Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1019: safe education

Chapter 1019 Safe to be taught

  "Ah! Poor! Exasperating! Sad! Sigh! Anger and gloom, my chest is about to explode!"

  Yin Shidan waved a piece of residence newspaper angrily, walked into Yu Wang\'s study from the outside, sat down on the chair, and sighed.

  At this moment, King Yu is not here, and King Yu has gone back to the backyard to deal with the inner house. Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, and Zhu Ping\'an, members of King Yu\'s small cabinet, were all in the study. In order to concentrate on coping with this crisis, they will work in Yuwang Study from today.

"What\'s the matter, Zhengfu? But Yang Zhongfang\'s participation in the impeachment of Yan Song, there is a result?" Chen Yiqin hurriedly leaned forward from the seat and asked, but seeing Yin Shidan\'s angry appearance, Chen Yiqin already had a bad feeling in his heart .

Yin Shidan nodded, passed the mansion report to Chen Yiqin, and then sighed, "The mansion report has not been officially issued, but I got it from Xiyuan through His Highness\'s relationship. Hey, I heard from the servant that Yan Song was After being summoned to Xiyuan, the Holy Majesty knelt down on the spot and slandered Yang Jisheng that he "colluded with the two kings privately, separated the relationship between the emperor\'s father and son, and had ulterior motives!" The Holy Majesty was furious when he heard the words, and the imperial criticism was the same as the records in the residence newspaper. "Because Yang Jisheng was angry with the exiled officials, he picked up false rumors and played them wantonly. And the two kings were quoted as words in the book, what is the result? Order Jin Yiwei to arrest the governor of the governor and torture him!" Xiyuan dispatched Zhongguan to prison, and Yan Maoqing over there was also sentenced on the spot, and Yang Jisheng was beaten 40 times on the spot, and Yang Jisheng was beaten to pieces on the spot, and suffered serious injuries."

   "Hey" Gao Gong couldn\'t help heaving a long sigh when he heard the words.

  Zhu Ping\'an closed his eyes for a long time feeling sad, thinking of the scene of Yang Jisheng being executed, the corners of his eyes couldn\'t help getting wet. Even if you hit the imperial staff continuously, you won\'t be able to bend Daming\'s spine, but it hurts people\'s hearts.

   "It turned out to be like this, I didn\'t expect it, I really didn\'t expect it." Chen Yiqin sighed weakly after reading the newspaper.

The mansion newspaper simply recorded Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment of Yan Song, and the emperor criticized, "Yang Jisheng was angry because of the resignation of the official, picked up false rumors, and played wantonly. And the two kings were quoted as words in this book. What is the result? Order Jinyiwei to arrest the governor and torture !”. As for the specific process in the middle, such as Yan Songjin slander, etc., there are no records.

  However, with Yin Shidan\'s supplement, Chen Yiqin felt even more touched when he read the Dibao again, and he sighed endlessly.

   "Yes, I really didn\'t expect His Majesty to criticize like this." Yin Shidan also couldn\'t help shaking his head and sighing.

  At this time, King Yu is not in the study room, and the study room of King Yu Mansion is absolutely secret, so there is no need to worry about the ears of the partition wall. They can express their hearts directly without hiding their truest thoughts.

"Hey, Yang Zhongfang\'s motivation for impeaching Yan Song was actually characterized as \'because the relegated official was angry, picked up false rumors, and played wantonly\'. This is unreasonable. Yang Zhongfang was relegated. He was relegated because of the impeachment of General Qiu Luan. Now, Yang Zhongfang has returned to the center, and has moved his official position four times within a year. Now his official rank has already surpassed all Jinshi in the same class, and Yang Zhongfang is currently a member of the military selection department of the Ministry of War. This is such a good job that many people can\'t grab it. Now that Yang Zhongfang is proud of his spring breeze, how can he be worried about the exiled official the year before last, and even harbor anger, pick up false rumors, and play wantonly? This is completely It\'s counterintuitive." Chen Yiqin sighed, and clicked on the Imperial Criticism from the Mansion Newspaper, with mixed sighs.

"It\'s more than unreasonable, it\'s far-fetched." Yin Shidan\'s words were sharper, "Yang Jisheng said in the memorial that he may ask the two kings. It’s just supporting evidence. Unexpectedly, Yang Jisheng was sent to prison and tortured for this sentence!”

"Unreasonable? As long as someone is good at figuring out the holy meaning and misleading the Holy Majesty, so what if it is unreasonable." Gao Gong sneered, his words were sharper than Yin Shidan\'s, "The Holy Majesty believes in the \'two dragons will not meet\' invented by Taoist priests. The two princes do not communicate with each other, let alone establish a prince. However, if the court does not have a prince for a day, the foundation will be unstable for a day. It’s surging. The two kings have become a taboo for the Holy One, and if someone with a heart binds Yang Jisheng’s memorabilia with the two kings in front of the Holy One, it will undoubtedly mislead the angry Holy One.”

   "I would have given my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, how wronged Senior Brother Yang is."

  Zhu Ping\'an saw that everyone was angry, so he couldn\'t hold back his true thoughts, and heaved a long sigh.

   "Wronged? Yang Jisheng is wronged, but not wronged." Yin Shidan shook his head and sighed with emotion.

   "Brother Zhengfu, why did you say that?"

  Zhu Ping\'an felt a little dissatisfied. Brother Yang Jisheng was loyal to the country, but he suffered such an indiscriminate disaster. How could he not be wronged?

"Zi Hou, Yang Jisheng is loyal to the country and the sage, but he suffered this calamity. It is wronged, but his skills are not as good as others, so how can he be wronged. In fact, I am ashamed to say that when I first read Yang Jisheng\'s memorabilia, I didn\'t notice it\' Or ask the second king\' this insignificant sentence was only reminded by brothers Suqing and Yifu that I noticed this hidden danger. Now, I never thought that Yang Jisheng would fall on this sentence. Speaking of it, it is still technical Not as good as human beings, lack of experience. After this incident, you, me, and us all will have a long memory." Yin Shidan looked up at Zhu Ping\'an, smiled wryly, and said slowly.

  The skills are not as good as others, and the experience is insufficient.

All right.

   Weakness is the original sin!

  From the perspective of evolution, why not. Isn\'t it true that modern China is in the body, but it is still unavoidable to be ravaged by the powers from all walks of life. Weakness is the original sin! If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

At this moment, the seed of desire for power in Zhu Ping\'an\'s heart was once again stimulated by Yin Shidan\'s words, "boom" and "boom" beating like a magic tire, like a thunderstorm, and then this seed of desire for power was like a draw. Just like having enough nutrition, it changed from dry to full, and then a thick radicle pierced the seed coat, pierced into the blood, and then the germ grew vigorously like a hand covering the sky, covering the skin in an instant In the heart, along the vigorous extension of the blood vessels.

   Be powerful!

   No right to move an inch! There are always thousands of gullies in the chest, but if you don\'t have power in your hands, you can only rot between a few feet of thin boards; , when you want to do something practical for this dynasty and the people, you will be trampled on like grass for no reason.

  Senior Brother Yang is a lesson from the past.

  Zhu Ping\'an took a deep breath, bowed his hands to Yin Shidan, and said seriously: "Brother Zhengfu, play deaf, and be taught safely."

  Yin Shidan was stunned. He didn\'t know why Zhu Pingan thanked him so formally. He didn\'t know what he said just now.

  (end of this chapter)