Rise From the Humble

Chapter 113: The one hundred and thirteenth picture is ugly

Chapter 113 The one hundred and thirteenth picture is ugly

  When Zhu Ping\'an, his uncle and others were surrounded by the crowd, there were endless discussions.

"This is yesterday\'s case?" Someone in the crowd looked at the drowned Zhu Ping\'an, his rough clothes and the black wooden board, and couldn\'t help but wonder, "Could it be that you all conspired to deceive us. "

   "Let\'s not talk about being younger, this image is also"

  Following the skeptical comments of the crowd, the people who had participated in the Shocking Immortals Poetry Club finally recognized the drowned Zhu Pingan, and whispered to the people nearby that the person was indeed Zhu Pingan.

   Despite this, there are still voices of discussion and doubt.

  Like a drowned chicken, he is not very old, with a simple and honest face, not at all like the suave and suave appearance of the head of the case, but more like a farmer who has returned from geographical transplanting and weeding.

   "Gentlemen make room for the time being, let my nephew sit down safely." Uncle Zhu Shouren became suave again at this time, and waved at everyone with an extraordinary manner.

Amidst the discussion, the crowd moved aside. The uncle Zhu Shouren and several villagers pushed Zhu Pingan to the table where the pens, inks, papers and inkstones were placed. Then Zhu Ping\'an was pressed to sit down in front of the table.

   Ten years of studying hard in the cold window, is it to make you jealous?

  Zhu Ping\'an is very disdainful of everyone\'s behavior, especially the uncle and others who don\'t have diamonds and still do porcelain work.

  Zhu Pingan sat at the table, glanced at the surrounding people, and finally fell on his uncle and a few villagers, and shook his head slightly. He really didn\'t want to get involved in such a **** plot.

   "Huh? What do you mean shaking your head?"

   "Can\'t write it?"

   "Those who seek fame and reputation are hard to live up to."

The crowd around the audience were a little excited. It was hard work for the girls’ school to take off the veil and show their true colors when they agreed to write a good poem. However, the great opportunity was lost once again. How could everyone not be excited, and they couldn’t help complaining .

  Zhu Ping\'an just sat there, listening to everyone\'s complaints and complaints, calmly, always with that honest and calm appearance.

   Just when everyone was complaining, they only heard a delicate voice from the stage.

   "Is this young master the chief of the case, Mr. Zhu? The little girl has known her name for a long time."

  Everyone looked up, and saw the girl\'s school secretary with icy skin and beautiful skin, approaching every step of the way, and bowed slightly to Zhu Ping\'an.

  The girls\' school secretary was so close to him, and everyone was emotional.

  But I heard a casual, "Oh, nice to meet you."

   Who is so neglecting our girls\' school book! The crowd was furious, and when they turned their heads, they saw that the soaked chicken named Zhu Ping\'an was arching his paws at the moment.

   It’s okay for this person who is trying to catch fame and fame to write poems, but he neglects our girls’ school books like this, it’s really intolerable!

"Hey, uncle is too drunk, please write a poem and ask the girls\' school to comment on one or two." At this time, the uncle stepped forward, and before the anger of the crowd broke out, he spoke solemnly and righteously, like an elder It feels like giving juniors a chance to get ahead.

  Everyone turned their attention to Zhu Pingan again, and Mo\'er, the female school secretary standing in front of the stage, also blinked at Zhu Pingan.

  Everyone wanted to see how Zhu Pingan would react at this time.

   "I\'ve never been good at writing poems and lyrics, I\'m afraid I\'ll disappoint my uncle." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said flatly.

  The expression on the uncle\'s face froze, he didn\'t expect Zhu Ping\'an to react like this.

"Mr. Zhu is too humble. That day, the poem "Farewell to the Immortals" will be a wonderful farewell poem. Our sisters can\'t put it down and sing it so far. Yongxue is also unique. Today, Mr. Zhu stepped into the Zuijun Tower. Why not leave a masterpiece? Let Mo\'er talk about this matter with other sisters in the future, and I am honored."

  The girls\' school secretary Mo\'er, who was standing pretty in front of the stage, pursed her lips, bowed again, and spoke softly.

  When the girls\' school book spoke, everyone naturally joined in, so they also followed suit.

   "That\'s right, a great talent at the desk doesn\'t mean that he can\'t write a poem."

   "And write it quickly, don\'t you look down on our girls\' school book?"

   "I see who dares to look down on our girls\' school books, even if I put all my wealth, I will not die."

  The crowd was furious, and all eyes focused on Zhu Pingan again.

  This girl. Deliberately put her in a weak position, but set herself up for convenience, and coerced everyone to make herself. In fact, I don\'t blame her, because of survival, a poem by a celebrity may change their fate, just like Liu Yong\'s poem can easily make a brothel girl popular.

   It can be said that this is the prototype of the most primitive unspoken rules in the entertainment industry.

  But I don’t know why she thinks she can make any good poems?

  Zhu Ping\'an looked up at the girls\' school books standing on the stage, and then at the group of heroes.

