Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7301

When amo said this, his voice was a little low, and it seemed that he was also hoarse, especially touching people's heartstrings.

Light is on the eyes of a Mo, light is listening to his voice, listen to his words, Bai Yuexi heart can't help but tremble.

The heart is beating uncontrollably.

Whether it's a Mo's voice or eyes, it's magical for Bai Yuexi.

She couldn't resist.

Bai Yuexi realizes that amo has too much influence on her.

Sixteen year old amo has grown up. Unconsciously, he is elegant and charming. He is as bright as China.

No matter how well she is determined, it's easy to be infatuated with amo.

Bai Yuexi naturally thought of the madness of those women in Nanyun city at this time.

After amo became famous in the college, plus his exquisite appearance and gorgeous charm, many women in Nanyun city would stand at the gate of Nanyun college when they were free, just to see amo when they could.

When amo goes to the street, he has to dress up, otherwise it is easy to cause road congestion, and many women will throw fruit and some things for him.

Bai Yuexi found that the ancient girls were enthusiastic, which was really enthusiastic.

Looking at the white moonlight daze Leng's appearance, a Mo in the eye skips a faint light, the light in the eye is so deep.

A Mo continues to open mouth to repeat just of words, "young lady, want to know the answer?"

At this moment, Bai Yuexi's eyes seem to be full of emotion towards a Mo, and she suddenly shrinks.

Her heart missed a beat, some flinched, some did not dare.

At this moment, she didn't know, just a little timid.

Because she knew that once she spoke something, it seemed that she would break the paper.

She She didn't know if she would adapt or fight.

She hasn't thought about it yet. She's very confused and flustered now.

Mo looking at Bai Yuexi slightly flustered appearance, his eyes deeper.

AMO's eyes seemed to surge with dark and deep light.

At this time, he firmly grasped Bai Yuexi's hand. Darkness was growing in his heart. There was only one idea in his mind, that is, the lady was his, and he could only be his own.

He wants to possess Bai Yuexi's everything. Yes, he seems gentle and elegant, but in fact his heart is the darkest. He just hides well.

His paranoia is just because of Bai Yuexi.

From the earliest time she was kind to him and saved him, he said that if she provoked him, she could only be his.

At this moment, amo, the momentum of the whole person unfolded, and his whole body seemed to have a sense of hegemony and danger.

Bai Yuexi also seems to feel the dangerous smell of AMO.


When calling a Mo, Bai Yuexi's breath is a little unsteady.

Mo slightly bowed his head, a little bit, the action is very slow.

At this time, Bai Yuexi seems to have forgotten breathing and what to do.

Her eyelashes quiver and she instinctively closes her eyes.

A Mo's lip petals fall gently on Bai Yuexi's forehead.

Then a Mo smiles, and a faint smile rises from the corner of his mouth.

Then, his lips moved slightly and fell to Bai Yuexi's ear.

He said softly and gently: "because I want to be with miss all the time, amo belongs to miss."

A Mo even if in the heart breeds the dark breath, also dare not all of a sudden all the mood divulges.

He is slowly, a little bit with a trial, and then a little bit of disintegration of the white moon's heart.