Rise From the Humble

Chapter 128: Prosperity

Chapter 128 Prosperity

  As soon as the fat man Xue Chi sat down, he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a large meaty potsticker in Zhu Pingan\'s bowl. He took a bite, his mouth was full of oil, and then his teeth were so hot that his teeth cracked.

   He sucked his lips, but the fat man applauded loudly.

"This is good, it\'s delicious in the world, or brother Zhu will eat it, shopkeeper, give me three servings, no, four servings, and give me the whole soup like his, um, it tastes good, we two together, both Charge it to my account."

   Fatty Xue Chi doesn’t seem to have the concept of money, maybe the family has enough money to not care about numbers.

   "How is this possible? You invited me to a big meal yesterday, so let me pay for the snacks today." Zhu Pingan took out a wallet from his arms, called the boss, and prepared to pay.

   "Don\'t mention Brother Zhu, you are willing to give me a good Fengshui house. What is this little money? It\'s agreed, shopkeeper, come to me to collect the money, and pay twice as much."

   The fat man sucked his lips, shook his head again and again, then took out a piece of broken silver and waved it at the shopkeeper.

  Businessman seeks profit, and when he hears that someone wants to pay double the money, he will naturally not refuse. The shopkeeper went to Zhu Ping\'an\'s, and when he heard that the fat man Xue Chi wanted to pay double the money, he immediately turned and went to the fat man.

   "Don\'t look for it, let us add some of your delicious food for the rest, your small shop tastes really good." The fat man handed a dime of silver to the boss, and praised the taste of the snack.

   "Okay, wait a minute, both of you." The shopkeeper took the money, and then told him to go to get ready.

  Thanks to the fat man, a breakfast feels like lunch.

Fatty was only seventeen or eighteen years old, not a few years older than Zhu Ping\'an. Among the students in the imperial examination, they were still considered young people, and they couldn\'t get along with the older ones. There was so much contempt, and finally met a young man with a bit of appetite, so the fat man felt very kind when he saw Zhu Ping\'an, and he already regarded Zhu Ping\'an as a confidant in his heart.

  Going back to the inn from the breakfast point, he inevitably passed the Qinhuai River. Looking at the bustling Jinfenyulou on the other side of the river, the fat Xue Chi seemed a little distracted.

   "Brother Zhu, do you know why the other side is so prosperous?" Fatty Xue Chi asked with a wretched face.

   "Because of the peaceful and prosperous age, prosperity and prosperity." Zhu Pingan glanced at the wretched fat man and said with a silly smile.

   "Hehe, brother Zhu is still too young, let me tell you." Fatty Xue Chi smiled wretchedly, with an elder demeanor, he was determined to be Zhu Ping\'an\'s guide, and wanted to continue to spread the knowledge of wind, flowers, snow and moon to Zhu Pingan. After finally meeting a like-minded person, how can I watch him study like a nerd? I have to be a qualified confidant.

   At this moment, fat Xue Chi heard Zhu Pingan, whom he thought was a bit of a nerd, smiled and repeated what he had just said, with a playful tone:

   "Prosperity prospers, where prosperity prospers."

  Xue Chi didn\'t seem to mind at first, but under the reminder of Zhu Pingan\'s playful tone, he suddenly reacted.

   "Prosperity and prostitution, prostitution, oh, it seems very reasonable, hehe, Brother Zhu is also a person in this way." The fat Xue Chi hooked Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulders, his eyebrows moved and he smiled obscenely.

  This is your sister, who is like you! Zhu Ping\'an was speechless.

   "Let\'s go, brother Zhu, brother will open your eyes." Fatty Xue Chi poked Zhu Ping\'an with his fat hand, his obscenity was beyond words, even Marshal Tianpeng had a more dignified expression when he saw the spider spirit taking a bath.

  At this moment, I really have the urge to step on his chubby face by a size.

   "I\'m still young at a certain age, so I can\'t go with Brother Xue." Zhu Pingan politely refused.

   "Hahaha, Brother Zhu is not opposed to this. When I was at Brother Zhu\'s age, I had already read the Bozhou Rapture Cave." The fat man smiled smugly.

