Rise From the Humble

Chapter 130: cheeky

Chapter 130 Thick Face

  Seeing off his uncle, Zhu Pingan continued to work hard at his desk. He stretched himself and stopped when the light was dim. Looking out of the window, he saw the sunset in the west, and the sun had already set.

  Zhu Pingan cleaned up the desk, washed his face, and went out for dinner.

   Tired of eating the food at the inn these days, Zhu Pingan left the inn and wandered aimlessly along the street looking for a snack bar that attracted him.

   As a foodie, if conditions permit, I will never wrong myself.

  Ying Tian is famous for having a lot of snacks, so Zhu Ping\'an found a restaurant with a good decoration and a lot of diners. The store clerk recommended Zhu Pingan\'s signature food in their store - boiled dried shredded chicken in chicken sauce. Zhu Pingan came here for this food, so naturally he would not refuse.

The dish of boiled dry silk with chicken sauce requires a lot of knife skills. This dish from Jiangsu was once played in "A Bite of China". It needs to cut the ingredients into extremely fine silk with a knife, and then add special seasonings When it is about to come out of the pan, add some green vegetables for decoration. The color is beautiful and the taste is delicious. It is a very attractive dish.

  After the waiter brought Zhu Ping\'an\'s boiled dried shredded chicken stock, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t wait to take a bite with his chopsticks, blew near his lips, and put it in his mouth. Immediately, a burst of fragrance hit the taste buds directly, and various ingredients are soaked together. The delicacy is not as simple as superposition, but a very magical reaction, which is so beautiful that people are intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

  At the end of the meal, I heard a surprise cry from outside the door, a bit drunk.

   "Brother Zhu, what a coincidence. Hey, it smells so good. If it wasn\'t for a coincidence, Brother Zhu would have eaten all the delicious food again."

   This was a familiar voice. Zhu Pingan looked up and saw the fat man Xue Chi staggering over. His fat face was flushed, probably because he had drunk too much.

   The fat man dodged a little, as if he was avoiding someone.

   Soon he knew who the fat man was hiding from.

   "Hey, you fat man, stop, why are you running?" A gorgeously dressed woman chasing after him, caught up with the fat man before Xue Chi entered the shop.

   "Run, where did I run, I just walked faster." Even if the fat man Xue Chi drank a little, he gave full play to his disposition that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Ok, mate, let\'s pretend you haven\'t run away. You promised him something last night. Didn\'t you want to take him home?" The beautiful woman stood in front of the fat man Xue Chi, stretched out her hand to grab the fat man and hung it around his neck. Asked with the golden lock on the lock, the fragrance is like orchid.


Zhu Pingan recognized the woman who stopped Fatty. It was the gorgeous woman who was molested by Fatty on the street a few days ago and was chased by his concubine for two blocks. It seemed that Fatty finally hooked up, and it seemed that he had hit home base. beat.

   Yes, in ancient times and modern times, it was always easy for rich second generations to pick up girls. In ancient times, fat people were considered standard rich second generations. Even though Fatty boasted that he had read all over Xiaoyao Grottoes in Bozhou, it was an exaggeration, but at least he was experienced, rich and experienced, so Fatty was able to succeed.

   But it seems that the fat man made a promise to others to take him as a concubine before he started, but now it seems that he didn\'t fulfill it, so he was blocked in the street.

Well, you may wonder why women could intercept men on the street like this in ancient times. In ancient times, it was so feudal, and women\'s reputation was very important. If a woman from any family showed her face, she would be considered indecent or something. Keep your head down and take this as beauty. Why can this beautiful woman stop the fat man? In fact, the reason is simple, this beautiful woman is a prostitute, mixed in the ancient entertainment circle, reputation and check, they don\'t take it seriously, maybe they are happy to see it, just like modern female stars who find some gossip to expand their influence .

   "It\'s too much for me to steal other people\'s food. Do I have to take away other people\'s pot?"

  At this moment, the fat man is like a pure heart with a high mountain scenery and a sense of integrity.

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words, and couldn\'t help but admire the fat man\'s stinking shamelessness.

  However, flies don\'t bite seamless eggs. Fat people are shameless, but that beautiful woman is not worthy of sympathy.

   "Damn, you men don\'t have any good things!" The gorgeous woman spat at the fat man, then slapped the fat man, and left the stage angrily amidst the crowd watching.

  Fatty covered his painful face from the beating, and shouted to the surrounding onlookers, "Okay, okay, the drama is over, everyone leave."

The psychological quality is really strong enough. Two seconds later, the fat man Xue Chi came to Zhu Pingan with a red palm print. He was full of alcohol and greeted the shopkeeper with his tongue. He also ordered the same chicken sauce as Zhu Pingan. Boil the shredded.

  Many people in the store looked at the fat man, most of them had bad eyes, and by the way, their eyes on Zhu Pingan were not too high. Zhu Pingan really wanted to keep a distance of 100 meters away from this guy!

  Although the business in the store is good, there is no need for the shopkeeper to do it himself, but it is probably the scene at the door just now. The shopkeeper was curious about what the fat man looked like, so he personally brought chicken juice and boiled dry shreds to the fat man on the table.

  The shopkeeper took the opportunity to look at the fat man.

  "Shopkeeper, tell me, you say I\'m a big man, why can\'t I control my lower body after drinking a little wine!"

  At this time, the fat man raised his misty drunken eyes, looked at the shopkeeper, and said to the shopkeeper vaguely, quite annoyed.

  This feeling is like a person who has drunk too much, grabbing a good friend to complain.

  The shopkeeper smiled knowingly, and comforted the fat man, "It\'s okay, man, just drink some wine, spend time, play tricks, this is normal."

   "Do you really think it\'s normal?" The fat man hiccupped and asked again.

   "It\'s normal, don\'t overthink it, this is the Qinhuai River." The shopkeeper patted the fat man on the shoulder and smiled knowingly.

   "Oh, then I don\'t worry, please let the shopkeeper clean it up, I didn\'t control my lower body, I peed in your shop."

  The treasurer\'s.

  Ten minutes later, on the way back to the inn, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t bear to ask the fat man, "Hey, brother Xue, are you sure you\'re okay? I still have bruise medicine."

   Fatty Xue Chi walked unsteadily beside Zhu Pingan, shaking his head repeatedly, "It\'s okay, it\'s nothing."

  Under the last afterglow of the setting sun, several footprints on Fatty Xue Chi\'s back could be vaguely seen. It wasn\'t from being beaten by the shopkeeper, but because the diners around were so disgusted by the fat Xue Chi\'s behavior of urinating in the store that they couldn\'t stand it, so they did it.

   "By the way, Brother Zhu, I thought about it, and I think your medicine should be useful."

   "Well, come get it with me later."

  (end of this chapter)