Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1003: laughing

Chapter 1003 Laughing Yang

  Knowing the news that Yang Jisheng left no room for impeachment with his life, both Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song were greatly overshadowed, and the atmosphere in the study became depressed.


   Just when the atmosphere was getting more and more oppressive, there was a burst of uncontrollable laughter in the study.

  In the oppressive atmosphere of the study, this laughter seemed to stand out from the crowd, and immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

   Then, a grinning one-eyed big fat man—Yan Shifan appeared in the eyes of everyone.

   "East Building?" Yan Song turned his head to look at Yan Shifan, frowning slightly.

   "Hehe, Dad, I was laughing at Yang Jisheng..." Yan Shifan grinned indifferently and replied.

   "Huh?" Yan Song was puzzled.

   "Father, if other people impeach you old man, I will be nervous, but this Yang Jisheng, I just find it funny." Yan Shifan said with a smile on his face, and he was very disdainful when talking about Yang Jisheng.

   "What\'s wrong with Yang Jisheng?" Yan Song frowned again.

  Zhao Wenhua and Zhou Fangzheng also looked at Yan Shifan, not understanding why Yang Jisheng\'s death and impeachment would be ridiculous.

"Father, someone else\'s death can at least splatter your old blood. Yang Jisheng\'s death is a joke. I guess you can\'t even see him. He has already smashed into the south wall at the fork. I can\'t get it off anymore." Yan Shifan replied with a smile.

   "Why do you say that?" Yan Song was puzzled.

   "That\'s right, brother Donglou, I\'m a little confused about what you\'re saying." Zhao Wenhua couldn\'t help asking.

"Hehe, Yang Jisheng is an idiot. He is the most self-righteous idiot I have ever seen, heard, and ever! Yang Jisheng claims to be a loyal minister, but in my opinion, he is actually a patriotic thief!" Yan Shifan Grinning and shaking his head, he commented on Yang Jisheng with a sneer, showing extreme disdain and contempt for Yang Jisheng.

   "Huh? A patriotic thief?" Zhao Wenhua was stunned when he heard this.

Even Zhou Fangzheng, who betrayed Yang Jisheng, was stunned. Yan Shifan said that Yang Jisheng was stupid, and Zhou Fangzheng could understand it. He thought so too. Qian Cheng, impeaching Yan Song, knowing that it can\'t be done, isn\'t it stupid? ! But Zhou Fangzheng couldn\'t understand Yang Jisheng\'s patriotic traitor. To be honest, Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment of Yan Song was out of patriotism and patriotism. Woolen cloth?

"This Yang Jisheng, I have followed him for a while, hehe, I came to such a conclusion." Yan Shifan laughed, "In fact, there are many such patriotic thieves in history. I have summed up a standard of patriotic thieves, which is simple. It is said that "when I was young, I was excellent in character and learning, and when I was young, I studied hard and practiced hard. I was upright and upright by nature, and I said that I was patriotic in words and deeds. In fact, it was a disaster for the country and the people, and the death was miserable." "

"Zhao Kuo during the Warring States Period was one of them. Do you think Zhao Kuo was patriotic? He loved it to the core. He was besieged by the Qin army and was in a desperate situation. He still cherished Zhao Guo and would rather die than surrender. Zhao Guo died on the battlefield and was shrouded in horse leather, but in the end, his patriotism brought Zhao Guo\'s more than 400,000 Zhao troops to annihilation, and they were killed by Bai Qi. The capital Handan was besieged by the Qin army for a year, and the country was almost destroyed! So Zhao Including, tens of millions of national thieves can\'t do it, what is it if you are not a patriotic thief?!"

Yan Shifan flicked a finger, and said eloquently, after mentioning Zhao Kuo\'s example, Yan Shifan flicked another finger, and continued, "Speaking closer, Ma Zhi in the Northern Song Dynasty, also known as Zhao Liangsi, counts as one. Hehe, this guy is also a typical patriotic thief. Ma Zhizhe, a native of Yan at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a member of the Liao family and a resident of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun in my great Han Dynasty. At that time, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun were occupied by Liao In the Song Dynasty, Ma Zhi was in the heart of the enemy country, and he cherished his homeland, the Northern Song Dynasty day and night. It is to cultivate the Jurchen tribe, which has been oppressed by the Khitan nobles, and started the absurd policy of uniting the Jin and destroying the Liao. Hehe, if you don’t face up to your own strength, you need to have a strong backing for long-distance and short-range attacks. Such an absurd plan was regarded by the political situation of the Northern Song Dynasty as the right of Longzhong in the contemporary world, adding officials to Ma Zhi. During the Xuanhe period, Ma Zhi went to the Jin Dynasty seven times to make an agreement with Aguda to attack the Liao Dynasty, which led to the alliance of the Jin Dynasty and the elimination of the Liao Dynasty. Liao\'s absurd national policy. Hehe, the result of his patriotism. As soon as the Liao Kingdom fell, the Jin Kingdom began to attack the Northern Song Dynasty. Only a few months after the Liao Kingdom fell, the Jin Kingdom tore up the alliance and invaded the Song Dynasty in the south. The Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed. Ma Zhi, the idiot who initiated the alliance with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty, was naturally executed by the Northern Song Dynasty after the Jin Dynasty invaded the Song Dynasty."

  After Yan Shifan cited these two examples, Zhao Wenhua nodded slightly, but then asked suspiciously, "Brother Donglou, we all know the two patriotic thieves you mentioned, but Yang Jisheng"

"Hehe, but when it comes to patriotic thieves, our Yang Jisheng will not give in at all. To give two examples, the first one is Yang Jisheng\'s famous work, the memorial to the impeachment of Qiu Luan\'s "Ten Musts and Five Fallacies". Haha , this memorial by Yang Jisheng, my father, you and Meicun are still deeply impressed."

   Yan Shifan said with a smile.

  Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua nodded slightly. Of course they have an impression of this memorial. It has only been a few years.

   This is what happened the year before last.

  When it comes to this memorial, it is inseparable from the Gengxu Change.

In June of the twenty-ninth year of Jiajing, Ida rebels led tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry to invade the border of Daming, starting from Datong. In August, the Ming army broke through Gubeikou and entered the fortress. Tian then killed Tongzhou, divided his troops to plunder Changping, and the barbarian cavalry went straight to the capital and besieged the city. This is the second time that the capital has been besieged since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

  In order to get rid of the siege, the Holy One adopted Xu Jie\'s advice, agreed to Alda\'s request for tribute, and promised to negotiate tribute after Alta withdrew from Beyond the Great Wall. In fact, Yan Song himself supported this point at the time. Yan Song saw it, and I answered that the traitor didn\'t mean to break through the capital, his goal was to pay tribute. Defeated at the border can be hidden, defeated at the suburbs cannot be hidden, the captives will go away when they are full, but the best policy is to fortify the wall. Xu Jie\'s suggestion was exactly what Yan Song wanted, so Yan Song supported it.

  After receiving the reply from the imperial court, the rebels quickly withdrew their troops and returned to outside the Great Wall, and sent envoys to demand tribute in December. Under Qiu Luan\'s suggestion, the Holy Majesty decided to open the frontier horse market and pay tribute to the rebels.

  At this time, Yang Jisheng, who was a member of the Ministry of War, Wailang, objected.

  (end of this chapter)