Rise From the Humble

Chapter 109: government test case

Chapter 109 The head of the court trial

  Before and after the government exam, Zhu Ping’an’s life was no different. He got up early to practice calligraphy and morning reading, studied stereotyped composition during the day, and read at night with a light on.

  The vixen in the room was the same as before, smiling and laughing all day without stopping.

  When the sun rose for the third time, Zhu Ping\'an was once again surrounded by his uncle and enthusiastic fellow villagers to watch the government\'s exam release after returning from his morning reading. This time is the general list of the government examination. The last exam combines the results of the previous two exams with the "long case", and all the admitted candidates are arranged horizontally in order of rank, and the case is issued by name, which is called the "long case". The first place is called the head of the government. There are a total of 30 people in the A list including the head of the case. The top ten people have a common honorary title of "top ten in the government test". There are 70 people in the B list, which means that they finally passed The number of government examinations is one hundred people. More than 900 people came to participate in the government examination, and finally 100 people passed, and the pass rate was almost 10%.

   Regardless of the first list or the second list, as long as the person on the list can get the title of "Tongsheng", in the future, the imperial examination will no longer need to take the county examination, and only need to take the courtyard examination.

  Crowded crowd, students in twos and threes gathered together, either nervous or confident or chatting about the experience of this government test. After waiting for a while with mixed emotions, they heard bursts of firecrackers, and two rows of government servants in red came beating gongs and drums. The noise of gongs and drums attracted a large number of onlookers, and it was very lively.

   I don’t know if it’s an illusion or what, Zhu Ping’an felt a fleeting figure in the crowd, which seemed familiar, but he couldn’t find it when he looked again.

   "Hey, look, the list is about to be released." Uncle Zhu Shouren seemed to be more excited than Zhu Ping\'an. He grabbed Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder and shook it for a while, attracting Zhu Ping\'s attention.

  The other two fellow villagers and the fat friend of the uncle also tiptoed, their eyes following the officials carrying the list.

   For this exam, I am the only one in Backer Town.

  Zhu Ping\'an stood in the crowd, quietly watching the excited flow of people. His inexplicable calm at the moment was in stark contrast to the excitement of the uncle and others.

This time there was no suspense. After the official in charge of publishing the list said congratulations and words of encouragement, he began to post the list with the assistance of the yamen servants. A long list full of names was posted on the wall where the list was posted. List B and List are all on this list.

  The head of the case is at the first place, the top 30 are the A list, marked with a red pen at the back, and separated from the back, this is the A list; the last 70 are naturally the B list.

  The students and scholars who watched the list were more excited than ever before. The students on the list were almost ecstatic. Of course, the candidates who failed the rankings were even more disappointed. Many people cried bitterly. The government exam has been repeated, and there are seven or eight small exams in total. There are many uncertain factors. Seeing the happy faces of the people around me, I can\'t help but feel extremely sad.

  Since the list was posted, the exclamation of the uncle and others has been heard endlessly, like a drake being choked, which sounds like a kind of damage to the ears.

  Uncle and others looked at the list, and then looked at Zhu Ping\'an, as if they didn\'t know each other.

  Zhu Pingan was also a little surprised, but after a while, a silly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The ancients said: "Heaven rewards hard work, sincerity does not deceive me."

  Crowded, laughing, painful. Before the crowd of all kinds in the world is the final list of this government examination.

  First place: Zhu Pingan; Second place: Wang Jin; Third place: Zheng Wei; Fourth place: Xia Luoming. Tenth place Feng Shanshui

The case chief this time is a genuine government case chief, and the surprise of the uncle and others is understandable. The quality of the government trial case chief is much higher than that of the county trial case chief. This is a student of six counties in Anqing Prefecture. Although these students are not even scholars, it is something they dare not even think about. Uncle Zhu Shouren and several villagers also took the exam for more than ten years before they passed the government exam by chance, but Zhu Ping\'an was only thirteen years old. He took the boy\'s exam for the first time, so he got a government exam case and went back. It was almost a night in the sky. Tan thing. Moreover, what makes them envy and hate the most is that generally speaking, it is almost a certainty that the head of the government office must pass the hospital examination to be a scholar. This is almost a tacit rule of everyone. For something out of the ordinary, the status of a scholar is proper.