   I really don’t understand where your sense of accomplishment comes from!

Zhu Pingan resolutely declined Fatty Xue Chi\'s invitation, and returned to the inn with his schoolbag slung over his shoulder. As for Fatty Xue Chi, he could go wherever he liked, but he was not interested in that. It doesn\'t matter what age he is. Why worry about having no girls, why rush for a while.

   "Alas, Brother Zhu, wait for me, then I won\'t go today." Fatty Xue Chi trotted over panting heavily.

On the way back to the inn, the fat Xue Chi chatted with Zhu Pingan from time to time about his glorious feats in Bozhou and on the opposite bank of the Qinhuai River. His pride was like that of a victorious general bragging in front of the soldiers that he was shirtless and carrying a machete. He ran all the way to chase the enemy chieftain for eighteen miles.

  Zhu Ping\'an also responded lazily, but Fatty Xue Chi couldn\'t hold back the excitement of what he said.

  Walking and walking, he suddenly heard the fat man bragging about his great achievements suddenly quiet down. Zhu Pingan was slightly startled. Looking around, he saw the fat man Xue Chi tilting his head and looking straight at somewhere on the street. Zhu Pingan followed the fat man\'s gaze, and saw an unusually gorgeously dressed woman sitting across the street having breakfast with a scholar who looked like a scholar. She is so charming, probably very attractive to a boy like a fat man.

   "Little Xianggong, if you want to see it, you can just look at it directly, why do you look at me from the sidelines." The gorgeous woman saw the fat Xue Chi looking straight at him, and she felt a little sneaky, so she couldn\'t help laughing and cursing.

   "Oh my mother, my sister is so funny, I didn\'t take off my pants, why did I look at you with my bladder." Fat Xue Chi shook his fat face and refused to admit it.

  Niema, what a shit, the so-called hatred of killing one\'s father and hatred of taking one\'s wife are two great shames and humiliations in life. Molested in front of the concubine, the concubine looks like a scholar, and a scholar pays more attention to face, so she won\'t kill you.

   Sure enough, the scholar sitting opposite the beautiful woman got up with a groan, and chased the fat man for two blocks.

  At this moment, Fatty Xue Chi is not fighting alone, just like Liu Xiang and Bolt possessed, jumping up and down, his fat body can move like a rabbit, but he didn\'t let the scholar catch up.

  Zhu Ping’an’s **** hurts watching from behind, why does it feel like this fat man is often chased by people, uh, Nima, this guy doesn’t always do this in Bozhou, does he? Looking at the two chasing people who disappeared at the corner, Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, then left with his schoolbag on his shoulders and walked towards the inn.

  Back to the inn room, Zhu Pingan put the things in the schoolbag back, took out the scroll and returned to the desk, put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone one by one, and started the daily preparation plan.

After going through county examinations and government examinations, Zhu Ping\'an has also become more and more aware of the difficulty of the ancient imperial examinations. He used to read time-travel novels and saw modern people go back to the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties, and easily passed the Jinshi examination. Two words: nonsense.

  The ancient imperial examinations were written in four books, five classics, and stereotyped essays, which is completely different from your modern education. So what if you graduated from a university, your master’s degree, or your Ph.D. The ancient imperial examinations are different from what you study. So what if your language, math, foreign language and comprehensive science are all in a mess, people don\'t rely on the imperial examination, you have nothing but dragon slaying skills, and there is no dragon to show off. The imperial examination examines the Four Books, Five Classics, and Stereotyped Essay. When you go back to ancient times, you have to learn from the Four Books and Five Classics. The so-called ten-year cold window is not just as simple as our schooling, but also needs to be accumulated to write Stereotyped Essays. It doesn’t take five or six years. Can\'t do it at all. Moreover, the imperial examination mainly depends on stereotyped essays. Stereotyped essays are difficult to write about. Modern people don’t have a talent for writing, let alone stereotyped essays. Besides, stereotyped selection depends on luck in addition to writing talent. The style of writing you write does not conform to the temper of the examiner, the questions you encountered, your performance at the time, other people\'s performance, etc. There are many factors to be determined. What I can do now is to make more preparations and be prepared.

  (end of this chapter)