  Women without talents are virtues, and women from good families are boring and boring. It is reasonable for girls\' school books to be sought after.


   It\'s none of my business

  I\'m only thirteen years old, and I don\'t want to be here!

"I\'m young and talented. I\'m afraid I\'ll disappoint the girl. It\'s fine if I write stereotyped essays. Poetry and lyrics are not my specialty. I\'m sorry." Zhu Pingan got up from his seat and cupped his hands apologetically. Say.

   "I\'m sorry uncle, I\'m sorry everyone, oh, by the way, uncles, all uncles, Ping An wants to return home today, I don\'t know what uncle plans?" Zhu Pingan clasped his hands around and asked the uncle and others about the date of return.

  The uncle and several villagers looked at each other, shook their heads, and then persuaded Zhu Pingan to prepare for the exam together.

   "Hey, there are only a few months left for the college exam, and it will take a lot of time to return home. Why don\'t you prepare for the exam together for a few months, and then go to the college exam together."

   "It\'s Brother Ang, an inch of gold is an inch of time, time is precious."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he glanced at his uncle and the villagers, and in his heart, ten thousand mud horses roared past. Where did you hangover brothels come from to tell me that time is precious and it takes time to go home? Since the county examination until now , I haven\'t seen you seriously preparing for the exam, okay?

"I\'m homesick. Since all uncles are going to prepare for the exam here, I\'ll go back and tidy up a bit. When the weather clears up, I\'ll go home." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to his uncle and several fellow villagers, and didn\'t look at the crowd\'s pursuit. The girl\'s school book glanced at it, and then turned to leave.

  The girl\'s school book standing pretty on the stage seemed to be aggrieved, and the corners of her eyes were moist.

  I feel pity, this son is too hateful and annoying!

  The crowd was furious, one by two group of people surrounded Zhu Ping\'an tightly, with the attitude of pressing Zhu Ping\'an on the ground and stepping on tens of thousands of feet to finish the calculation.

   "It\'s okay for this person to look down on us, but he is so neglectful of our girls\' school books, I really can\'t swallow this breath!"

   "This person is extremely arrogant!"

   "It\'s rumored that this person is the prime minister, and if he can\'t write poems, he\'s going to hide in his hometown. Hahaha, it\'s really sad and hateful!"

Everyone expressed their indignation one after another, at this time another voice came, "Brother Zhu Xian, this is your fault, the so-called public opinion is hard to say, since everyone says so, don\'t say no. You are young and frivolous. Well, keeping a low profile is naturally worthy of praise, but what’s wrong with being young and frivolous once in a while, the sharpness can’t always be hidden in the sword box, otherwise it would be a pity to get rusty, how about writing a poem today?”

  The voice was very familiar, Zhu Pingan looked up and saw Su Song Feng Shanshui walking slowly with a smile on his face.

Then there was another voice, it was Xia Luoming of Tongcheng who was walking beside Feng Shanshui, "Brother Zhu Xian, don\'t refuse, recently rumors have said that the first name of Brother Zhu\'s case is not true, saying that Brother Zhu\'s farewell and Yongxue were all stolen from others Hand! Brother Zhu Xian is a great talent, how could this be so, Yu dismissed this remark. However, a certain person is soft-spoken, and the gossip is still the same, this time is the time for Brother Zhu to refute the rumors, so don\'t refuse to refuse."

   such a coincidence

  Zhu Pingan looked at the few people who were slowly approaching, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I\'ll grind ink with you. Write poems or not. Brother Zhu can do whatever he wants. If Brother Zhu doesn\'t need ink, he can just splash it on my face." Su Song Feng Shanshui walked to the table, started to grind it, and left a casual sentence at the end talk.


  It’s more like the rhetoric when toasting: I’ve done it, you can do whatever you want, and you can’t drink it all over my face.

Having said all this, all the people present looked at Zhu Pingan again to see how he would react. If Zhu Pingan really wanted to leave, he would be frivolous, neglect his friends, shamelessly shameless, seek fame, A bunch of negative reputations such as copying other people\'s poems will fall on him.

   There was silence all around, and everyone was staring at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes.

   "Since this is the case, the younger brother will show his shame."

  Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Pingan slowly opened his mouth.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Ping\'an turned around and walked to the table, picked up a brush and dipped it in the ink that Feng Shanshui had researched, turned to the incense rice paper beside him, and glanced at the girls\' school book with wet eyes on the Qiaoli stage, Slowly said, "This poem is an apology to the girl."

  Zhu Ping\'an just glanced at her, then lowered his head and moved his brush on the rice paper. Feng Shanshui, who was standing there with good ink, watched by the side, and then read out the poem written by Zhu Pingan:


  His voice was clear and his speech speed was moderate, everyone could hear him. Seeing Zhu Pingan write the first sentence, Feng Shanshui, who was standing and watching, changed his expression slightly, and his voice trembled slightly:


  This is the first poem in "The Song of Mulan".

  Everyone present changed their faces when they heard the words

   (The update was delayed yesterday afternoon, and I apologize for the long chapter today.)

  (end of this chapter)