   Zhu Ping\'an was also a little surprised by the case of the government. He was much happier than winning the first place in the previous table. First of all, this government examination can be said to be obtained by relying on my own real level, and I don’t need to copy the Qing Dynasty champion paper in my mind; secondly, although the government examination is just a qualification examination for the basic examination in the imperial examination, it is still difficult. Although other students and scholars have despised themselves several times, it is undeniable that their attainments in stereotyped four books and five classics are still very high.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an was not overwhelmed by joy, and it was a bit of luck to be the chief of the case this time. For example, the 15-percent question in the table judgment, for example, I met an old man fishing by chance, and got a qualitative leap in calligraphy by chance. Maybe the marking officer happened to appreciate my writing and so on. In addition, this is just a prefectural exam, a competition among students from a prefecture, and there is also a college exam. Even if you pass the college exam, it is just a qualification exam for the imperial examination. In the future, there will be township exams, general exams, and so on.

  The long march of thousands of miles, this is just a trivial first step.

  Zhu Ping\'an got the head of the case in the government. What surprised him most was not only the uncle and others, but also Xia Luoming in Tongcheng, Feng Shanshui in Susong and other county heads.

  The only one who was not surprised was Taihu King. After reading the list, his expression remained the same, as if the first, second and third had nothing to do with him.

But Tongcheng Xia Luoming, Su Songfeng Shanshui and others are not like this. They have been trying their best to fight for the first place, just like a group of lions. In the blink of an eye, Nima, a greedy fat pig is screaming and has reached the end of its fun.

   It feels like a punch to the cotton.

   "Ahem, Brother Zhu Xian, congratulations." Su Songfeng Shanshui could barely maintain his demeanor.

   Tongcheng Xia Luoming and the others were filled with righteous indignation, they just cupped their hands and left.

   "Hey, are you the case?" Uncle Zhu Shouren couldn\'t believe it, and stretched out his hand to pinch Zhu Ping\'an.



  Zhu Pingan grinned at the sudden pinch of his uncle.

   Seeing Zhu Pingan\'s grinning face, the uncle believed that he was not dreaming. His thirteen-year-old nephew, in the first boy\'s exam, not only passed the boy student, but also ranked first.

  So, it was hit hard.

   "Young people are awesome"

  The other two villagers also sighed, and helped the uncle to leave. The route was the old restaurant again, and it seemed that they would not return all night.

   There is no one to celebrate, so I can only celebrate myself, well, maybe it really can only be myself.

   On the way back to the inn, Zhu Pingan bought some wine and meat to eat, and brought them back to the inn.

  Pushing away the inn, the wine and meat in my hands are still there. Looking around, the room is cleaned and my bedding has been folded. Only the faint scent of the witch is left in the room.

   "Well, it really left."

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t seem to be surprised at the departure of the witch, and calmly put the food on the table. In fact, Zhu Ping\'an had known about the departure of the witch for a long time, but he didn\'t know when she left.

  It’s only early spring, but there are cuckoo calls at night. This is a bird that only occurs in late spring and early summer. I don’t know that I came out of the mountain village.

   It\'s better to go back

   It\'s better to go back

   It’s just a signal for the accomplices to call the demon girl back to the team. Otherwise, why the demon woman tossed and turned. In fact, I hesitated several times when buying food because of this. I don’t know when the demon woman will leave, and I am worried that I will not be able to eat too much.

  When Zhu Pingan put the food on the table, he found a piece of letter paper and a silver note of fifty taels under the wine jar at the corner of the table.

  This vixen is also interesting, Zhu Ping\'an raised the corners of his mouth.

  (end of this chapter)