Rise From the Humble

Chapter 135: unlucky kid paper

Chapter 135 Unlucky Child Paper

  The closer you get to the dung horn, the stronger the smoky smell, and the clearer the buzzing of flies and mosquitoes.

   The smell is simply unbearable.


   There was a sound of vomiting, Zhu Pingan looked around, and saw that poor, unlucky child sitting in the room near the dung, with a pale face and dull eyes, leaning against the corner to vomit.

  I really want to vomit...

  The unlucky child saw Zhu Pingan coming with the card of "Exiting Gong and Entering the Quiet", like a little girl who was cornered by a seven-foot man in the middle of the night, and his whole body shivered. Those lifeless little eyes seem to be full of accusations, Nima, this stinks enough, here you go again!

  My dear friend, I\'m so sorry, I didn\'t mean to aggravate your miserable situation.

  Zhu Ping\'an could only express his apology with his eyes.

  I won’t describe too much about the scene of the **** number. In short, it’s so sour under the high temperature, mosquitoes and flies are flying around, and going to the toilet is a kind of torture.

   Hearing that Zhu Ping\'an is a small toilet, the man next door to the manure can\'t wait to stick out his finger and give Zhu Ping\'an a hundred likes. After Zhu Pingan finished the solution, he cleaned his hands and came out of the dung hall. Seeing the grateful little eyes of the poor kid next door to the dung hall, he was a little dazed for a while.

   But I feel relieved after thinking about it.

In short, I hope that this unlucky and sad good paper will not be smoked and perform abnormally. The so-called heaven will send a great task to the people, and they must first suffer from their hearts, their muscles and bones, their bodies and skins, and their bodies. He behaves indiscriminately; I hope he can have a good grade... But judging by the way he rolled his eyes after being smoked, it might be a bit difficult.

   Returning to his dormitory, Zhu Ping\'an returned the card of Gong Jin Jing to the inspector, and then continued to answer questions in his courtyard examination.

  The first stereotyped question has already been drafted, and what Zhu Pingan did next is the post scripture, which is very simple and does not take time. It didn\'t take long to complete it and write it neatly on the straw paper.

  After finishing the scripture questions, Zhu Pingan continued to do the second stereotyped question. The title of the second question is: The gentleman goes up and the villain goes down. From a sentence in "The Analects of Confucius", the Master said: "A gentleman goes up, and a villain goes down." "It means that a gentleman goes up and understands benevolence and righteousness; a villain goes down and pursues fame and fortune. Although I haven\'t tried to solve this question before, this stereotyped question is quite standard. There is no difficulty. It depends on your writing style. It\'s time to write.

  Zhu Pingan stopped writing, thought for a long time, and then pondered for a while, then dipped the brush in ink on the inkstone, and neatly copied the well-conceived eight-legged essay on the draft paper in lower case.

  After all the drafts of the three questions were written, Zhu Ping\'an stretched his waist and moved his body slightly. Writing at his desk in such an aggrieved environment is simply a kind of harm to the body.

   After exercising your body, look at the Mingyuan building, and let your eyes do exercises for farsightedness. In ancient times, I was nearsighted, but there were no glasses to match it.

   "Hey, what about you, don\'t look left and right!" A nearby yamen guard saw that Zhu Pingan was always looking at other places, and couldn\'t help scolding him.


  I\'m just looking ahead, okay? ! Even though he thought so in his heart, Zhu Pingan still obediently withdrew his eyes. The ancients didn\'t understand the theory of eye protection, and the theory with him at this point is that longevity people drink arsenic and think their lives are too long.

  In the sight of the yamen servant, Zhu Pingan obediently withdrew his eyes, kept his ears to the outside world, and only wrote stereotyped essays.

  After Zhu Pingan retracted his gaze, he bent over his desk and began to copy the first stereotyped essay on the answer sheet. He was more careful than copying it on the draft paper. He tried his best to maximize the potential of his calligraphy and copied it neatly in lower case.

