuura couldn\'t help laughing along with Naoshima Naonan, and after laughing a few times, he said to Nabeshima Naonan, "General Zhinan, it looks like, how much will you charge later?" Divided."

   "Hehe, it looks like we need to work harder, so as not to scare these old men away"

   Naoshima laughed wildly.

Outside the courtyard, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu saw Naoshima Naoman and Matsuura Sanfanlang talking and laughing from a distance, and couldn\'t help feeling angry. The armor of these two Japanese pirates was obviously more luxurious than other Japanese pirates. In front of my two thousand army, these two Japanese chieftains with only a hundred soldiers dare to talk and laugh happily. I really don\'t know how to write the word dead! The two immediately dispatched troops and generals to attack the Japanese pirates.

"Xu Qianhu, the courtyard occupied by the Japanese pirates faces the Qishui River to the east. The river is nearly ten meters wide and three meters deep. The Japanese pirates don\'t have boats, and they can\'t fly over the Qishui River with their wings. But just to be on the safe side, You and I should each send one hundred men to guard the east wall and the river bank to prevent the Japanese pirates from jumping over the wall and risking their lives by jumping into the river! To the west and north are the walls, and we will send 300 soldiers on each side to contain the Japanese troops. Put all the remaining soldiers and horses into the main attack from the south gate, break through the gate, break into the courtyard, and wipe out the Japanese pirates entrenched here! Report to the people who know you, and avenge the victims of Funing Town! Xu Chito, what do you think?"

  Liu Zhifu has a high official position and is also a civil servant. His status is not comparable to that of Xu Qianhu, so he occupies a dominant position. He arranges to deploy soldiers and horses to attack the Japanese pirates, but only symbolically consults Xu Qianhu\'s opinion at the end.

   "Prefect Liu has everything covered, and the general will have no objections!" Xu Qianhu clasped his fists and said.

   "Okay, without further ado, let\'s start the attack!" Liu Zhifu nodded in satisfaction and ordered.


  Xu Qianhu cupped his fists.

   Soon, the Ming army followed Liu Zhifu\'s dispatch and divided its troops into four groups, guarding the east and feigning attacks from the northwest. The main force of more than 1,200 people shouted and killed the courtyard gate occupied by the Japanese pirates from the south.

Seeing the Ming army rushing in, Naoshima Naoao excitedly raised the Japanese sword, rushed out, and shouted to the Japanese pirates in the courtyard, "Bastards, the Ming people are here, I will take you to try the Ming people." If the Ming people are all weaklings, then give me some strength and don\'t scare the Ming people away!"


  The melee Japanese pirates in the courtyard raised their weapons one after another, and rushed out following Naoshima Naoo.

  Sanbanlang Matsuura did not play. He has a more important task: to observe the actual combat strength of the Ming army.

   "Okay, it\'s good to come out. I was worried about the Japanese pirates defending against the wall, but I didn\'t expect to come out. I\'m really looking for a dead end!"

  Prefect Liu couldn\'t help but smile when he saw the Japanese pirates rushing out of the courtyard. If the Japanese pirates guard against the wall, I have to spend some effort, but the Japanese pirates are stupid, give up the advantage of the courtyard wall and don’t defend, and run out to die by themselves, haha, since you come out to die, then we will not show mercy!

   "Hehe, the Japanese pirates knew their crimes were terrible, so they came out to die!" Liu Zhifu took advantage of the situation to boost morale.

   "Kill! Kill all the Japanese pirates! Leave no one behind!" Xu Qianhu also shouted to boost morale.

   "Kill! Kill all the Japanese pirates!"

  The morale of the Ming army was greatly boosted, and they rushed forward shouting and killing.


  The Japanese pirates, led by Naoshima Naoo, also came shouting to kill.

  The war is about to start!

  (end of this chapter)