Rise From the Humble

Chapter 132: Exam card has been suspended

Chapter 132 Exam card has been suspended

  Time is precious, 24 hours a day, no more minutes and seconds.

  Even though Zhu Pingan cherishes time no matter how much, but the fingers are too wide and the time is too thin, time slipped away quietly through the fingers. The sky can be repaired, the sea can be filled, and the Nanshan can be moved. The sun and the moon have passed, and they cannot be chased back.

  In Zhu Ping\'an\'s diligent and hard-working preparation for the exam, the footsteps of the college exam have come to the fore.

   "Brother Zhu, brother Zhu, let\'s go." Fatty Xue Chi knocked on Zhu Ping\'an\'s door.

  Zhu Pingan, who was studying, opened the door, and saw a fat man with a green forehead, Xue Chi, standing in front of his door with an excited face, as if he had picked up a huge bargain.

"Why are you so anxious, the door is smashed, you pay for it." Zhu Pingan had just solved the problem, and when he was about to finish the eight-legged essay in one go, he lost all thoughts disturbed by the sound of the fat man banging on the door, so look When facing the fat man, he looked unfriendly.

"What\'s the matter? Mr. Ti Xueguan has just announced the exam schedules of various prefectures in front of the gate of the Gongyuan. Everyone went out to have a look. Let\'s go, hurry up, there will be no good place if it is late." Fatty Xue Chi While speaking, his fat face trembled with excitement.

According to the usual practice, the Nanzhili Academy Examination presided over by the academic officer is held in the Yingtian Jiangnan Tribute Academy, because there are 14 prefectures in Nanzhili, including Yingtian Mansion, Suzhou Mansion, and Fengyang Mansion, and each mansion has just passed this year. The number of children who pass the usual number is quite a lot, so even if everyone is taking the examination in Yingtian Jiangnan Tribute Academy, it is still in batches. The Nanzhili courtyard examination is basically divided into two batches every year. The first batch is the prefectures around Yingtianfu. Don\'t worry about leaking the questions, the two batches of college examination questions are different. There is also no need to worry about the different difficulty of the questions, which will lead to different scores and unfairness, because the test questions for candidates in each prefecture are the same, and the results of the college examination are also distributed separately for each prefecture. Each prefecture has a fixed number of admissions, which are divided into three classes: large, medium, and small according to the quality of writing and the amount of money and grain. Larger prefectures have more places, and smaller prefectures have relatively fewer places. There are 30 in the mansion and 20 in the small mansion. Yingtian Mansion, Fengyang Mansion, and Suzhou Mansion in Nanzhili are the Great Mansions, and the rest are Zhongfu.

  A routine is a routine, but no one can guarantee that there will be no changes this year. The so-called plan cannot keep up with the changes.

   "What are you doing in a daze, let\'s go." Fatty Xue Chi urged with a chubby face.

  Under the repeated urging of the fat man Xue Chi, Zhu Ping\'an closed the door and went downstairs with the fat man Xue Chi to the Jiangnan Gongyuan.

  Having not yet reached the Jiangnan Tribute Court, I heard a lot of voices and discussions there. It seems that the examination period of various prefectures has changed this year.

  When we got to the Jiangnan Gongyuan, we couldn’t move. There were too many people. The children from all the prefectures came to see the exam cards. No matter how wide the gate of the Jiangnan Gongyuan was, we couldn’t bear it.

"Examination period hanging cards are copied, word for word, and each copy is 20 characters." At this time, a shrewd businessman and hawker rushed to copy hundreds of exam period hanging cards and sold them on the spot, making a lot of money. .

   "Give me two." The fat man took out a handful of money from his pocket and waved it at the vendor.

  The peddler came to collect the money and gave the fat man two copies of the copy. After the fat man received it, he gave Zhu Ping a copy. Zhu Pingan didn\'t refuse, and looked at it after holding it in his hand.

   Sure enough, this time the nominating officer has made major adjustments to the examination period of each prefecture. Although it is also divided into two batches, it is quite different from previous years.

Mr. Ti Xueguan divided the fourteen prefectures into two batches during the examination period. The first batch of seven prefectures were Yingtian Mansion, Fengyang Mansion, Huaian Mansion, Yangzhou Mansion, Suzhou Mansion, Anqing Mansion, and Chizhou Mansion. The exam time is tomorrow; the second batch is for the remaining Songjiang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Luzhou, Taiping, Ningguo, and Huizhou prefectures, and the exam period will be three days later. Candidates must gather at the entrance of Jiangnan Gongyuan at Yinshi (equivalent to 5 to 6 o\'clock in the morning) on ​​the day of the exam, and enter the venue by roll call.

   "Hahaha, Brother Zhu, we can go to the exam together." Fatty Xue Chi looked at the content of the exam card, and he couldn\'t find his smiling eyes.

   "Yes." Zhu Pingan responded lightly.

   "In order to celebrate that we went to the exam together, brother treats guests, we will not return today if we are not drunk." The fat man said that he wanted to pull Zhu Pingan to the restaurant together.

   Hearing that Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help kicking the fat man\'s face two sizes up, **** it, the exam is going to be tomorrow, so don\'t let your sister get drunk!

   "I just finished breakfast, so it\'s okay." Zhu Ping\'an replied flatly.

   "That\'s okay. Let\'s go, I hope we pass the hospital exam smoothly, and we won\'t return drunk..." The fat man was very enthusiastic, and the golden locks on his neck dazzled people.

  Nima, if you don’t get drunk, you won’t go home. There is still a woolen test tomorrow!

   To this, Zhu Ping\'an replied indifferently, "I bought a bag last year!"

   "Bag? Purse? I bought it last year. What are you talking about now? Let\'s go for a walk..." Fatty Xue Chi is still enthusiastic and doesn\'t worry about tomorrow\'s exam at all.

   Come on, the ancients did not understand the mystery.

   "Forget it, I have to go back to hug Buddha\'s feet." Zhu Ping\'an resolutely refused to join forces with the fat man.

   "Hey, you are usually hardworking enough, and you still work so hard. You have an exam tomorrow, so this day is not bad." The fat man said helplessly, grunting.

"I advise you to go back and read your books. There is an exam tomorrow, and you have to go to the entrance of the Gongyuan early in the morning to roll your name. If you don\'t get drunk, you can take the woolen exam. It won\'t be too late if you don\'t get drunk after the exam." Zhu Ping An patted the fat man on the shoulder and walked towards the inn.

   "Oh, oh, Brother Zhu, wait for me..."

  Fatty Xue Chi chased after Zhu Pingan and shouted, "Then let\'s make an agreement, we won\'t go back after the exam, hehehe, my brother will take you to the other side to open your eyes..."

   After all, the fat man went back to the attic to read under Zhu Pingan\'s persuasion. As for the effect, I don\'t know.

  Zhu Ping\'an returned to the inn, sat at the table, and recalled all the memories of stereotyped essays he had read in the past, thanks to the blessing of rebirth, his memory is surprisingly good in this life.

Most of the other students in the inn were also eager to prepare for the college exam. The business of the Jinfenyu Building on the other side of the Qinhuai River also dropped by half, and those who were still promoting their consumption were all talented people. They were either confident or conceited, otherwise how could they be gentle? I can live in the village.

   One step further, the sea and the sky are brighter, and one step back is disheartened.

  In the dead of night, the inn was lit up everywhere, and few students and scholars sat in front of the window to study for exams. I don’t know how many students and scholars lost sleep that night.

  (end of this chapter)