Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1062: Zhu Pingan, something happened to you

Chapter 1062 Zhu Pingan, something happened to you

"Grandpa, you\'d better run. We\'ll help you stop people." Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, said nervously, her calf was trembling and she could hardly stand still, like a frightened and shivering duck in a storm. Yes, but he still stood firmly in front of Zhu Ping\'an, as if he wanted to use his arms as a cart.

   "Run?! Hehe, Zhu Pingan, where do you want to run!"

   Baozi’s little maid, Hua’er, had just finished speaking when she heard the sound of crackling footsteps coming from the door, as well as a presumptuous sarcasm.

Then, I saw more than 20 Jinyiwei guards wearing embroidered spring knives rushing into the courtyard from the door. After rushing in, they scattered in a semicircle like vicious dogs, and surrounded Zhu Pingan and others. surrounded.

   "Hehe, Zhu Ping\'an, where do you want to run?!"

A brocade guard wearing a black gauze hat, a red flying fish-pattern uniform, a pitch-black cloak, a rhinoceros belt around his waist, and an embroidered spring knife in his hand, walked in from the door with a sneer, his face full of thick Sarcasm, half-closed eyes are as sinister and vicious as a poisonous bee, and the voice is hoarse and ugly like a jackal.

  Behind him was a group of Jinyi guards, and at the end of the team were four Jinyi guards who were dragging Liu Dadao and Liu Dahui who were tied up.

   At the end, there were seven or eight guards in brocade clothes, who seemed to be seriously injured. They supported each other and limped behind.

  Liu Dadao and Liu Dahammer were unwilling to be tied up, and struggled so hard that the four Jinyi guards in charge of custody had difficulty controlling the two of them.

   "Damn you, be honest with me!"

Seeing that the two were struggling fiercely, two Jin Yiwei came over and cursed, lifted the Xiuchun knife in their hands, and slammed the hilt of the knife on the faces of the two, and immediately smashed the two of them with a muffled grunt. Nose splatter.


  Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui spat heavily the **** phlegm that was thrown out of their mouths on the face of Jin Yiwei who hit them.

   "Your mother!"

  Jin Yiwei was so angry that he kicked Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui in the stomach, causing them to stagger.

   "Grandson, this strength is not enough to tickle grandpa." Liu Dadao opened his blood-stained teeth and smiled grimly.

   "That\'s right, grandson, haven\'t you eaten yet? Listen to grandpa and give it another kick." Liu Dachui also smiled.

   "Looking for death!"

Jin Yiwei was furious, he clenched his veined fists tightly, and used all his strength to hit the two people\'s stomachs, and hammered three old punches in succession, each punch made a sound like a drum beating, smashing the two people like shrimp Same stoop.

   "Ahem, my grandson\'s strength has improved. Grandpa, I am very pleased."

  Liu Dadao was seriously injured, and it took him two seconds to straighten up with difficulty, smiling and baring his blood-stained teeth.

   "Ahem, me too." Liu Dachui straightened up with the same difficulty, grinning.

   "Looking for death!" Jin Yiwei, who imprisoned the two of them, was about to explode with anger, and was about to teach them a lesson again.

   "Master Qianhu has already entered, what are you still delaying!" A Jinyiwei stall came over and reprimanded them.

   "Get in!"

  After being reprimanded, Jin Yiwei put out the idea of ​​teaching them a lesson again, glared at Liu Dadao and Liu Dahammer, and dragged them into the courtyard with brute force.

   In the courtyard.

  Big Red Flying Fish suit Jin Yiwei\'s sentence "Hehe, Zhu Ping\'an, where do you want to run?!", just finished speaking.

   "I, Zhu Pingan, walked straight and walked upright, why did I run?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, calm in the face of danger, calm and calm.

   "Walk straight, walk right? Ha ha."

  Big Red Flying Fish Clothes Jin Yiwei twitched the corners of his mouth and repeated it, revealing a sneer. Originally, his voice was as hoarse as a jackal, but such malicious ridicule was even more harsh.

   Hehe, Nima!

  Zhu Ping\'an could sense the malice from Dahong Feiyu suit Jinyiwei the first time he entered the door.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, something happened to you."

