Rise From the Humble

Chapter 142: Every family has its cupboard

Chapter 142 Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite

  In fact, hearing Fat Daddy call Fatty to turn over, I feel inexplicably happy.

  Regarding Fat Daddy\'s compliment, Zhu Ping\'an had a foolish smile on his lips, repeatedly bowing his hands to Fat Daddy\'s praise.

  Afterwards, the fat dad lamented how much effort he had put into educating the fat man. Blabla, after talking for a long time, he was quite pleased that the fat man had handed over the case to the government.

  The fat man in the corner heard his father say how much effort he had put into educating himself, covered his buttocks that had been beaten so many times with one hand, and said faintly, "I didn\'t see how much effort you put in."

   In fact, Fatty still has one thing in his heart that he didn\'t dare to say, that is, he was beaten and scolded by you all day long without seeing how much effort you put in for me, and he was unable to pass the exam, so he gave birth to a child and entrusted it to the next generation.

   As soon as the fat man finished speaking, the fat father became angry and gasped for breath. He pointed at the fat man and cursed, "You rebellious son, I specially took half a month\'s leave to come back and beat you to educate you!"

  The fat lady hurried over to help the fat father to be smooth, and gave the fat man a wink to make him admit his mistake quickly.

   The fat man reluctantly admitted his mistake.

"Peace, I let you see a joke. Although he turned over and fell off the list, his good friend won the case, which is also something worth celebrating. You are so young and promising. Go, find a restaurant to celebrate for you." Fat Dad looked serious, but he was actually a good talker.

   It\'s just, how can this work, the fat man is lost after failing the exam, isn\'t this adding salt to the wound.

   "Thank you for your kindness, Uncle. It\'s just that Ping An has already made an appointment with Uncle and a few villagers. This time, I\'m afraid I will live up to Uncle\'s kindness." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and declined Fat Dad\'s invitation.

"What\'s the point of celebrating with them. Let\'s go. Although I failed the exam, it\'s okay to donate a prison student or something. Then we can take the provincial exam together." The fat man was only lost for a while, and then he was heartless I got excited myself.

   "Donate. Let you donate!" The fat father was angry again when he heard the words, and he wanted to let the fat man understand in minutes.

   "Why don\'t you donate? If you don\'t pay, I will. Lao Shizi\'s exams have starved me to death." The fat lady protected the fat man behind her, glaring at the fat father.

   "A loving mother loses her lot!" The fat father was very dissatisfied with the fat mother\'s behavior, "Look at Ping An Lang."

   "You donated everything." The fat man poked his head out from behind the fat lady. A faint sentence came.

  Slapping people only hits the face, and if you expose someone, you will expose the shortcomings. The fat man\'s words directly hit the fat father\'s vital point, making the fat father\'s serious face turn red, and his panting became worse. The blue veins in the hand holding the stick were all exposed, as if he was about to kill his relatives in a matter of minutes.

   Prison donation became very popular at this time.

  Boys have many obstacles in the exam. For a person like Fatty Fatty who failed the exam, is there any other way to become an official? Of course, if you fail the boy\'s test, you can also pay millet and enter the prison, that is to say, if you donate money to a supervisor, you can use the status of a supervisor to participate in the rural examination. This route started only in the Ming Dynasty. "Ming History Election Records": "The regular prison began in the sixth year of Jingtai (1455) with the border affairs Kongji, so that all the people in the world who are satisfied with the horses can enter the prison to study." The eligibility to take part in the rural examination obtained through this method will be looked down upon.

   Fatty doesn’t care about other people’s opinions, as long as he can take the provincial examination, it’s fine. With his own quality, he might pass the provincial examination if he takes the provincial examination. So, the fat man has worked hard for a long time, but the fat father just doesn\'t agree to donate the prison to the fat man, so it doesn\'t matter what the fat mother says.

  But in Zhu Ping\'an\'s view, taking the fat man\'s virtue, it\'s useless to take the exam a few more times.

"Uncle, it stands to reason that Ping An should not interfere in the family affairs of your family. It\'s just that Ping An has a few words in his heart. The imperial examination pays more attention to policy theory. As for stereotyped essays and policy theory, different people are good at different things. I think that although brother Xue is not good at stereotyped essays in four books, he is very good at policy theory. Although the way of donating to prison is sometimes underestimated, it is always There are exceptions. For example, Luo Gui from Daming failed to pass the boy\'s test seven times. After being donated to the prison, he won the first place in the township test and the general test. Therefore, Uncle might give Brother Xue a chance, and no one can. Brother Xue is not the next Luo Gui." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands, presenting facts and evidence in an extremely provocative tone.

  Fat Dad was stunned for a long time when he heard the words, and finally nodded his head and said: "Lang Pingan speaks with certainty, he really has a heart, well, then give me a bad boy a chance."

  Hearing this, the fat man yelled loudly, and his fat face smiled like a chrysanthemum, not to mention how brilliant it was.

   "Brother Zhu, you are really my reborn parent." The fat man was so excited that he couldn\'t speak coherently.

   Secondary parents? !

   Fat Dad\'s face darkened when he heard the words, and he couldn\'t help clenching the loose stick tightly again. Well, this is the rhythm of cleaning up the house.

   What a wild day.

The hospitality was hard to come by, Zhu Pingan was dragged by Fatty\'s family to celebrate at the restaurant that Fatty and the others had ordered. Fatty got his father\'s nod and agreed to donate to the prison. Lie drunk under the table. Fat dad\'s face turned black at that time, if Zhu Ping\'an was not present, fat dad would have beaten the fat man madly.

   Zhu Ping\'an also drank a little too much, the fat lady asked a healthy servant to send Zhu Ping\'an back to the inn where he was staying.

  Zhu Ping\'an returned to the inn, took a hot bath, and washed his face with cold water, only to wake up a little bit.

   Alas, I can no longer drink like this in the future, it is not good for my health. Adolescents are in the period of growth and childbirth. Drinking alcohol will have a serious impact on normal physiological functions and development, and will lead to memory loss, and even the normal function of friction will decline.

  So, for your own future happiness, you should take it as a warning.

  Zhu Ping\'an shook his slightly dizzy head, sat down at the desk, spread out a piece of rice paper, and wrote two big characters of "quitting alcohol" on it with a pen.

  At this time, the sun was just setting. Zhu Pingan sat at the table and watched the sun gradually set into the western mountains outside the window. He couldn\'t help but think of his parents in Xiahe Village. In a few days, parents should also receive the news of the good news from the county. Dad himself doesn\'t know, but mother Chen will definitely show off beautifully everywhere, it seems that I can imagine the scene at that time, no matter what we talk about, mother Chen will definitely go around the topic of my son\'s case, hehehe, mother always so cute

However, I felt a little sad for my grandparents. My grandparents had high hopes for my uncle. When I came to the hospital for the test, my grandfather still said at the door that my uncle was fine this time, and he asked me to work harder. It\'s just a pity that my uncle once again lost his name. How lost would the grandfather of the message be.

   Moreover, in order to protect the face of the uncle, the grandfather put the burden of usury on the father and was separated. Now the son who is guarding has once again lost his name, but the son of the son who was blamed and separated from the family is a high school case.

   I don’t know how my grandparents will feel when they hear the news.

  Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

  (end of this chapter)