Rise From the Humble

Chapter 115: Homesick

Chapter 115 Homesickness

   Returning to Xiahe Village from Anqing Mansion is a journey of hundreds of miles.

  The wind and rain were blowing, and Zhu Ping\'an returned to the inn was already so wet that he couldn\'t get wet anymore.

"Oh, the guest officer doesn\'t bring an umbrella when he goes out, come in quickly." The shop assistant who was sheltering from the rain under the eaves of the door couldn\'t help but lose face when he saw Zhu Pingan coming bravely, and hurriedly opened the door to ask Zhu Pingan to come in quickly .

  There were not many people eating in the lobby, because most people stayed in the room because of the wind and rain, and the food they ordered before leaving had already been cleaned up, which is also reasonable.

"Mr. Zhu is soaking wet. Hurry up and change into clean clothes. I will ask the shop assistant to deliver a bowl of **** syrup to the son\'s room. If you have other orders, the master will let you know." The innkeeper saw Zhu Pingan walking in wet. , hurriedly walked forward to hand over a dry towel, and arranged for the store clerk to prepare **** soup and other things. This is the first desk leader in my store, and I am very proud of my colleagues in several nearby inns. It must be taken care of.

  Zhu Ping\'an was wet and cold and did not greet the shopkeeper. He took the dry towel handed by the shopkeeper, cupped his hands and said, "Then I will be in charge of the shopkeeper."

  While wiping his head and face, he walked to his room. As soon as I got back to the room, the shop clerk had brought **** syrup and some simple food, and the bath water was also ready. After thanking the clerk, Zhu Pingan drank the **** syrup, took a hot bath, changed into a set of dry clothes, and then swept the food that the clerk brought into his stomach, stretched his waist, and felt much more comfortable .

  It was windy and rainy outside, and he couldn\'t hurry on his way immediately. After Zhu Pingan packed his things into his luggage, he sat at the table and read a book.

  The book in the schoolbag was a little damp. Although he tried his best to protect it, the paper was still stuck together. It took Zhu Pingan a lot of time to pack the book again. Fortunately, the paper quality of the copybook given to him by the old fishing man was quite good, and the font was not affected in any way.

  The sound of the wind is accompanied by the sound of Zhu Ping\'an\'s turning the pages of the book, the thunder and lightning echo the dim oil lamp in the house, and the night is accompanied by Zhu Ping\'an\'s pen and ink that roams the sky.

Zhu Pingan quietly enjoyed the copybook by the window, but he didn\'t know that the male\'s clamor on the white tadpoles of the Zuijun Building hundreds of meters away almost broke the roof of the building, the continuous fermentation brought by Mulan\'s Ci, and the girls\' school book Moer\'s talk The veil showed a pretty face...

  In the evening, if the candles were not lit in the room, the words on the book could not be read clearly. At this time, the drunken uncle and several villagers staggered up the stairs and knocked on the door of Zhu Ping\'an\'s room.

  When Zhu Pingan opened the door, he smelled a smell of wine mixed with earthy smell. Outside the door, the uncle and several villagers seemed to have dropped their feet in the muddy water, and the mud hung on their faces.

"Tsk tsk, it\'s such a pity that you left so early... Zuijunlou\'s girls\' school book, if you increase it by one point, it will be too long, and if you subtract it by one point, it will be too short; if it is powdered, it will be too white; Feathers, muscles like white snow; waist like beams, teeth like shells; with a sweet smile, you will bewitch Yangcheng and Cai..." The left half of the uncle Zhu Shouren\'s face was covered with muddy water. Ping An left early and felt sorry for not seeing the true face of the girls\' school book.


  Why are you still memorizing "Dengtuzi Haoshen Fu".

  Zhu Ping\'an was a little speechless, but the uncle was pretty good compared to his friends. At this moment, the uncle\'s fat friends were piled on the ground like flying, snoring...

"That\'s right, coo...beautiful, what a pity you are. But, hehehe, it\'s cheaper for us..." A villager spoke with his tongue out, gesticulating with his teeth and claws. Those who didn\'t know the truth thought he had an affair with a girl\'s school How about something interesting.

"The girls\' school book is going to invite you to play the piano and drink in the room. If you are not here, who let us be you... we are from your hometown. Thanks to Brother Zhu, we went to drink for you. Hehehe, the beauty of the piano and the wine Beautiful..." Another villager leaned against the door frame, grinning stupidly, although he just listened to the piano and drank some wine, but having such close contact with girls\' school books is enough to boast in front of others.

  Brother Zhu must be referring to uncle, and only uncle can do this.

   "Today\'s expenses will be shared by everyone, Brother An, don\'t leave, follow me here to prepare for the exam..."

   "Hey, uncle will review the book with you tomorrow to talk about Spring and Autumn..."

  Zhu Ping\'an saw that he couldn\'t stand still, his body was muddy and his body smelled of alcohol, and he threatened to give himself a review of the Spring and Autumn Period and the uncle who was preparing for the exam and all the villagers, so he could only laugh.

   I was disturbed by them until midnight, and then I sent them away with the help of the shop assistant.

   "Uncle will review the book with you tomorrow..."

   "Tomorrow Zuijunlou, we are preparing for the college exam..."

   When Dabo and others, who were so drunk that they couldn\'t tell the difference between east, west, north, and south, were carried away by the shop assistants, don\'t chatter.

   On the second day, the weather was fine, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the red sun rose from the east.

  Zhu Ping\'an rubbed his forehead with a wry smile, and walked out from a sign.

TV dramas kill people, thinking about the hundreds of miles from Anqing Mansion to Xiahe Village, the road terrain is complicated, and the ancient times are not as safe as modern times, even in the prosperous Jiajing period, there are often unsightly single pedestrians idea. From the TV series, I saw that the Escort also has the business of escorts when escorting the Escorts. For example, a certain Jinyiwei movie is about it. I searched in Anqing Mansion, but I couldn’t find the Escort after searching for a long time. I asked passersby, but they all shook their heads and didn’t know the Escort. Only one person pointed to a location and said that there is a "Biaohang" there. I don\'t know if you mentioned it.

   Zhu Pingan knows that Biaoxing is the embryonic form of Escort, which only appeared in Qing Dynasty, but Biaoxing existed in Ming Dynasty, and it is recorded in Jin Ping Mei. Thinking that the TV series might just have got the name wrong, Zhu Pingan went to this "Biaohang" to inquire and see if they had any business going to Kaoshan Township recently.

   Unexpectedly, a joke was made.

First of all, the standard line in the Ming Dynasty only transported valuables, and ordinary items were not transported; moreover, people never had the business of giving people away, even if they brought people, they were also the owner of valuables. You go on the road, what if the wolf is led into the house.

   Rich people will naturally have a nursing home to send them off, while those who have no money will go in groups of three or four, and there is no need for **** agencies at all.

  So, when Zhu Ping\'an went to inquire, he acted like a fool.

   But it was not for nothing, the people from the standard shop told Zhu Pingan that he could go to the car and horse shop to ask.

Zhu Pingan came out of Biaohang embarrassingly, and went to the carriage and horse shop. It just so happened that the carriage and horse carriage will go to Kaoshan Town in the near future. With Zhu Ping\'an, the number of people is almost the same. Zhu Pingan paid five qian After paying the deposit, I received a wooden card with a horse engraved on it.

  Everything is ready, and you can come to the horse-drawn carriage tomorrow, take a horse-drawn carriage to Kaoshan Town, and then you can go home.

  I\'m homesick.

   (Report to the institute today and go through the entry procedures. The update time may be during the lunch break or at night.)

  (end of this chapter)