Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1021: I, Yang Jisheng, have the guts

Chapter 1021 I, Yang Jisheng, have the guts

  Jinyiwei Prison is located in Fusi, the subordinate Beizhen.

  Beizhen Fusi is directly led by Lu Bing, the commander of Jinyiwei, which is also a symbol of the highest power of Jinyiwei. In Daming, when discussing who has the most power in Jinyiwei, it does not depend on who has the highest official rank, but who is in charge of Beizhen Fusi. Whoever is in charge of Beizhen Fusi is the actual controller of Jinyiwei.

  By the time Zhu Ping\'an arrived at Fusi Prison in Beizhen, most of the sunset had already slowly fallen below the horizon.

Even though Zhu Pingan showed his fifth-rank waist badge, the officer on duty at Fusi Prison in Beizhen, after learning that Zhu Pingan came to visit Yang Jisheng, still obstructed him in every possible way until Zhu Pingan stuffed a small ingot of about five taels After the silver, the prison officer only half-heartedly allowed Zhu Pingan to go in, but even so, he only gave Zhu Pingan a stick of incense to visit.

   This is the first time Zhu Pingan has entered Jinyiwei Prison.

  After entering the imperial prison, Zhu Pingan\'s first feeling was darkness, the second feeling was cold, and the third feeling was terror.

  The Shuntian Mansion Prison that Zhu Ping\'an had been to before, compared with Beizhen Fusi Prison, can be called a paradise.

  Beizhen Fusi Prison can definitely be called hell.

  Because it is built underground, or a semi-underground building, only the main entrance of the prison is built on the ground, and the rest of the main structure is underground, so no sunlight can come in, and black is the main color inside.

  Zhu Pingan entered Jinyiwei Imperial Prison in the afterglow of the setting sun with poor light, but he was still unable to adapt to the darkness of the Imperial Prison.

   Then, bursts of penetrating cold came from the ground, and Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help shivering.

  As soon as you enter the main entrance of the prison, there is a downward step, which is very long and extends to the ground. Zhu Ping\'an walked down the steps under the guidance of the jailer. Zhu Ping\'an counted and found that there were sixty-eight steps in total.

   After walking to the end of the steps, Zhu Ping\'an truly entered Beizhen Fusi Prison.

   Look through the eerie passage.

  This is a huge and complicated underground world, twisting and twisting, like a beehive, with torture chambers and prison cells distributed in it. There are no windows in the imperial prison, and there is no trace of natural light. The light is only from weak candles and oil lamps. The walls are made of bluestone bricks, which are very thick and covered with damp moss.

  Walking down the passage, you can hear shrill screams from time to time, and the penetrating sound of the torture equipment. Every sound is more eerie than the world\'s scariest horror movie soundtrack, and it\'s piercing and piercing.

   "Ah, I recruit, I recruit."

"Master Zhao, don\'t be in a hurry to make a confession, wait until I show you all this set of cuties, and it won\'t be too late for you to make a confession. These are all my painstaking efforts. Come on, come on, this time Let\'s try this \'Xiao Lingchi\'. What is Xiao Lingchi? It is a partial Lingchi that is different from \'Lingchi\'. For example, fingers, hehe, Mr. Zhao may as well guess first, I can cut your little finger How many knives. Let me tell you secretly, the highest record of my master and his old man is 158 knives cut off a little finger, you always guess me?"

   "I beg, I beg, please, stop."

"Master Zhao, look at you, you are not good again. Didn\'t you just say that we are not in a hurry to recruit. Anyone who enters our Fusi Prison in Beizhen will not refuse to recruit. Why are we so anxious. Be good, Master Zhao, guess, guess how many knives I can sharpen?"

  Passing through a torture room on the way, the conversation above, mixed with the piercing screams, came to Zhu Ping\'an\'s ears, making Zhu Ping\'an feel uncomfortable all over. Through the unclosed door of the punishment room, Zhu Pingan saw the disheveled, ragged, shapeless prisoner being executed by an elegant jailer.

"Zhang Tu, you **** shut the door tightly." The jailer who led Zhu Pingan forward seemed to be familiar with the elegant jailer who was executing the execution inside. He probed and cursed in a greeting, and closed the door of the torture room tightly. .


  The sound inside was completely isolated.

  Zhang Tu?

   I don\'t know if this is a nickname or real name? Zhu Pingan thought casually in his heart.

   "Hehe, Master Zhu, this way please."

  After finishing all these things with ease, the jailer who led the way continued to lead Zhu Pingan forward.

After turning two corners and looking at dozens of cells, the jailer who led the way stopped, pointed to the narrow passage in front of him and said to Zhu Pingan, "Master Zhu, go in along this road. That prison cell is Yang Jisheng\'s room. The time for a stick of incense can only be less, not more, or I will not be able to handle it."

   "Thank you, Mr. Li." Zhu Ping\'an nodded, and handed a broken piece of silver to the jailer.

   Hades is easy, but little ghosts are hard to deal with. Zhu Ping\'an was well aware of this truth, and after coaxing these prison guards, it would be easier for him to come to the prison to visit Senior Brother Yang in the future. In addition, Senior Brother Yang would suffer relatively less torture here.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhu, you\'re being polite. It\'s almost time, I\'ll call you again." The jailer flipped his palm skillfully, and shook the broken silver into his sleeve. Feeling the weight in the sleeve, the jailer smiled like It\'s like a flower.

  Zhu Pingan smiled and bowed to the jailer, then turned and walked towards the passage.


  Anyone else in there?

  As soon as he walked in, he heard the voice of Senior Brother Yang talking with another person from inside.

"Brother Yang, your body has been severely injured. I am afraid that you will suffer from the court rod in the court trial tomorrow. I am worried that your body will not be able to hold on. You should save this pair of snake gallbladder before the court trial tomorrow. You can fight again after the court trial." The court rod can reduce suffering. This pot of wine, Brother Yang, you keep it, and tomorrow you will eat snake gall."

  A man\'s voice came from inside.

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Wang, for your kindness. If you keep the wine, you don\'t need to keep the snake gall. I, Yang Jisheng, have nothing else, but this gall is absolutely indispensable. I, Yang Jisheng, have the courage, so how can I use the snake gall. "

  As soon as the man in front finished speaking, Yang Jisheng\'s hearty voice came from inside.

   This is a classic node of history.

  Brother Wang, snake courage, I, Yang Jisheng, have the courage. Zhu Pingan listened to the above conversation and knew in his heart that he had once again witnessed history.

   "Brother Yang, you."

  The man surnamed Wang wanted to say more, but he stopped abruptly when he heard footsteps coming from the aisle.

  Yang Jisheng\'s voice also stopped.

   "Brother Yang, it\'s me, Zhu Pingan." Zhu Pingan explained, walking over without stopping, first saluted Yang Jisheng in the cell, and then saluted the man surnamed Wang who was visiting the prison next to him.

"Zi Hou, why are you here?" Yang Jisheng was very surprised. He was moved at first, and then worried that Zhu Ping\'an would be implicated by him, so he shook his head stubbornly, "This is a place of right and wrong, you should go back quickly. Don\'t come here again. I\'m fine, there\'s food and drink here, it\'s fine."

  (end of this chapter)