  After the laughter fell, the big red flying fish suit Jin Yiwei squinted his eyes like poisonous bees, pointed at Zhu Pingan, grinned, and said eloquently.

   At this time, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were dragged into the courtyard by Jin Yiwei. The bloodstains on their bodies made the girls in the courtyard scream.

   "Young master, young lady, we are incompetent and failed to stop these dogs."

   After Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were dragged into the courtyard, they said to Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu with apologetic expressions.

   "No, you have done a good job." Zhu Pingan said sincerely.

   Jin Yiwei came to the door, and no one in Linhuaihou\'s mansion dared to stop him, so you were not afraid of Jin Yiwei, stepped forward and tried your best to stop him. Facing so many elite Jin Yiwei, the two of you can still injure seven or eight of them, which is enough to be proud of.

   "Are you seriously injured?" Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help asking concerned when he saw the blood on the two of them.

   "Don\'t worry, my lord, it\'s just a superficial injury. Hehe, besides, the blood isn\'t just ours." Liu Dadao shook his head and replied with a smile.

   "Young master, we are fine, but it\'s a pity that we failed to stop these idiots." Liu Dachui shook his head and replied with some regret, "If these idiots hadn\'t used nets, they might not have been able to take us down."

"Tui\'er, go to the cashier to pay two hundred taels of silver, and then go to the storeroom to get two wild ginseng and two bottles of high-quality golden sore medicine." Li Shu has always been generous, especially seeing Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui loyally protecting the Lord. , High skill, and generous rewards, she turned her head and told Tweety to go to the accounting room and storeroom to withdraw silver taels and healing medicinal materials.

   "Young Madam, no need."

  Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui shook their heads again and again, and hastily refused.


   Nima, no one cares about me! Do you still pay attention to me, a thousand households! The big red flying fish suit Jin Yiwei in the arena was furious.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, let me tell you, something happened to you!"

  Big Red Flying Fish Clothes Jin Yiwei gritted his teeth and repeated it again.

   "Oh, what happened?" Zhu Pingan asked calmly, with only curiosity on his face, but no fear.

"Zhu Ping\'an, you helped Yang Jisheng revise the memorandum, conspired to frame Mr. Yan Ge, misrepresented the prince\'s decree, and criticized the Holy Majesty. This morning, you were exposed and reported by the official Zhou Fangzheng Zhou. The Holy Majesty treats you with great kindness, Elder Yan Ge has treated you with deep kindness, but you have failed the emperor so much, and you will take revenge on Elder Yan Ge for your kindness. Your Majesty is furious, and Elder Ge is very disappointed in you. This thousand households have ordered you to be arrested and brought to justice."

  Big Red Flying Fish Clothes Jin Yiwei grinned like a jackal, explaining why he came with a half-smile.

  Who is Zhou Fangzheng? !

  Zhu Ping\'an was stunned, frowning in confusion, how did he know that he helped Yang Jisheng revise the impeachment memorial? !

   "Hehe, man is not as good as God, Zhu Pingan, you don\'t know, that day when you went to Yang Ni\'s mansion to conspire with Yang Ni, Mr. Zhou was in Yang Ni\'s bedroom." The big red flying fish suit Jinyi Wei grinned.

What? !

   On that day, Zhou Fangzheng was in Brother Yang\'s bedroom? !

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words, his mind turned quickly, and then he thought of the sound of a cup being knocked over and a vague exclamation in the bedroom when he suggested that Brother Yang delete "or ask the second king"

  Brother Yang said at the time that it was his son Yang Yingji, but thinking about it now, the person who knocked over the cup that day should be Zhou Fangzheng.

   "Or ask the two kings" is the fatal flaw in Brother Yang\'s memoir, and it is the key to the failure of Brother Yang\'s impeachment. He was afraid that Senior Brother Yang would follow his advice and delete this fatal flaw, so he accidentally knocked over the cup.

  The person who betrayed Senior Brother Yang must also be this person.

   It is estimated that when he came out of Senior Brother Yang\'s house on the front foot, he could not wait to betray Senior Brother Yang to Yan Song on the back foot.

  (end of this chapter)