Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1128: general demeanor

Chapter 1128 General demeanor

  The conspiracy of the Japanese pirates is very rough, what kind of archers take turns shooting arrows to harass, what a small group of Japanese pirates clamor and pretend to attack the city, most of the Japanese pirates are cooking and resting, the intention of the Japanese pirates is too obvious. After Zhu Ping\'an reminded, even everyone in the city slowly saw the clues.

  The danger of a conspiracy is "yin". Once it is seen through, with precautions, the conspiracy will not be much dangerous.

  However, there are exceptions, such as this time.

  Although the conspiracy of the Japanese pirates has been spotted, it is difficult to prevent and implement it.

  Among the rain of arrows flying below the city from time to time, amidst the noise outside the city pretending to attack the city, do you want to take turns? Have a meal? sleep? Replenish your energy? It really takes courage, not just ordinary courage.

   Whoosh whoosh…

   Feather arrows fly, without eyes, and fall on your side or even on you from time to time. Can you still eat and sleep? !

   kill kill kill...

  The noise of Japanese pirates outside the city is deafening, and they may really attack the city at any time. Can you still eat and sleep? !

Can you?

   No, at least ninety-nine percent of the young men on the city wall who took turns resting could not do this. Although they took turns to rest, they couldn\'t rest, there was no way, the concubine couldn\'t do it, the environment of feathers and arrows flying around, clamoring and killing, it was really not suitable for eating and resting, it was too late to worry about it, how could they eat, eat and sleep I feel it.

   However, there are exceptions!

  Zhu Ping\'an is an exception!

  Zhu Pingan was on duty in the first round, and now he is also taking a rest.

After the rest began, Zhu Pingan, in front of everyone, did not care about the **** dirt on the city wall and ground, lifted his official uniform to his waist, sat down on the ground, stretched his legs comfortably, and leaned against his back. The battlements rested.

  Although he is not stretched out, he is also very relaxed, just like an old man sitting against the wall and basking in the sun.

  Even though the feathered arrow nails landed at Zhu Ping\'an\'s feet, Zhu Ping\'an still blinked his eyes, but he did not seem to care at all on his face, he didn\'t take it seriously at all, and he was completely calm.

   "Young Master / County Honor, be careful."

   Liu Dadao, who was in charge of protecting Zhu Ping\'an, and the young and strong people around him were terrified and worried when they saw this.

"What are you afraid of? It\'s just lost." Zhu Pingan smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, waved his hand indifferently, then lowered his head to pick up the feather arrows at his feet, flicked the cluster of arrows with his fingers, and smiled with satisfaction Put them under the wall and collect them. Seven or eight feather arrows have already been placed over there. "That\'s right, it\'s still usable."

   "Young master."

  Liu Dadao came over, sat down beside Zhu Pingan, held a shield in his hand, and covered Zhu Pingan\'s head to further ensure Zhu Ping\'s safety.

   "Da Dao, no need. I treat everyone equally and don\'t need to be treated specially. It is enough to be covered by the walls behind me. You don\'t have to worry about me, just go on duty and be on guard against Japanese pirates who may attack the city at any time."

  Zhu Pingan shook his head and told Liu Dadao to take the shield back, expressing that he did not need to be treated specially.

  Head is raining arrows.

   One, two, three... From time to time, they fall nearby.

  Liu Dadao was very worried about Zhu Ping\'an\'s safety, but under Zhu Ping\'s insistence, Liu Dadao put away his shield and stood guard at the side.

  The young and strong people around saw that Zhu Pingan refused special protection, did not engage in privileges, and insisted on treating everyone equally and sharing joys and sorrows. Everyone was moved and encouraged. At this moment, although Zhu Ping\'an was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall without any image, but in the eyes of everyone, the prestige of sitting Zhu Ping\'an was as high as the sky.

   "Those who are on duty stay on duty well, those who rest take a good rest, those who have not eaten eat, and those who have eaten rest."

   Zhu Pingan sat on the ground and said to everyone.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an also realized that everyone was worried about the flying arrows and the Japanese pirates\' bluffing to attack the city. Affected by this, they could not rest and rest at ease, so Zhu Ping\'an decided to set an example for everyone.

   "What are you doing in a daze? If you haven\'t eaten, hurry up and eat. Only when you are full and rested can you have the strength to kill the enemy."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone with a smile, and picked up from the bottom of the wall the rice bowl that Baozi\'s little maid Huaer had sent earlier.

  I haven\'t eaten for a day.

  Although Hua\'er\'s knife skills are not very good, and the taste of the food is not very good and it is terribly salty, but at this moment, this bowl of rice is still very attractive in Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes.

  Zhu Ping\'an held the bowl in one hand and picked up the chopsticks in the other. He slapped the ground on the ground, slammed the chopsticks together, and began to eat with big mouthfuls. There\'s no way, I can\'t eat without a big mouthful. Hua\'er\'s dishes are too salty, so I have to eat rice with big mouthfuls.

   Zhu Ping\'an can now be the anchor of eating and broadcasting. This meal tastes better than Zeng Zhiwei\'s boxed lunch in Infernal Affairs.

  Everyone looked hungry.

  The more you look, the hungrier you get.

  Everyone wanted to pick up their jobs and eat with Zhu Ping\'an.

   Right now.


  A feathered arrow fell from the sky, and it couldn\'t be more coincidental that it fell into Zhu Ping\'an\'s rice bowl, and shot Zhu Ping\'an\'s food bowl over.

   A bowl of vegetables fell to the ground.

   "Xianzun be careful..."

   Everyone shouted in fear.

  Liu Dadao also hurriedly turned around and came over holding his shield.

   "It\'s a big deal, it\'s just lost."

  Zhu Pingan waved his hand indifferently, took the rice without changing his face, and continued to eat the dishes that had fallen on the ground with chopsticks. He took a bite of the vegetables and ate the rice with big mouthfuls. The food was as delicious as before.

  Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, their mouths wide open, and they fell to the ground in shock.

  What is Mount Tai collapsed before and the color remains unchanged? !

  What is quick thunder but not panic? !

  What is the demeanor of a general!

This is!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s calmness, calmness, deeply shocked everyone, and influenced them subtly.


  Another feathered arrow flew over and shot at Zhu Pingan\'s sticking out chopsticks impartially, breaking one of the chopsticks.

   "Xianzun be careful!"

  Everyone was so frightened that their scalps were numb, and their nervous hair was about to stand on end.

  However, the person involved, Zhu Ping\'an, remained unmoved, without changing his face, as if nothing had happened, he threw the only remaining chopstick aside, stretched out his hand to eat the vegetables on the ground, and then ate the rice in the bowl with his hands.

  Frightened, Liu Dadao came over with a shield and covered Zhu Ping\'an\'s head, persuading Zhu Ping\'an to leave and take shelter in a safe place.

   "Don\'t be afraid, it\'s all lost!"

  Zhu Pingan waved his hand indifferently, and drove Liu Dadao to be on duty, while he remained calm and continued to eat vegetables with his hands.

  General demeanor!

  Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s composure and calmness, his demeanor of a general who did not change his face when Mount Tai collapsed, deeply infected everyone.

   will be the courage of the soldiers!

  Under the influence of Zhu Ping\'an, all the young and strong people in the city also calmed down. It was time to eat and rest, and to recharge their batteries.

  (end of this chapter)