Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1398: I go

Chapter 1398 I\'m going

   "Wei Guogong, Linhuaihou, you should think of a way, the miscellaneous family doesn\'t want to die!" Seeing Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou Zhang Luo writing the suicide note, He Gonggong became impatient and stamped his feet.

   "Eunuch He, you think we want to die, but the situation has come to this point, the general situation is gone, and there is no way to turn back the sky, what can we do?! There are only four of us, and there are three thousand rebels outside."

  Marquis Linhuai shook his head vigorously, and let out a long sigh, full of despair and helplessness.

"That\'s right, Eunuch He, ants are still stealing their lives, not to mention us high-ranking officials and dignitaries! It\'s just that there are thousands of roads, all connected to the imperial power, and there is really no way to survive! Ever since the rebellion killed Huang Shilang, it has been out of control. It has changed from a mutiny to a rebellion, and the possibility of persuading them to quit and surrender is completely lost. Just now you have seen that they don’t care about me as the coach at all. What else can I do? Afterwards, what else can I do?!"

   Wei Guogong shook his head and sighed in despair. For those who have enjoyed life since childhood, how can they want to die? !

"It\'s dead, it\'s dead. It\'s really hard for the Zajia. When we were young, our family couldn\'t get rid of it. Eight of our brothers drew lots and sold themselves into the palace to be eunuchs. The Zajia took the shortest one. After entering the palace, the Zajia suffered all the suffering in the world. After suffering all the crimes in the world, I finally got where I am today, and my future is limitless, but I didn\'t expect to die here. Miscellaneous family is really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

  When Eunuch He saw this, he couldn\'t help feeling sad from his heart, and burst into tears. Those who heard it were really sad, and those who saw it wept.

"Woooo. My two brothers were ignorant when we were young. We listened to people\'s stories, got passionate, imitated adults, chopped off chicken heads, burned yellow paper, and swore not to be born in the same year, the same month, but to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. It\'s come true. Huh, huh, what a **** nonsense, I was just joking around at the time, and I didn\'t take my mind off it at all." Wei Guogong felt emotional, reached out and punched Linhuaihou, and couldn\'t help crying.

"It\'s so **** nonsense. I was just kidding at the time, and I didn\'t lose my mind. How did it come true?!" Linhuaihou also punched Wei Guogong in the chest, with tears streaming down his face, and his tone was full Cursing in disgust, "I never dreamed that I would die with you!"

   "You despise me, and I despise you!" Wei Guogong replied.

   In the next second, the two people who were still disgusted with each other looked at each other and cried.

  For a moment, there was a lot of crying in the handsome tent, and the desperation filled it was suffocating.

  Zhu Ping\'an stood in the handsome tent, staring dumbfoundedly at Wei Guogong, Linhuaihou, and He Gonggong who were crying, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, didn\'t he mean to discuss countermeasures? ! Why did you just lie down? !

   By the way, after I entered the handsome account, I haven\'t interrupted the conversation yet.

   "Ahem." Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help coughing, reminding the three of them that there was still one person in the tent.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s cough reminder was effective. Wei Guogong and the three who were crying looked up at Zhu Ping\'an, and then stopped crying. Their expressions were about a poor person, and they saw an even more pitiful person.

"Well, we\'re actually alright. After all, we\'ve lived most of our lives. Although we\'ve suffered and suffered, we\'ve enjoyed almost everything we should enjoy. It\'s just that I\'m sorry for my nephew. My nephew is not yet young, and he was born in the countryside. , finally admitted to the number one scholar, married a beautiful wife, was appreciated by the sage, the official reached the fifth rank, and had the honor of secret zhezi zuo, the future is bright, how many people can match me in Ming Dynasty?! What a pity, what a pity, Great age, great future, great marriage, haven\'t enjoyed any blessings yet, haven\'t seen the birth of the child with my own eyes, and I\'m about to go to hell, poor nephew, it\'s your uncle who killed you." Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai People couldn\'t help casting pitiful eyes on Zhu Ping\'an, and after some comparisons, the two of them also got a little comfort in their hearts.

   "Oh, Master Xiao Zhu is really miserable. He is young, has an unlimited future, and is in good health."

  When Eunuch He saw Zhu Ping\'an, he also got a little comfort in his heart. After all, there is another person who is even worse.

  Zhu Pingan couldn\'t laugh or cry, "Ahem, Uncle, Eunuch He, although the situation is bad, it\'s more than that."

   Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai heard the words, glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, shook their heads, and sighed, "Nephew, I know you don\'t want to die, but this is the end of the matter, and there is nothing you can do to recover from it, only death."

   "Master Xiao Zhu, the miscellaneous family doesn\'t want to die, but..." Eunuch He couldn\'t help feeling sad again, with a look of despair on his face, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and two traces of makeup were washed out.

Seeing the rhythm of hugging and crying again, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help crying and laughing, pulled the corners of his mouth, and said to them bluntly, "Uncle, Eunuch He, it\'s not that I don\'t want to die, but that the current situation is not powerless, and there is still a way out." , Although there are many chaos outside, they can still be resolved.”


   "Is there any way out??!"


   "Can it still be solved?!"

  Duke Wei, Marquis Linhuai, and Eunuch He all looked up at Zhu Pingan, with expressions of disbelief, as if Zhu Pingan was talking in his sleep. Now that the situation is terminally ill, how could there be a way out.

  Zhu Pingan nodded firmly.

   "How to solve it? Who will solve it?"

   Wei Guogong and the others uttered a soul question, and then they all lowered their heads, and no one responded.

  They couldn\'t be more clear in their hearts, to go out at this time is to die, and Huang Shilang is a precedent. Although hiding in the handsome tent is also a dead end, but at least you can live for a while, it is better to live than to die, and to live for a moment is a moment.

   The commander\'s tent fell into absolute silence.

   "I\'ll solve it!"

   At this time, a firm and confident voice sounded, like Huang Zhong Dalu, deafening.

  It was Zhu Ping\'an. Zhu Ping\'an stood up and spoke with a firm face.

  Wei Guogong and the others looked up at Zhu Pingan in surprise, their mouths were as big as a box. At this moment, Zhu Ping\'an was standing at the door of the handsome tent, the sun outside was shining on him, and they couldn\'t open their eyes under the dazzling light.

   "Nephew, do you want someone to accompany you?"

  Marquis Linhuai swallowed, and after he finished speaking, he regretted so much that he wished he could give himself a big mouthful.

For a moment, Wei Guogong and He Gonggong looked like elementary school students when the teacher called the roll call. They all lowered their heads for fear of being called, especially Wei Guogong, who wanted to lower his head to his crotch, and his nervous toes were all buckled. He is Zhenwu. Battalion commander, if Zhu Ping\'an is accompanied by the roll call, he is likely to be called.

   "No, I\'ll go alone." Zhu Pingan replied.

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, Duke Wei, Eunuch He, and Marquis Linhuai all heaved a sigh of relief.

   "This is how you should give birth to a child!"

  Wei Guogong, Linhuaihou, and He Gonggong all stood up, watching the brave and stupid Zhu Pingan with the eyes of a funeral, and enthusiastically sent the hymn, thanking Zhu Pingan for buying them a little more time to live.

  (end of this chapter)