Ride and Cut

Chapter 46

He didn\'t have time to think about it, and immediately read out his title: "I\'m Baron Richard, Lord of the mountain castle of Pompeii empire. I work with Miss Anne of VOYA firm to reinforce dwarf friends and resist robbers."

It\'s rare for a whisper to ring between dwarf Tunzi who can\'t break a fart with three sticks.

They were quite good at grasping the key points, although they had never heard of any mountain castle, and they were not clear about the origin of this Baron Richard.

But VOYA firm is definitely an old acquaintance to the dwarves, and it is also one of their few trusted allies. The relationship of sharing stolen goods together is hard enough everywhere.

The voice quickly responded, "please forgive the suspicions of a group of poor people. We want to see Miss Anne."

"Wait a moment," Richard thought. Fortunately, I was resourceful and coaxed the half elf chick.

He returned to his starting point, stretched out an arm to Annie to hold her, and whispered, "the dwarf has to see you once."


Facing the solemn atmosphere of hundreds of people watching silently, not everyone can have his big heart. Annie was so nervous that she faltered. In addition, the rainy world was a little slippery. It was only a few hundred yards. Someone didn\'t hold her for several times and almost fell down.

"Don\'t panic. The mountain shield in my hand is thick enough to hold the crossbow twice."

The Lord\'s tone and expression were sincere. It was OK for him not to speak. As soon as he spoke, Anne suddenly had the impulse to turn around and run.

"I\'m Annie of VOYA firm." Annie summoned up the courage to put her head out and shouted, and immediately retracted to squat behind the shield.

To tell the truth, she began to regret it a little - it was fun to shout slogans to recapture the iron ore, but when she really faced the reality full of danger, the half elf lady with a good background began to miss the comfortable goose feather quilt again.

"Miss Anne, is it really you?" the fake rough voice broke in an instant. It sounded like a half boy who had just changed his voice, commonly known as the male duck voice.

"Are you... Robbie?" Annie and the dwarf are really not familiar with each other. They can recognize the Lord from their voice.

"It\'s me."

Richard just stood there and listened to the two people talking back and forth for several words, thinking that he would not let me in quickly.

"Miss Anne is our friend. Let her and her followers in." Robbie seemed to hear Richard\'s voice and ordered the dwarf soldiers to open the entrance.

What\'s your name "Robbie"? I\'ll change it to "shabby". Lord, you have been demoted several levels for no reason. Cover your heart and don\'t fight at all.

Annie waved to the rear, the Gaoshan Fort guard followed up and fished in along the gap of the wall, and Richard hung a bitter melon face at the end of the team.

Behind the wall is an open space. Two wooden arrow towers stand alone in the middle, and the arrow path of the bed crossbow above points high to the sky.

Later, there are rows of small stone houses. The architectural style is rough, but the horizontal and vertical columns are very standard. The ground is paved with river sand. At a glance, there is a kind of neat beauty of dwarves.

It was late at night, but there were more or less lights in the stone houses.

In addition to dwarf soldiers, there are many women and children running back and forth to rescue the wounded. The wounds hit by bear people are terrible, but they seem to have been used to or numb for a long time.

In the corner of the wall, several dying people were squandering their last vitality, screaming, and the blood was flowing under them with the rain. But everyone knew they were hopeless, just not dead yet.

In this case, all the companions can do is to give them "kindness" - an alias for square edged and pointed vertebral dagger, which can quickly bleed to death and reduce pain.

"The forging God protects you and me." several dwarf soldiers took off their helmets and said hello, tired.

It can be seen that they are happy to meet their friends again, but this can not dilute the gloom over the tribe. To tell you the truth, their situation is a little worse than the Lord expected.

"Miss Anne, I didn\'t expect you to come back at this time." the master of the duck voice came out of the crowd.

In Richard\'s impression, the dwarfs were all bearded, with vicissitudes of facial features, always wearing armor, and always sloppy.

Looking around, the dwarf in the field of vision did basically meet this characteristic, but Robbie completely broke his stereotype.

He was dressed in a clean beige cotton robe, with a bare chin and no beard, and his white and tender face could even be called delicate.

If it were not for the short and stocky figure peculiar to dwarves, the LORD would doubt his blood.

"Where\'s your father?" Anne looked behind Robbie, as if to find someone who didn\'t exist.

"Father, three uncles and two brothers died in the war, and now I\'m the patriarch." Robbie sniffed, tears were about to fall down, and he tried his best to bear it back.

"I\'m sorry, may they rest in peace," Anne continued, "but Robbie, I didn\'t leave all the holy water for you before I left last time. Why didn\'t I take it out at this time?"

Holy water is the product of the Holy Light Church. It is somewhat different from the forged God believed by the dwarves. It has always criticized each other that the other is just the God of its own Lord God.

She thought that the dwarves were unwilling to use holy water for this reason, which was tantamount to murdering their peers.

"Used up, used up long ago." Robbie looked down as if he had done something wrong.

"How could it be so fast? Are you pouring water?" Annie said incredulously.

"It was used up during the day yesterday. Those wild people were like crazy. We had too many casualties to help." he hugged his head, sad and at a loss.

"Thank you for your help anyway." an older soldier patted Anne\'s chest and made up what Robbie should have said. "Those bottles of holy water saved the lives of many of our soldiers."

No one noticed him anyway, Richard smiled silently under the cover of the night. He found that Robbie\'s mouth was open. Since he spoke, the morale of the dwarf soldiers around him has been declining slowly.

The personal charm of the chief officer sometimes plays a decisive role in the morale of his subordinates. Robbie is almost interested.

He is like a child who has not grown up. He looks smart and intelligent, but he is far from strong enough to shoulder a responsibility, which the dwarf soldiers obviously know.

"Robbie, be strong." Annie even bent down and patted him on the head.

As if he had finally found a vent, Robbie could no longer hold back the tears he had tried to endure. He left two wet tracks along his face and gathered them on his chin.

"What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?" he looked up at Richard, and there was a cry in his voice.

The Lord ignored one thing. The night vision ability of the dwarves whose ancestors worked in the dark mine is stronger than that of minerals.