  After copying the first question, three more drums were heard, and then servants brought food and water to each candidate\'s room one after another. A large bowl of rice with one meat and one vegetarian, and a bowl of boiled water, this is the lunch for the candidates of the college examination.

  The taste of vegetarian dishes is too light, and the taste of meat dishes is too salty, but the rice is crystal clear, with excellent taste and good taste. He always ate with vegetables, but today he ate with rice. During this time, Zhu Ping\'an felt that his mouth seemed to be spoiled. Thanks to this bowl of rice, he was able to fill his stomach.

   After eating, someone will come to clear up the tableware and give the candidates a clean and tidy answer room.

  After eating, Zhu Pingan somehow thought of the examinee in the dung room, wondering how his lunch was.

The candidate in the dung room that Zhu Pingan couldn\'t see vomited again as soon as he saw the meal, waving his hands like seeing a scourge... Under such circumstances, it\'s no wonder that he could eat it in his stomach .

  After the unlucky and miserable child vomited, he was deeply worried, Nima, if everyone had lunch, wouldn’t the **** room become active again...so he vomited again.

After eating, Zhu Pingan began to copy the second question. Halfway through the copy, he heard three drums, followed by three cloud boards, and then he heard the patrol shouting, "Quickly copy the truth!" , Just like modern exam invigilators remind candidates to pay attention to time and write quickly.

  At this time, it was around one o\'clock to two o\'clock, Zhu Ping\'an leaned over and continued to copy the second stereotyped essay. There wasn\'t much content in the stereotyped essay, and it didn\'t take long for the second question to be finished, and then the scripture was also copied down.

  After copying all the exam questions, Zhu Pingan started to check carefully again. At this time, some candidates had already handed in their papers and went to the waiting area, waiting for the cards to be released to the tribute courtyard. Zhu Pingan ignored the person who handed in the test papers, and continued to check the exam papers carefully. He checked the papers twice in total, and after confirming that they were correct, he got up and motioned for the patrolling examination papers to be handed in.

  After the examiner came, Zhu Pingan asked Zhu Pingan to take off the float with his name written on his test paper and write his seat number. After that, the examiner accepted Zhu Pingan\'s test paper and gave Zhu Pingan an appearance card.

  After Zhu Ping\'an received the playing card, he went to the waiting area under the guidance of the guards to wait for the card to be released. At this time, the first batch of submissions had already been released, and Zhu Pingan and his group had to wait for about a quarter of an hour before they were allowed to release their cards and leave the tribute courtyard.

  The guard at the gate collected a card and released a person, and Zhu Ping arranged for the team to hand in the cards and walk out of Jiangnan Gongyuan.

  Out of the Jiangnan Gongyuan, looking back at the gate, it feels like a bird out of its cage, feeling relaxed and comfortable all over.

   "Brother Zhu, you finally came out"

  Before Zhu Pingan took two more breaths of relaxing air, he heard a howl like a pig being killed.

   You don’t need to look, you can tell it’s the fat Xue Chi just by hearing the voice.

"Brother Xue." Zhu Pingan raised his head and said half of what he said before he swallowed it, because the image of the fat man in his sight was so shocking, it was like being pulled down into a grove by a group of strong men and rubbed against each other I\'ve done it a hundred times, but it doesn\'t look like I paid a penny.

   What a runny nose and tears.

   "Brother Zhu." The fat man Xue Chi walked over with his nose and tears.

  Accompanies the fat man, is a foul smell.

   "I\'m going, are you taking a shower in the toilet?" Zhu Pingan took two steps back, seeing the fat man as a scourge.

  This sentence seemed to touch the heart of the fat man. Hearing this, the snot and tears of the fat man flowed backwards.

   "Brother Zhu, I\'ve been assigned to the dung number, woo woo woo, I vomited for a whole day"

   The fat man snotted his nose and burst into bitter tears, waving his fat hands, and complained bitterly about the unfairness of the court examination, and assigned him a stinking number, which caused him to only play a part of his success.

  (end of this chapter)