Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1066: deceit

Chapter 1066 The reason for deceiving the sky

   Bullying? !

  I am still Qitian, the great sage Qitian.

  Zhu Pingan coughed, bowed his hands to the old man next door, and replied innocently and helplessly, "Ahem, old man, you are always joking. The boy is weak, but he can\'t bear the name of bullying."

   "Can\'t bear it?!"

  The old man next door became excited again after hearing what Zhu Pingan said, and grabbed the fence and blew his beard and stared at Zhu Pingan, "Why, boy, you still don\'t admit that you did it?!"

   "Dare to ask the boss, what have I done, boy?!"

   Zhu Pingan felt helpless and wronged after hearing what his old neighbor said. Although he could not be called a capable official, he could not be related to the treacherous minister who "deceived the sky".

   "What did you do?!"

  The old man heard the words, blowing his beard and staring again, and slapped the fence emotionally.

   "Take it easy, don\'t get hurt again." Seeing this, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help worrying about the grumpy old man.

   "Hmph. Lian Po is old enough to be able to eat, and the old man is also healthy and strong."

  The old man snorted stubbornly, his mouth stiffened, but his palm was behind his back, and he shook it lightly.

   "You look old and strong when you look old."

  Zhu Pingan played the traditional virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young, and gave a compliment with a smile, not like a stubborn old man. It is not easy for the old man to be imprisoned in this extremely poor prison cell at such an advanced age.

   "If you want a compliment, open your mouth and come. You really are a sycophant."

  After listening to Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, the old man not only did not ease his emotions, but even blew on his beard, which made him more energetic.


  This old man has a deep prejudice against himself.

Hearing the old man\'s personal attack, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, looked at the old man helplessly, and cupped his hands, "Boy is stupid, I really don\'t know what I did wrong, please forgive me Teach me."

   "I don\'t know what I did wrong?" Hearing this, the old man lost his temper and slapped the fence emotionally again.

   "I would like to ask the boss to enlighten me, and the boy will listen carefully." Zhu Pingan bowed and said solemnly, "If the boy is really wrong, he will never evade responsibility."

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s attitude made the old man a little satisfied. He snorted in a nasal voice and nodded, "Okay, I will tell you that I understand."

"Last month, there was an eclipse on the sun. This is a vision from heaven to show the Son of Heaven. Why?! The Son of Heaven did something wrong, so that he sensed the sky, and God revealed the vision of the solar eclipse to warn and condemn the Son of Heaven. At this time, the ritual of rescue should be performed routinely. The emperor should fast, deprive food, abolish music, and retreat from the main hall. Rescue, it\'s a matter of course." The stubborn old man was spitting, and couldn\'t help getting excited, "But what about you?! You\'re a sycophant, you don\'t even care about the duty of a courtier, so you know Flattery, what? Your Majesty treats the heavens with fathers, the sun with brothers, governs with diligence, loves the herdsmen, cultivates internal affairs, strengthens the country and enriches the people, and benefits the world. Therefore, the yin retreats and all phenomena shine. With the sun It’s crystal clear, the atmosphere is bright, the eclipse is on top of your head, it’s so big, you can’t see it?! What are you talking about with your eyes open and talking nonsense, who are you kidding, bullying God?!"


   It turned out to be this matter.

  Zhu Ping\'an scratched his head in a sudden realization. At this moment, he finally understood why the old neighbor would be bearded and stare when he heard his name, and backhandedly labeled himself a "bully".

  Insight determines altitude.

  Zhu Ping\'an can also understand the feelings of the old neighbor.

  In the feudal and superstitious Ming Dynasty, the ancients did not understand the scientific explanation of solar eclipses, and believed that solar eclipses heralded "bad omens", and explained solar eclipses with "the unity of man and nature". The emperor is the son of heaven—the eldest son of the heaven, and heaven is the father of the emperor. He will warn and warn his eldest son through the phenomena on the surface of the sun, such as you are stupid, what have you done wrong, what have you recently done? Be careful about the danger, etc... As a subject, you have the duty to help the king correct mistakes and avoid danger, and you must rescue the solar eclipse.

  The old neighbor has this kind of insight, and the height of knowledge is naturally limited by this insight.

  As a result, a solar eclipse happened, and I wrote a memorial to myself, "It\'s the same as not having an eclipse, and the minister is very happy." Naturally, it could not be accepted by the old neighbors.

  Based on the standards of the old neighbor\'s knowledge, I am definitely a small treacherous minister, no, a big treacherous minister.

  How to explain this to him? Popularize natural science for him? Come on, sir, please sit down, I will popularize natural science for you, the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse are both examples of light propagating in a straight line in the same homogeneous medium, when the moon, yes, is above our heads The moon, when it moves between the sun and the earth, what, how does it move, if the three are in a straight line, the moon will block the light from the sun to the earth, so that the shadow behind the moon just falls on the earth On, a solar eclipse occurs.

   Pull it down, I don\'t want to go to the gallows and burn the stake! Natural science is contrary to the common sense of the ancients, and it is heresy in their eyes! The treatment is not much different from that of witchcraft and cults. According to the standard, they are all going to the gallows.

However, I have to explain, otherwise I won\'t be able to take off the hat of a bully and treacherous official; and this old man is still in prison at such a young age, seeing his anger value soaring straight up, It\'s too dangerous; in addition, I guess I may have to stay in this prison for a while, and the relationship with the neighbors must be improved. The conditions in the prison are so difficult. Cursing, wouldn\'t it be even more difficult to spend time in prison.

   "Ahem, my lord, the memorabilia you just mentioned is indeed from me, but there is a reason for it, please listen to my explanation." Zhu Pingan coughed, and raised his hand to the neighbor\'s elder.

   "Hmph, then let me hear how you turned black and white."

  The stubborn old man snorted, stroked his messy beard and nodded, then found a dry place, rubbed some hay with his feet, and sat down, looking like a melon-eating crowd.

  Listen to me how to reverse black and white? !

  Before I explained it myself, the old man had already defined himself. And this tone...why does it feel like you\'re bored in prison, listening to yourself sophistry, relieve boredom, and pass the time? !

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at the melon-eating old man with a speechless face.

   "What are you doing in a daze, start your inversion of black and white." The old man sitting on the ground urged.

  (end of this chapter)